Advanced Creative Writing Syllabus

Mr. Heffernan


Students enrolled in Advanced Creative Writing course will examine a variety of literary works as well as further their skills in crafting works of their own. Ultimately the composition and revision that student’s participate in will culminate with two major projects, the student Literary Journal and Mod-Op. Through an exploration of various approaches and demonstrations of exceptional writing by equally exceptional artists, students will discover their own original voices and use them in the creation of work featured both in the student-edited literary publication as well as the Spring semester production of CHAMPS' annual multimedia performance piece, Mod Op.The Literary Journal will feature works that student have crafted and refined in preparation for final publication.


  1. Students will become familiar with a variety of written works, styles and formats.
  2. Students will develop confident critical thought and understanding of the written word and its function in the creative process.
  3. Students will understand the fundamental relationship between the continual practice of writing and its effect on execution.
  4. Students will isolate, describe, and create the essential building blocks of any story.
  5. Students will develop a deeper appreciation and understanding of the revision, editing, and polishing processes, and apply that understanding to their own work and that of their fellow classmates.
  6. Students will develop the personal "voice" that identifies their writing.
  7. Students will develop as motivated and self-directed learners.
  8. Throughout the course, students will compose a number of poems, at least one polished short story, a children's book, a feature-length audio narrative, an imitative exploration of a selected author, and an original, non-fiction essay.
  9. Students will collaborate on the conceptualization and execution of a school-wide multimedia performance piece.
  10. Students will collaborate to create, edit, and publish a spring semester literary journal for school-wide distribution.



Unit One:In the event of an emergency….

Introduction to the course, the people, and the written word

Texts & Supplemental Materials:

Fiction Writer's Workshop, Josip Novakovich

Memoir samples and selections

Unit Two: Literary Devices & Staying Power

Crafting symbolism, motif, & metaphor within writing

Texts & Supplemental Materials:

Fiction Writer's Workshop, Josip Novakovich

Selections of poetry from a variety of sources

Unit Three: The Show Must Go On

Making Mod-Op

Texts & Supplemental Materials:

Examination of previous scripts (Draft & Revision)

Stage Notes and Directions from The Glass Menagerie and Streetcar Named



Unit Four: Artist Imitation

Parody, inspiration, & imitation

Texts & Supplemental Materials:

Fiction Writer's Workshop, Josip Novakovich

Assorted excerpts from a wide array of authors (student selected).

Unit Five: Style, Genre, & Critical Lens

Texts & Supplemental Materials:

Fiction Writer's Workshop, Josip Novakovich

Assorted excerpts from a wide array of authors (student selected).

Unit Six: Literary Journal Production and Publication

Texts & Supplemental Materials:

Previous editions of Literary Journal

Portfolio samples and revision techniques



Each student should have the following:

-8 ½ X 11 College RuledNotebook

-Black or blue pens and/or pencils


Grades are weighted for each semester as follows:

Classwork/Homework – 50%

Portfolio Checks – 10%

Participation – 30%

Final Exam – 10%

A (89.5-100), B (79.5-89.), C (69.5-79), D (59.5-69), F (less than 59.5)


1. Be Respectful of our classroom and our time. Be polite, appropriate, and considerate of your words and actions. Disruptive or disrespectful behavior will be logged, reported, and/or result in a conference with parents and administration.

2. Be Prepared:Have your required materials at the start of every class period. Again, participation points will be deducted if you don’t show up to class with what you need to get the work done.

3. Attendance & Tardy Policy:Please attend class on a regular basis. With our block schedule, absences have a larger effect on student learning. If you are not in class, ready to work, when the bell rings you will be marked tardy. Being marked tardy will result in a loss of participation points.

4. Late Work & Make-Up Work: Students will lose 10% of the grade on the assignment for each day that the assignment is late for up to 5 school days, after which the assignment will no longer be accepted.

5. Cell Phones: Cell phones are not to be used during class. Cell phones that are being used at inappropriate times will be confiscated.

There may be certain instances where a cell phone can be utilized as a research tool or a music listening device. I will be sure to make it clear when that appropriate time might occur.

6. NO food, personal items, or work from other classes are permitted for use during class time.

7. E-mail me at: to discuss questions, concerns, or to set a student/parent meeting. My website is located on the Academies/Departments/Staff tab of the CHAMPS Homepage.

Please tear offthe portion below and turn it in to me by: ______

(Save the syllabus, rules, and grading policy for future reference)


We have read and understand the syllabus, rules, and grading policy for Mr. Heffernan’s Advanced Creative Writing course:

Student name (print): ______

Student signature: ______

Parent name (print): ______

Parent signature: ______

Date: ______

Period: ______