External DOS Commands: ( Dr Vikram for Shivalikan ! )


These are also called Disk resident, or external, commands are really for special purpose. These are found in separate files on the hard disk so that they do not typically consume valuable memory space. They are loaded into memory only as called for. External commands are not really commands at all each external commands request actually runs a program contained in a separate file. These file are called com or exe files.External commands were not part of DOS shell and need external files same like Windows Library (DLL) files. Here are some MS DOS’s external commands.

a. MS-DOS command that is not included in command.com are called External DOS Commands . External commands are commonly external either because they require large requirements or are not commonly used commands. For e.g : Chkdsk, Deltree, Diskcomp, Diskcopy, Format, Fdisk XCopy, Tree, Backup and Restore etc. There are about 46 External DOS commands.

b. External DOS commands are like separate utility program but are not resident within DOS, like internal commands , such as Copy and Dir etc. These are not built into the command interpreter COMMAND.COM) but rather are launched by running a different program for each command. These external programs can be on a floppy disk or on some directory in the hard disk.

Features of External Commands ( Dr Vikram for Shivalikan ! )

1.These are those commands which are not in-built in MS-DOS.

2.These are not included in the interpreter.

3.There is a need of an internal file in the computer to read external MS-DOS command.

4.External command may vary from system to system. Ie. two computers with same version of MS-DOS may have same internal commands, but may have different external commands.


If the computer does not have fdisk.exe and one tries using the fdisk command:

An error message "Bad command or file name." is seen. Fdisk is an external command that will only work if fdisk.exe, or in some cases, fdisk.com, is present on the computers hard disk

However, as long as MS-DOS is running on your computer internal commands such as the cd command will always be available and does not require any other files to run.

Internal V/S External DOS Commands: ( Dr Vikram for Shivalikan ! )

Internal Commands

These commands are automatically loaded into the computer’s memory during the booting process. They are actually included in the Command. Com file, so they will be able to execute immediately when you want.

Internet commands were built in DOS shell commands and do not need any external file. Here are some internal commands.

DIR : Get the list of files in current folder or directory

CLS : Clears current working screen of MS DOS)

DATE :View or change current date of system

TIME : View or change current time of system

REN or RENAME : Rename a file

COPY : Copy a file

VER : Get the current DOS version

MD : Create directory or folder

RD : Remove directory or folder if empty

Note: All internal commands are still supported in Windows Command Prompt.

External Commands


Remove folder including all sub folders and files


View or change disk’s label name


Format the Hard Disk or Floppy Disk


Run disk check on Hard Disk or Floppy Disk

( Dr Vikram for Shivalikan ! )

Note : Internal Commands : ( Dr Vikram for Shivalikan ! )


These are those commands which are contained in command.com files of MS-DOS.

These are those functions that are built into the command interpreter.

There is no need of any external file in computer to read internal MS-DOS command.

These commands can be used as long as DOS is running on the system.

Internal commands do not vary from system to system.

These are ver, time, del, md, cd, copy con, cls, date, vol, ren, copy etc.