Expression of Interest: Networked Specialist Centre Facilitator (NSC)

Expressions of interest are invited for the opportunity to relieve as theNetworked Specialist Centre Facilitator (PEO)for the Campbelltown, Macarthur and Wollondilly Principals Networks during Term 4 2016.

Personnel interested in relieving should prepare a written statement addressing the position criteria (no more than 2 pages) and complete the Applications Details page.

Position Criteria:

  1. Teaching qualifications within the K-12 range.
  2. Significant experience with the application of specialist support to students with complex wellbeing, learning and support needs living in rural and remote settings.
  3. Extensive successful experience in project planning, development and implementation including budget management and proven ability to plan, facilitate, monitor and evaluate supports and services for children and young people with complex wellbeing, learning and support needs.
  4. Excellent written, oral communication and analytical skills and ability to provide high level advice on policy and operational issues relating to students with complex wellbeing, learning and support needs.
  5. Demonstrated ability to work with senior personnel across government, non-government and community sectors and manage diverse stakeholder interests and proven ability to develop and establish a local multidisciplinary team across service providers.
  6. High level knowledge and understanding of current education reforms and how they specifically relate to the Rural and Remote Education Blueprint and Every Student, Every School initiative
  7. Capacity to lead staff in implementing the Department’s Aboriginal education and training policies to ensure quality outcomes for Aboriginal people.

Applications should be no more than twoA4 single sided pages attached with the Application Details page.


Applications are to be sent via email and must include the names of two referees. One of your referees must be your current Director,Principal or supervisor who is prepared to release you to relieve in the position.

Enquiries and applications to:

Anne Reddie, R/Director Educational Services, Ultimo

Phone: (02) 9582 6347


Closing Date:Applications close 4:00pmFriday 9 September 2016.

Expression of Interest:Networked Specialist Centre Facilitator (NSC)

Application Details

Name of Applicant:
Serial Number:
Current Position:
Telephone Number: / Work:
Applicants Signature: Date:
Names and details of two referees
First referee: / Second referee:
Name: / Name:
Position: / Position:
numbers / Work: / Telephone
numbers / Work:
Home: / Home:
Mobile: / Mobile:
Please include your two page statement addressing the position criteria in addition to the above information as part of your application.
Enquiries and applications to: / Anne Reddie
R/Director Educational Services, Ultimo
Phone: (02) 9582 6347
Due Date: Please forward applications toAnne Reddie byemail onlyto: 4:00pm Friday 9 September 2016.