Part 1: DECIDE - Read each statement. In the Decide column, mark the picture that goes along with how you immediately feel, whether you agree or disagree with each statement.

Agree / Disagree / Agree / Disagree
/ / 1. A utopian society is a place where everyone is happy and everything is perfect. / / / Though utopia by definition is a place where everyone is happy, it seems that the diverse opinions of what a utopia actually is comes into conflict with everyone being happy and everything perfect. The discussion shows that there cannot be an ultimate agreement therefore not everyone can be happy, even in utopia.
/ / 2. Technology helps people and creates a happier, more prosperous world. / / / Seeing the science fiction TV show clip, it seems that technology can also hurt people. Though it could go either way, I still agree that technology can create a happier world even though there are risks and dangers involved.
/ / 3. The betterment of society as a whole is more important than the individual’s freedom. / / / Though I agreed at first with this statement and thinking about how many lives is more important than one, the news story about freedom of speech being taken away to try to protect people doesn’t sit well with me. If we take away the individual’s freedom to better society, wouldn’t we by doing that destroy it?
/ / 4. Government is always trying to look out for the people’s best interest. / / / Though I agree with this statement, the video shows that because people want different things, it is hard for the government to make everyone happy. Therefore, even though they are looking out for people’s best interest, the interests of people will change depending on who you ask.
/ / 5. Propaganda is used to manipulate people’s opinions and is found in many different forms. / / / I agree that propaganda is found in many different ways. This is proved through the examples below. Even though there is video, images, and words, they all are attempting to sell or promote an idea or product.

Part 2: EXPLORE – Click on each link which will take you to a video, website, article, etc. that associates with each numbered statement. Think about how this new information might support or change your initial ideas about each statement.

1.  A good way to find out information, or to see other people’s perspectives on an issue, is to read through forums or blog posts. Though informal and never a factual source of information, they can give you a glimpse into the ideas of other people from around the world. Remember, these are people’s own opinions, not facts or truth! What do these vastly different statements about the construct of a Utopia tell you about the difficulty of defining it?

-  Check out this blog a student from Australia wrote about what Utopia is. http://james.wikidot.com/blog:12

-  Yahoo answers are a good place to get a wide variety of opinions on a topic. You could even post a question yourself. Here are two links to discussions already in progress on the idea of a utopia. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AlfGMleOcdTOpEJIwUlcoO4jzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20071204201806AAGEFyz


2.  Technology has given people the ability to do many things, and live in many different places. We use technology every day, and are even using it in this very assignment. Are there negative aspects to the increase in use of technology? Watch this clip of a science fiction TV show and in your own mind, explore the links between technology and harm.

-  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2x14ZhEc9k&feature=related

3.  This is a very controversial topic, even in our time period. The betterment and protection of the society at the expense of the individual’s freedom. This struggle is shown everywhere. Watch this video regarding the Patriot Act control can negatively impact an individual’s rights, and think about whether it is okay for these instances to happen in order to protect the general public.

-  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFVQ0HZz2mc

4.  How do we know what each person’s best interest is, and is it collectively the same or different? How is that measured? Government is setup to work for the people, but if the people all want something different, would it hurt some people in the process of helping others? Or do we universally all want the same things out of our government?

-  Watch this video on Native American Indians and how the American government treated them in order to promote American expansion in the south east. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiVXJSXlptY&feature=related

5.  Throughout the novel (and our real lives) we see propaganda everywhere. Determining what is and isn’t propaganda and if it truly affects our lives is an important question to meditate on. Check out these videos and pictures for examples of propaganda in order to get a better understanding of the intended purpose these advertisements and commercials impose.

-  Camel Cigarettes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCMzjJjuxQI

-  Here is a list of popular slogans used to ingrain an image into a consumer’s head. http://www.buzzle.com/articles/good-popular-slogans.html

-  Some Propaganda posters: http://creativesuite.com.au/wedesignstuff/?p=287



Part 3: RE-EVALUATE – After exploring each link, fill in your ‘support your view’ column with thoughts on why your original statement is right or wrong, providing evidence from your own knowledge base or the information you learned from the exploration.