Your name:
Brock email:
Name of event:
Date and time of the requested takeover:

Your personalized password will be given to you once this form is approved. Access will be given one hour before your scheduled takeover. This password is confidential and only intended for the contract signee. Sharing of this password is prohibited.

· Any posts involving inappropriate behavior, events and activities that go against the Student Code of Conduct (brocku.ca/student-discipline) are prohibited. In the event of this occurring, the student will forfeit access to the Snapchat account effective immediately.

· Breach of account confidentiality and/or abuse of the Brock University account will terminate any future opportunities to do another takeover.

· Further disciplinary action may be taken by the department of Student Affairs and/or Academic Misconduct where deemed appropriate.


The Social Media & Digital Content Developer will monitor all posts and will remove ones that are deemed inappropriate. Please refrain from initiating any direct snaps to students while using Brock University’s Snapchat account.

· The destination of each Snap is for “My Story” only.

· Do not open any Snaps.

· Do not add any friends to the account.

If you agree to the above guidelines, please sign and return this agreement to Cate Basic in MC A205 or email it to as soon as possible.

Name Signature Date

Cate Basic Signature Date