F1 Justification of funding requested from ARC[KH1] – OPTION 1


<insert justification text for all ARC requested personnel items across all years of the project – or insert NA as necessary>

Teaching Relief


Field Research




F1 Justification of funding requested from ARC – OPTION 2

Year 1

Item requested / Cost / Justification
Eg. Research Assistant at HEW 5.1 for 0.5 FTE / $xxx / xxx
Teaching Relief
Eg. NA
Field Research

Year 2

Item requested / Cost / Justification
Teaching Relief
Field Research

Year 3

Item requested / Cost / Justification
Teaching Relief
Field Research

[KH1]In your response to both Part F1 and F2, the ARC requires you to use the same headings as in the ‘Description’ column of the budget at E1. UQR&I has provided two alternative template options that may be suitable for your budget justification depending on the complexity and detail required.

Option 1 allows you to group up project costs across the different years and may be useful where similar items are requested across multiple years, or there is a need for additional space to provide a more fulsome justification of the item need and cost.

Option 2 allows you to clearly separate project costs across the different years of your project, and may be more suitable for budget with fewer items or less complex justifications.

Helpful tips for using either of these templates for Part F1:

Detail in no more than four pages how you will use the project cost funding each year in terms of both the need and cost for each item requested from the ARC. Add additional rows as necessary.

For personnel requests, provide specific detail around the skill set required and include the salary level. FTE and time period of employment. Use the 2019UQ Salary Scales spreadsheet when calculating.

For Discovery International Awards, please ensure that you demonstrate how the award will assist researchers to collaborate on the Project and justify the reason for the length requested.

For Teaching Relief, ensure that a full justification is provide for any teaching relief or other duties for any named CI.

For equipment and consumables, a brief description of the item, its cost and why it is required for the project should be included. Should include details of the manufacturer, supplier, cost and installation based on quotes obtained (excluding GST). Please note that requests for major items of equipment are considered on merit, and the Administering Organisation would be expected to contribute part of the funding for any expensive items of equipment. For major items, candidates must justify the importance of the equipment and demonstrate that access to such equipment housed elsewhere is not practical. Please note that the ARC tends to be suspicious of requests for funding with round number estimates, as it looks like you haven’t checked the prices.

Economy domestic and international travel must be fully justified and explained in terms of price and contribution to the research outcomes of the project. This could include justifying reasons for travel to foster and strengthen collaborations. Travel costs maximum of $50,000 over the life of the project (excluding travel costs related to Field Research).