Fabens Middle School

Fabens Middle School

Mr. Juan J. García

Social Studies Teacher

Socorro High School

Classroom Assertive Discipline Plan


Teacher: Mr. Juan J. García Room: 1247

Dear Parent(s) / Guardian(s),

In order to guarantee your child, and all the students in my classroom the excellent learning environment they deserve, Socorro High School is utilizing the following Classroom Assertive Discipline Plan starting today.

Our Philosophy

We believe that all students can behave appropriately in our classrooms. We will not tolerate any student(s) preventing us from teaching and/or preventing any student(s) from learning.

Classroom Rules:

  1. Be ON TIME with your required materials, listen, and follow ALL instructions.
  2. Stay on task, NO disruptive behavior and speak ONLY during designated times.
  3. Respect ALL individuals and their property.
  4. NO personal grooming while in class.
  5. NO electronic devices (cell phones) are allowed during class unless used for educational purpose.
  6. NO eating or drinking during class.

If a student chooses to break a rule…Consequences:

  1. First Offense: Warning - Teacher/Student conference after class.
  2. Second Offense: Documented - Teacher/Student conference and Parent Contact.
  3. Third Offense: Schedule Student/Parent/Teacher Conference.
  4. Fourth Offense: Schedule Student/Parent/Administrator/Teacher conference.
  5. Fifth Offense: Referral sent to administrator with parent contact and conference.

Severe disruptions are NOT TOLERATED! Offenses that require immediate disciplinary action will automatically receive a referral.

Reward Positive Behavior:

  1. Verbal or Written praise.
  2. Contact Parent / Guardian with student praise.
  3. Attendance to academy field trip, extracurricular activity, or school activity.

Nine Week Grading / Progress Reports Policy:

  • Daily Grades (15 Grades Minimum) will total 50% of the nine weeks grade.
  • Exam Grades 30% of the nine weeks grade.
  • Final Nine Weeks Exam 20% of the nine weeks grade.
  • Conduct Grade: S=Satisfactory, N=Needs Improvement, U=Unsatisfactory

“It shall be the student’s responsibility to seek the opportunity to redo an assignment or test for which he/she received a failing grade within five school days upon which he/she received notification of a failing grade.” – SISD 2016-2017 Student Handbook (Page # 13)

It is in your child’s best interest that parents and teachers work together in relation to his/her schooling. We will thus be in close contact with you regarding your child’s progress in our classrooms. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at 937-2125. You may also choose to contact the school at 937-2000 to leave a message with the school receptionist and I will contact you as soon as possible.


Juan J. García, M.A.

Social Studies Teacher

Dual Credit – U.S. History Instructor

National History Day Sponsor

Socorro High School

10150 Alameda Avenue

El Paso, Texas 79927

Room # 4413 / (915) 937-2204


Estimado(s) Padre(s) de familia:

Para asegurar que su hijo/a y todos los alumnos de Socorro High School tengan el ambiente educativo que merecen, se utilizará el siguiente Plan de Diciplina.


Creemos que todos los alumnos se pueden comportar bien en el salón de clase. No se permitirá que ningún alumno interrumpa a los maestros durante la clase, ni a los otros alumnos mientras trátan de aprender.

Reglas de Clase:

  1. Llegar a tiempo con sus materiales requeridos, escuchar, y seguir todas las instrucciones.
  2. Concentrar atención en tarea académica, ningún comportamiento perturbador, y hablar sólo durante las horas designadas.
  3. Respetar los derechos de toda persona y sus bienes.
  4. NO aseo personal, mientras que en clase.
  5. NO dispositivos electrónicos (teléfonos celulares) están permitidos durante la clase y solamente por temas educativos.
  6. NO se permite comer o beber durante la clase.

Si un estudiante decide no seguir una de las reglas, éstas serán las consecuéncias:

Primera consecuéncia: Advertencia - Conferencia de maestro/estudiante después de clase.

Segunda consecuéncia: Documentada - Conferencia de maestro/estudiante y contacto con los padres.

Tercera consecuéncia:Conferencia con el estudiante/padres/ maestro.

Cuarta consecuéncia:Conferencia con el estudiante/padres/director/maestro.

Quinta consecuéncia:El estudiante debe presentarse en la oficina del director, contacto con padres, y


No se tolera ningún descomportamiento serio. En este caso, el estudiante tendrá que presentarse en la oficina del director.

