COAPRT 7 Series Template
Name of Course: Course Number: REC 165: Intro. to Recreation and Leisure
7.01 Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate the following entry-level knowledge: a) the nature and scope of the relevant park, recreation, tourism or related professions and their associated industries; b) techniques and processes used by professionals and workers in these industries; and c) the foundation of the profession in history, science and philosophy.Course Specific Learning Outcome: What is the learning outcome identified in the course syllabus that meets this standard?
REC 165: The course objectives have been provided below as evidence of the learning outcomes for 7.01.
Course Objectives
1. Demonstrate knowledge of the history of recreation and leisure as it relates to the world and North America.
2. Interpret the historical and present relationships among time, recreation, work, and play and how they have influenced the current delivery of leisure services by public, private, non-profit, and commercial sectors.
3. Identify the concepts of time, recreation, leisure, work, and play from personal and societal perspectives.
4. Recognize the importance of leisure and leisure behavior throughout the human life cycle and its facilitation of personal well-being.
5. Differentiate between the many government, non-government and private companies that offer recreation services and the ability of leisure services to facilitate individual development and expression throughout the human life span.
Evidence of Learning Opportunity (7.01.01) How are students given opportunities to show they have learned the outcome?
REC 165 Assignments: Health Fair Assignment and Leisure Motivation Questionnaire
The health fair assignment addresses the 7.01 learning outcome standard. Health and wellness is one of the three pillars of parks and recreation that the NRPA promotes. The assignment covers standard 7.01a, 7.01b , and 7.01c.
The Leisure Motivation Questionnaire Assignment helps meet standard 7.01c. We believe that student need to learn about their own leisure motivation and how they fit into their own lives before they can work in the parks and recreation and instruct others about the benefits of quality leisure in their own lives.
REC 165 Health Fair and Leisure Motivation Assignments Information for 7.01 Standard
Fall 2015 - REC 165 – Health Fair: Assignment #5
Name: ______Section: ______
What Did You Do/Learn?
Signature of Vendors
1) to 5) Health Fair Vendors needed to complete assignment. Assignment is discussed in class.
Introduction to Recreation and Leisure
Name: ______Section: ______
Assignment 2: Leisure Motivation Questionnaire (LMQ) Assignment
Simply write down your answers to the 40 questions. Then score your responses using the key below. Each category has eight questions. The numbers listed in each category represent the item number in the LMQ questionnaire. Add your individual responses for each question and then total all items for each category. The lowest score per category is 8 and the highest is 40. The direction that you score high or low in each category will indicate your motivation for that specific category. Your scores are not good or bad they reflect your level of response to each motivator. The numbers shown below are the question numbers on the LMQ questionnaire. Add your scores for each answer for each category. Please answer all questions.
Scoring the Five Motivation Categories
Mental - 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 20, 25, 30 (these numbers are the question numbers on the LMQ questionnaire.)
Social - 5, 10, 13, 14, 16, 18, 23, 27 (these numbers are the question numbers on the LMQ questionnaire)
Competency- 8, 17, 19, 21, 22, 29, 34, 35 (these numbers are the question numbers on the LMQ questionnaire)
Solitude - 2, 7, 11, 15, 26, 28, 32, 37 (these numbers are the question numbers on the LMQ questionnaire)
Risk Taking - 4, 24, 31, 33, 36, 38, 39, 40 (these numbers are the question numbers on the LMQ questionnaire)
Leisure Motivation Questionnaire (LMQ)
This addresses the reasons why you enjoy participating in leisure activities. We define leisure activities as non-work activities that are freely chosen without obligation to participate or any expectations of extrinsic rewards, such as money or praise. Leisure pursuits can be both active and passive and encompasses everything from sports to social activities and watching television.
Performance Measure (7.01.02) What is the method by which the outcome is being measured? How are students showing that they are learning the outcome? Exam questions, assignment rubrics, portfolios, alumni surveys, etc.
REC 165: For the assignments in REC 165 for learning outcome 7.01, the assessments were created by a Dr. Confer, Dr. Pinckney and Dr. Wickham. After each semester the course is offered, assignments are reexamined to determine their continued effectives at achieving the desired learning outcomes goals. The assignments are used strictly to assess student learning in the areas of management skill preparation in the parks and recreation profession.
Performance levels/metrics: What is the level of compliance by which the program agrees the standard has been met? (i.e. 80% of the students will get a score of 80% or higher on the assignment)
For most major assignments/projects and exams we want two-thirds of the students to achieve a “B” or higher for their grade. A grade of 80% or higher is needed to get a “B” at CAL U of PA.
Assessment Results (7.01.03) Based on the performance levels/metrics set above, at the end of the semester, what were the results?
