Scunthorpe Closed Table Tennis Championships 2017
Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th March
Scunthorpe sports club
ALL ENTRIES TO , ANDY KELLY, 12 Bodmin close, Scunthorpe dn17 1tw, by 1st March
Contact number (07981 252739)
Playing schedule at bottom of entry form.
Partner put x in event entered
SAT 11th March / Division 2singles / ======/ £3
SAT 11th March / Division 2 doubles / £3
SAT 11th March / Veterans / ======/ £3
SAT 11th March / Juniors / ======/ £2
SAT 11th March / Intermediates / ======/ £3
SAT 11th March / Draw doubles / ======/ free
SAT 11th March / Jnr Draw doubles / ======/ free
Sun 12th March / Open singles / ======/ £3
Sun 12th March / Open doubles / £3
Sun 12th March / Ladies singles / ======/ £3
Sun 12th March / Super vets / ======/ £3
Sun 12th March / Cadets / ======/ £2
Sun 12th March / Mixed draw dbls / ======/ free
NAME______CONTACT NO.______TEAM______
Make your chequepayable to STTA, or send bank transfer (use your surname and initials
as the reference) to Sort Code:404024 A/c No: 42023008 A/c Name: ScunTableTennis,
or STTA (NB ~Maximum payment for Juniors/Cadets = £8 and Seniors = £12,
regardless of the number of events you enter!)
TOURNAMENT REGULATIONS (Please make yourself familiar with these)
1.Entry is open to all ETTA players who have played 5 matches in the Scunthorpe Table Tennis League.
2.ETTA Tournament Regulations apply to this tournament.
3.Completion and submission of this Entry Form signifies agreement by the entrant to the conditions of the competition.
4.All competitors will be required to umpire group matches and knockout matches at the discretion of the Referee.
5.All matches shall be the best of five games to eleven points, unless both players, or pairs score 10 points, when the game shall be won by the first player, or pair, subsequently gaining a lead of 2 points.
6.Play throughout will be on a knockout basis, with the exception of preliminary rounds, which may, at the discretion of the Referee, be on a group basis. The final order in a group shall be determined as per ITTF Regulation 3.7.5. for Group competitions.
7.Divisional Singles competitions shall be played on a group basis, with the winners of each group going forward to the semi-final/final on a knockout basis to be played on the day.
8Competitors in Under 18 events (juniors) must have been born after 31st December 1999
Competitors in the Veteran’s event must have been born before 1st January 1977
Competitors in the Super Veteran’s event must have been born before 1st January 1962
9.Competitors must wear rubber-soled shoes and clothing, which complies with ETTA Tournament regulation 29.
10.Any member taking part in gambling, other than participation in any lottery, or similar competition conducted by, or with the permission of the organising committee, at a tournament approved by the ETTA, shall be liable to immediate disqualification from the Tournament and expulsion from the premises, either of which shall be reported to the ETTA.
11. All competitors must report to the control 20 minutes before their first event and must not leave the hall without first obtaining permission from the Referee. Players absent when called upon to play are liable to be scratched.
12. Should there be insufficient entries in any event, the Referee reserves the right to cancel that event, merge it, or place the entrant in a similar event.
13. The referee’s decision shall be final on points of law and any question arising, not provided for in these regulations, or in any dispute as to the interpretation thereof. Decisions on points of fact by an umpire, or assistant umpire appointed by the Referee, shall be final.
Sat 11th March 2017 Div 2 singles/doubles Aged events/Draw doubles 10.00am for a 10.30am start
Sun 12th March 2017 Open singles/doubles/Ladies
Cadets/super vets/mixed doubles 09.30am for a 10.00am start