This procedure for eyebrow waxing employs the use of a strip to remove soft wax. Adapt this procedure to all other body areas to be waxed.


• wax release form and chart

• facial chair

• high-level disinfectant

• roll of disposable paper ortowels

• wax

• wax heater

• wax remover

• small disposable applicators or rollers

• fabric strips for hair removaland scissors

• hair cap or headband

• towels for draping

• disposable gloves

• plastic bag

• cotton pads and swabs

• powder

• surface cleaner (alcohol/oil)

• wax cleaning towel

• mild skin cleanser

• emollient or antiseptic lotion

• tweezers


1. Melt the wax in the heater. Thelength of time it takes to melt the wax depends on how full the waxholder is; approximately 20 minutes if it is full; 10 minutes if it is aquarter to half full. Be sure the waxis not too hot (Figure P17–2-1).

2. Complete the client consultation,release form, contraindications,and determine what hairyou need to remove.

3. Lay a clean towel over the topof the facial chair and then alayer of disposable paper.

4. Place a hair cap or headbandover the client’s hair.

5. Drape a towel over the client’sclothing as necessary.

6. Wash and dry your hands, andput on disposable gloves.


The soft pot wax procedure with strips includes the following steps:

7. Remove makeup. Cleanse thearea thoroughly with a mildastringent cleanser, and dry(Figure P17–2-2). Apply a non-talc powder, if applicable. Brush the hair into placeto see the brow line(Figure P17–2-3).

8. Test the temperature and consistencyof the heated wax byapplying a small drop on theinside of your wrist. It shouldbe warm but not hot, and itshould run smoothly off thespatula (Figure P17–2-4).

9. Wipe off one side of the spatulaon the inside edge of the pot, soit does not drip. Carefully take itfrom the pot to the brow area. Ifit is dripping off the spatula,there is too much wax, or it istoo hot. Correct the problem to avoid drips or hurting the client.

10. With the spatula or applicator,spread a thin coat of the warmwax evenly over the area to betreated, following the direction ofthe hair growth (Figure P17–2-5). Be sure not to put the spatula inthe wax more than once (do not

double-dip). Be sure not to use an excessive amount of wax, becauseit will spread when the fabric ispressed and may cover hair you do not wish to remove. Hold the skintaut near the edge where the waxis first applied.

11. Apply a clean fabric strip overthe area to be waxed. Start theedge of the strip at the edge ofthe wax where you first appliedit. Do not cover the rest of thebrow with the strip. This way youcan see the exposed area thatyou do not want to wax. Pressgently in the direction of hairgrowth, running your finger overthe surface of the fabric three tofive times (Figure P17–2-6).

12. Gently but firmly hold the skintaut, placing the middle and ringfingers of one hand on either sideof the strip as close as possible towhere you will start to pull. Holdthe loose edge of the strip at theend and quickly remove the fabricstrip by pulling in the directionopposite to the hair growth. Donot lift or pull straight up on thestrip; doing so could damage orremove the skin (Figure P17–2-7).

13. Immediately apply pressure withyour finger to the treated area. Hold it there for approximatelyfive seconds to relieve the painfulsensation (Figure P17–2-8).

14. Remove any excess wax residuefrom the skin with the cottonstrip by gently lifting it sidewaysin the same direction asthe hair growth. You can carefullyremove excess wax withoutremoving hairs this way.

15. Repeat the wax procedure on thearea around the other eyebrow.

16. For the area between the brows,apply the wax (generally in anupward direction between thenose and the forehead). Line the bottom of the strip up to thebottom edge of the wax. Holdthe skin tight on both sides of the strip above the brows withthe middle and ring fingers. Holdthe top of the strip and pull thestrip straight down close to thenose without lifting. This can be done all in one section or in twohalves—the right and the left(Figure P17–2-9).

17. Cleanse the skin with a mildwax remover, and apply a postwax product or antiseptic lotion(Figure P17–2-10).

18. Tweeze the remaining strayhairs, and apply a cold compress if necessary. If it is tooslippery or there is wax residue,apply the post-wax products after tweezing; or rinse thearea with water and pat drybefore tweezing.

19. Finish all services with theclient precautions and the postconsultation.

20. Follow all services with sanitationclean-up procedures.

Clean-Up and Sanitation for All Procedures

21. Remove the headband and towel drape from the client, and place them ina closed hamper.

22. Discard all used disposable materials in a closed waste container. Neverreuse wax. Do not place the used spatula, muslin strips, wax, or anyother materials used in waxing directly on the counter.

23. Wash your hands with soap and warm water.

24. Sanitize and disinfect the treatment area. This includes counter surfaces,the facial chair, the wax heater, the mag lamp, implements, containers, bottle caps/lids, and the floor.