ExxonMobil General Academic Pegasus Award
2008– 2009
ExxonMobil Pegasus Award Application Cover Sheet [NEW!]
Note to Applicants ONLY: Please submit a hard copy of the complete application to your site administrator. You will also need to submit an electronic copy of the complete application directly to ExxonMobil at . Please include your school name as the subject of your email [Example: Subject: Anza Elementary] Applications must be received by your principal (hard copy) and ExxonMobil (e-copy) no later than September 23, 2008
Note to Site Administrators ONLY: Please submit this Cover Sheet to Dr. Love’s office for all applications received, regardless of whether the application is accepted or rejected. If the application has been accepted, a hard copy of the complete application should be attached. All submissions must be received by Dr. Love’s office no later than September 25, 2008
Submission InformationTeacher:
School Site:
Title of Project:
Teacher Information
Teacher(s): School Site:
Grade Level or Subject Area:
# Students in your class/classes to whom this award will apply:
Daytime Phone:
Have you won a Pegasus Award in the past?
Title of Project
Project Information
Briefly describe your project, placing emphasis on how this project will create challenging learning experiences for your students. Limit your description to 10 or fewer sentences.
Total Cost
What is the total cost, including any shipping charges and tax?
California Content Standard
What content standard would be addressed through this grant? Write out at least one content standard you directly address.
Project Description
Explain how your project provides opportunities to engage your students in problem solving and other activities that make subject matter meaningful.
Project Objectives
How do these objectives build on the strengths, interests and needs of all students in your effort to establish high expectations for student learning?
Project Assessment
How will you assess your project? What assessment information will you use to determine if your objectives have been met? What data can you provide to support your determination? How will you use this assessment information to guide your future instruction?
Budget Graph
Description of Item / Supplier / Cost + Tax +SH
Reflective Learning
How does your project promote self-directed, reflective learning for all students?
Sustainability of Your ProgramAfter this initial funding, will this project continue on in future years? If so, what funding will be needed? From where will you receive the funds? We are interested in projects that “live” for years to come.