F1B/10 (2006) - Risk Assessment Page 1 of 2
Location / Mls / Details of Hazard / Measures to Reduce Risk / RiskH/M/L
1. / General
Requirements / Time of Road Usage meets
CTT Traffic Standards / Traffic Counts / L
2. / Before START / Competitors riding from Event Headquarters.
Competitors warming up. / Instructions on following
- - safe routes to START
- - Prohibited areas for warming up.
- - warning about “U” turns. / L
3. / Area of START / 0.0 / Passing traffic / Cycle Event Warning Sign to be placed north of start, i.e. nr Station Rd..
Instruction on conduct at START / L
4. / START on B1043, southbound, 300 yds north of Tempsford Flyover. / 0.0 / Competitor and/or Holder Up falling / N/A (Not applicable) / Minl
5 / small round-about @ Tempsford flyover / 0.2 / Riders give way to traffic from right, very low volume goes southbound / Cycle Event warning sign on flyover, at approach to this round-about. / L
6 / entry onto A1 at bottom of slip rd / 0.3 / Riders enter onto Main A1 trunk rd, on long spearpoint junction / Cycle Event warning sign on A1 north of slip. / L
7 / layby / 0.7 / Possible risk of vehicles entering/exiting into path of competitors. Event route has priority / N/A / Minl
8 / Grtford underpass / 1.1 / Vehicles leave A1 via slip-rd (traffic volume very light)
Possible risk of vehicles colliding with rear of competitors / N/A / L
9 / Girtford underpass / 1.2 / Vehicles entering A1 from slip road (traffic volume very light)
Possible risk of vehicles colliding with competitors / N/A / L
10 / Girtford, side rd / 2.4 / Minor road on left, exit from A1 only. / N/A / Minl
11 / Girtford, side rd / 2.6 / Minor road on left, exit from A1 only / N/A / Minl
12 / Girtford, side rd / 2.7 / Minor road on left, entry to A1 only. / N/A / Minl
13 / Sandy rab / 2.7 / Busy round-about. Traffic from right, A603 eastbound has priority / Cycle Event warning signs on A603 eastbound and A603 westbound / L
14 / Sth of Beeston, side rd / 3.4 / Minor road on left
Possible risk of vehicles exiting into path of competitors.
Event route has priority / N/A / Minl
15 / Warden lane rab
TURN / 5.16 / Busy round-about. Traffic from right has priority / Cycle Event warning signs on east &
west approaches. Large sign on A1
northbound approach to RAB. / L
16 / rd to Upper Caldecote / 5.8 / Minor road on left
Possible risk of vehicles exiting into path of competitors.
Event route has priority / N/A / Minl
17 / Large layby / 6.6 / Possible risk of vehicles entering/exiting into path of competitors. Event route has priority / N/A / Minl
18 / Seddington nursery / 6.9 / Possible risk of vehicles entering/exiting into path of competitors. Event route has priority / N/A / Minl
19 / Side road to Brook End / 7.4 / Minor road on left
Possible risk of vehicles exiting into path of competitors.
Event route has priority / N/A / Minl
20 / A603 turn off / 7.5 / Traffic leaving A1 at speed for A603. risk of vehicles colliding with rear of riders / N/A / L
21 / Sandy rab / 7.9 / Busy round-about. Traffic from right, A603 eastbound has priority / Cycle Event warning signs on east &
west approaches. / L
22 / Petrol stn, on north side of Sandy rab / 7.9 / Possible risk of vehicles entering/exiting into path of competitors. Event route has priority / N/A / L
23 / Gitford underpass / 8.6 / Vehicles leaving A1 at speed, but very low volume. Possible risk of vehicles exiting into path of competitors. Event route has priority / N/A / L
24 / Girtford underpass / 8.7 / Vehicles entering A1 at speed, but very low volume. Possible risk of vehicles entering into path of competitors. Event route has priority / N/A / L
25 / Petrol stn / 8.9 / Possible risk of vehicles entering/exiting into path of competitors. Event route has priority / N/A / Minl
26 / Blunham lane / 9.9 / Vehicles leaving A1 , but very low volume. Possible risk of vehicles exiting into path of competitors. Event route has priority / N/A / L
27 / Finish at ‘Clearway’ sign on A1 at Blunham Lane. / 10.0 / L
28 / After FINISH / Competitors returning to Event Headquarters / Instructions on safe route back from Finish to HQ / L