REC 165: The two assignments used for learning outcome 7.01 that every Parks and Recreation major completes when they enroll in REC 165. These assignments absolutely aid students in understanding the nature and scope of the profession and core foundations of health and wellness that the modern parks and recreation system rests upon. See assignment evidence of measures for learning outcome 7.01. Also, tables provided below are included as evidence of student achievement related to learning outcome 7.01. A total of 90% of the students received a “B” or higher for the assignments. Students are asked to discuss their answers on paper and in class as a part of a discussion on the assignments in REC 165.
REC 165: Health Fair : Fall 2013
Score / N
F (59.99 or below) / 7
D (60.00 to 69.99) / 0
C (70.00 to 79.99) / 1
B (80.00 to 89.99) / 1
A (90.00 to 100) / 70
Total / 79
Average Score / 89.76
REC 165: Health Fair : Fall 2015
Score / N
F (59.99 or below) / 8
D (60.00 to 69.99) / 0
C (70.00 to 79.99) / 0
B (80.00 to 89.99) / 0
A (90.00 to 100) / 73
Total / 81
Average Score / 90.12
REC 165: Leisure Motivation Questionnaire : Fall 2013
Score / N
F (59.99 or below) / 14
D (60.00 to 69.99) / 0
C (70.00 to 79.99) / 0
B (80.00 to 89.99) / 0
A (90.00 to 100) / 65
Total / 79
Average Score / 82.28
REC 165: Leisure Motivation Questionnaire : Fall 2015
Score / N
F (59.99 or below) / 12
D (60.00 to 69.99) / 0
C (70.00 to 79.99) / 0
B (80.00 to 89.99) / 0
A (90.00 to 100) / 69
Total / 81
Average Score / 85.19
Evidence of Programmatic Decisions (7.01.04) Based on the assessment results above, how is the program using the results to drive their curricular decisions?
REC 165: The Parks and Recreation Management program uses the two assignments under 7.01 to ensure students graduating from the program understand the core elements within standard 7.01. Through faculty program meetings that discuss student results in the classroom, faculty in the Parks and Recreation Management program believe that students need to be exposed to a variety of class assignments. Student achievement on class assignments seen above in tables are reviewed as part of the decision making process. Students tend to perform well on the written assignments.
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7.02 Students graduating from the program shall be able to demonstrate the ability to design, implement, and evaluate services that facilitate targeted human experiences and that embrace personal and cultural dimensions of diversity.
Course Specific Learning Outcome: What is the learning outcome identified in the course syllabus that meets this standard?
Evidence of Learning Opportunity (7.02.01) How are students given opportunities to show they have learned the outcome?
Performance Measure (7.02.02) What is the method by which the outcome is being measured? How are students showing that they are learning the outcome? Exam questions, assignment rubrics, portfolios, alumni surveys, etc.
Performance levels/metrics: What is the level of compliance by which the program agrees the standard has been met? (i.e. 80% of the students will get a score of 80% or higher on the assignment)
Assessment Results (7.02.03) Based on the performance levels/metrics set above, at the end of the semester, what were the results?
Evidence of Programmatic Decisions (7.02.04) Based on the assessment results above, how is the program using the results to drive their curricular decisions?
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7.03 Students graduating from the program shall be able to demonstrate entry-level knowledge about operations and strategic management/administration in parks, recreation, tourism and/or related professions.
Course Specific Learning Outcome: What is the learning outcome identified in the course syllabus that meets this standard?
Evidence of Learning Opportunity (7.03.01) How are students given opportunities to show they have learned the outcome?
Performance Measure (7.03.02) What is the method by which the outcome is being measured? How are students showing that they are learning the outcome? Exam questions, assignment rubrics, portfolios, alumni surveys, etc.
Performance levels/metrics: What is the level of compliance by which the program agrees the standard has been met? (i.e. 80% of the students will get a score of 80% or higher on the assignment)
Assessment Results (7.03.03) Based on the performance levels/metrics set above, at the end of the semester, what were the results?
Evidence of Programmatic Decisions (7.03.04) Based on the assessment results above, how is the program using the results to drive their curricular decisions?
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7.04 Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate, through a comprehensive internship of not less than 400 clock hours and no fewer than 10 weeks, the potential to succeed as professionals at supervisory or higher levels in park, recreation, tourism, or related organizations.
Course Specific Learning Outcome: What is the learning outcome identified in the course syllabus that meets this standard?
Evidence of Learning Opportunity (7.04.01) How are students given opportunities to show they have learned the outcome?
Performance Measure (7.04.02) What is the method by which the outcome is being measured? How are students showing that they are learning the outcome? Exam questions, assignment rubrics, portfolios, alumni surveys, etc.
Performance levels/metrics: What is the level of compliance by which the program agrees the standard has been met? (i.e. 80% of the students will get a score of 80% or higher on the assignment)
Assessment Results (7.04.03) Based on the performance levels/metrics set above, at the end of the semester, what were the results?
Evidence of Programmatic Decisions (7.04.04) Based on the assessment results above, how is the program using the results to drive their curricular decisions?
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