Llegar tarde a clase:

Al sonar la campana se cerrarán las puertas del salón y todo alumno que se encuentre fuera será castigado por la dirección. La segunda vez, aparte del castigo de la dirección, habrá comunicación con los padres / guardianes. A la tercera y subsiguientes veces, el alumno deberá presentarse en la oficina del director.

Teléfono celular:

Uso telefónico durante el tiempo de clase, incluyendo llamadas no autorizadas o texto, será castigado por comunicación con los padres / guardianes la segunda vez y a la tercera y subsiguientes veces, el alumno deberá presentarse en la oficina del director.

Es importante que trabajemos juntos por el bien de su hijo/a. Por lo tanto, los maestros se comunicarán con frecuencia con Usted. Si tiene alguna pregunta, puede comunicarse conmigo al 937-2125. También se puede comunicar a la oficina de la escuela al 937-2000 para dejarme un mensaje con la recepecionista y me comunicaré con usted lo más pronto posible.


Juan J. García, M.A.

Social Studies Teacher

Socorro High School

10150 Alameda Avenue

El Paso, Texas 79927

Clase # 4413 / (915) 937-2204

Dual Credit – U.S. History and Advanced Placement - U.S. History Student Classroom Materials List for 2016 - 2017

  1. Number 2 pencils with erasers. Number 2 pencils are required for bubbling scanners during classroom tests.
  1. Black / Blue pens only! Black pens are required for bubbling scanners during classroom tests.

Only Number 2 pencils, Black pens, and Blue pens are allowed for use on all class work and homework assignments!

  1. Wide ruled or college ruled loose leaf writing paper.
  1. One 2 inch to 3 inch three-ringed binder. Choose one for daily use for class work / homework assignments in an Interactive Study Binder (ISB) / Dialectical Notebook.
  1. One regular set of five dividers with labels.
  1. One regular box set of markers.
  1. One regular box set of color pencils or crayons. Choose one of the two options.
  1. One regular glue bottle or glue stick. Choose one of the two options.
  1. One set of student scissors.
  1. One ruler.
  1. One regular box of Kleenex or Puffs or non-brand facial tissues.


Mr. Juan J. García

Social Studies Teacher

Student’s Full Name: ______, ______

Last First MI

Class: ______Period: ______

This contract/agreement for AP - U.S. History and Dual Credit – U.S. History of Parent and Student Acknowledgment of Rules and Procedures must be returned to Mr. Juan J. García by Wednesday, August 3, 2016 during class for a grade of 100%.

August 4th = 90%

August 5th = 80%

August 8th = 70%

Parents will be contacted August 8th if not returned. This contract/agreement will count as the first daily grade for class.

1. Students will be on time. Be in your seat by the time the tardy bell rings. There will be

no loitering in the hallway during transition time.

2. Lockout procedures will be enforced. After the 2nd and consecutive tardy your parent

/ guardian will be notified. Referral after 4th tardy.

3. Bring all required materials to every class meeting. You can not learn if you are not


4. No student will be allowed to use cell phones (text messaging or for social media)

or any other electronic devices unless used for educational purposes. If used without teacher

approval, you will surrender your device to the teacher and your device will be returned after

parent contact.

5. NO purses, backpacks, or large personal items will be allowed on the desk.

6. No grooming. Grooming products will be surrendered to the teacher and parents will

be contacted. You will pick up your belongings after school.



8. During class discussion there will be no side conversations or any other disruptive

behavior. Everyone is expected to be courteous and respectful while actively participating.




Requirements for Good Standing in this Course:

READ! – There is No Substitute!

Prepare for Class.


Avoid Absences.


Take Notes.


Participate in Class.


Join a Study Group.

READ!! – There is NO Substitute!!

10. We will be viewing film segments (not the entire film) in this class. Film rules: no one

will put their heads down or become disruptive.

11. Tutoring and make - up sessions will be available Monday – Friday after school from

4:02 - 5:00 p.m. If you have any missing assignments by Thursday, you will be

referred to Saturday School.

12. After an excused absence you have two days to turn in assignments without penalty. It is your

responsibility to get the assignments during class or after school.

13. Do not waste your time or mine. Complete your assignments and be productive.

14. Expectations are high in this class to ensure your success on the EOC - US History Exam as

well as to earn a “B” or higher in Advanced Placement – US History or Dual Credit – US


15. Let’s have a successful year!


Student’s Signature / Date Parent/Guardian Signature / Date

( Firma de Estudiante / Fecha ) ( Firma de Padres/Guardiánes / Fecha )


Grade Level

Revised: 7/31/2016


Mr. Juan J. García

Social Studies Teacher