
F451 Part III Review Sheet

Quiz Date:______

I.  Review packet

II.  Review figurative language notes

-simile, metaphor, personification, alliteration, imagery

III.  Questions to consider:

1. Who are the main characters in the novel and what is their significance?

2. Who called in the alarm to Montag’s house?

3. What draws us all to fire, according to Beatty?

4. Who is Montag talking to while Beatty is talking to him, telling Montag that he must burn his own house?

5. How does Montag feel as he torches his house?

6. What was Montag’s mistake that led to his being caught?

7. Why can’t Montag run away from Beatty and the others and simply escape?

8. What does Beatty discover that helps propel Montag toward violence?

9. When Montag points the flame thrower at Beatty, why does Beatty quote Shakespeare to him?

10. What does Montag do to Beatty? How would you characterize the language Bradbury uses in describing the action? How does that language affect the reader’s reaction?

11. What emotions does Montag experience as he gathers the books from his gardens and then tries to escape?

12. What does Montag overhear when he is at the gas station? What is his reaction?

13. Who nearly runs over Montag, and why?

14. What happens at Black’s house?

15. When Montag is on the run, what does he notice about the country? What significance do a “glass of milk, an apple, a pear” have to him?

16. How does Granger help Montag get the Mechanical Hound off his trail?

17. What does Montag have to offer to the group of intellectuals?

18. Why are Granger and his group referred to as pieces of literature instead of by their names? What is this literary device called, and how does it function here?

19. Who is blamed for Montag’s crimes?

20. Montag cries out, “Look!” The next sentence in the narrative is as follows: “And the war began and ended in that instant.” What is meant by this?

21. According to Granger, how is humankind different from the phoenix? How are they alike?

22. What quoted material does Montag remember and save for later, when they arrive in the city?

IV. Review Themes of the novel

conformity , change and transformation, alienation and loneliness , censorship , reliance on technology