Explanations for the Use

of Electronic Classification System

Ljubljana, June 2014


Conditions for receiving guests in short term accommodation

1. Guest accommodation

2. Registration of the accommodation provider

Classification of accommodation facilities

1. Mandatory classification

2. Additional information

The procedure for filling in the electronic classification sheet

1. Registration

2. Sign in

3. Filling in of the record sheet

4. Filling in of the classification sheet

5. Report on the evaluation and self-evaluation

6. Retention of the documentation


Conditions for receiving guests in short term accommodation

1. Guest accommodation

Renting rooms, apartments and holiday houses or receiving guests in short term accommodation in accommodation facilities shall be treated as a provision of catering services, which must be registered.Accommodation of guests may be performed by:

•legal persons or independent business persons who are registered to perform catering services;

•associations which have this activity stated in their basic act;

•natural persons – accommodation providers and farmers.

Accommodation providers and farmers may perform accommodation services at accommodation premises or farm premises.

•For accommodation providers (natural persons), there is a limitation of performing this service only occasionally, a total of not more than five months in a calendar year, and they may offer their guests up to 15 beds;

•For farmers,there is a limitation of performing this service as a secondary activity on the farm in accordance with the government regulation (not more than 10 rooms and shared beds, a maximum of 30 beds and a maximum of 60 seats).

2. Registration of the accommodation provider

Natural persons have to notify in the Business Register of Slovenia, managed by AJPES, their guest accommodation services which they are offering in their own or in a rented apartment or holiday house, with the consent of the competent authority of local government in other areas.

Prior to that, foreigners must settle the following:

-Residence conditions – permanent or temporary (and residence notification) (

-Obtain personal identification number and tax identification number


-Register the accommodation services they are offering in the Business Register of Slovenia at one of the branch offices of AJPES

To accommodate guests, the following must also be provided for:

-minimum technical requirements for premises, equipment and facilities (an operating permit inaccordance with the law governing building construction – does not apply to buildings constructed before 31.12.1667),

-the minimum range of services,

-meeting the criteria of the implementation of the classification process and appropriate marker boards,

-terms of ensuring food safety and health and safety at work,

-keeping proper records (check-in and check-out of guests).


Classification of accommodation facilities

1. Mandatory classification

The obligation of theclassification and labelling of accommodation facilities with stars or apples (for farms withhousing) refers to the following categories of accommodation:

-Hotels, motels, guesthouses, and inns;


-Suits – holiday apartments and holiday houses;


-Farms with accommodation, and


For accommodation, mountain huts, youth, holiday, labour and other homes, as well as for youth hostels (IYHF), classification is optional.If they qualify for a specific type of accommodation facility, which must be categorised, these can be categorisedunder this type of accommodation facilities.

All accommodation facilities that are categorised should have on the outer side of the building or in a room for receiving guests a board with the designation of the category in a visible position, and pricelists and other marketing and promotional communications must also be labelled with the appropriate type and category.

Signs for all accommodation facilities (including farms with accommodation for which the category is indicated with apples) can be ordered by any appropriate manufacturer who must manufacture the sign in accordance with the Decision on the Determination of Symbols for the Indication of Categoryas well as the Shape of Signs for an Individual Type of Categorised Accommodation Facility that is accessible at the web-site:

2. Additional information

In the highest categories (4 and 5 stars and 4 apples), the category is defined by independent external evaluators( - category Ocenjevalci - Register ocenjevalcev) in categories from 1* to 3* or apples, self-evaluation is permissible and the caterer, accommodation provider or farmer performing the accommodation services may determine the category themselves. In the case of self-evaluation, that category applies until the change of the category.For accommodation facilities where the mandatory evaluation by a qualified evaluator is required, the validity of the category is limited to five years.

The implementation of self-evaluation or evaluation is facilitated by the use of an electronic classification system, which is available on

the system allows test verification of eligibility for a particular category in form of a test classification; however, this cannot replace the regular classification.

We also recommend reading the contents of websites of the Ministry of Economic development and technology

( only in Slovene language), where individual classification sheets, instructions for manual filling in of classification sheets and further interpretation of individual elements of the classification sheets are published.

For all additional information about the electronic classification system, please contact .

The procedure for filling in the electronic classification sheet[1]

1. Registration

Access to the electronic system of categorisation is possible only by preliminary registration, whereby you select your username and password for an individual accommodation facility. On the home page, the registration menu will open by clicking the 'registration' field.

You start the registration by entering your tax number, which is recorded for your activity in the AJPES register. In case you have not registered your activity, categorisation is not possible. If you enter the correct tax number, the accommodation facilities that have already been categorised under this tax number will appear on the screen.

In case the accommodation facility that you would like categorise already exists in the electronic system of categorisation, another registration is not necessary. Instead of registration, you need to simply sign in with the username and password that you selected at your first registration of this accommodation facility (see item 2). In case you have forgotten your username and password, click the field 'Forgot your access data?'.

If the accommodation facility that you would like categorise does not exist in the electronic system of categorisation, click the link 'Categorisation of a new accommodation facility'.

By clicking the arrow beside the field type of accommodation facility you can select the appropriate type of accommodation.

You must enter a valid email address. The correct email address will enable you to obtain access data in case you forget. You can choose your own username and password. We suggest that you immediately write it down during registration.

To verify the conditions that an accommodation facility has to fulfil in individual categories, you should mark the field 'test' during registration. However, this username and password cannot be used later for regular registration, since the electronic system for categorisation does not enable direct transition from test categorisation to regular (test categorisations are not recorded by the system).

Registration is finished by clicking the button Save and continue.If the selected username and password are already taken or you have entered an incorrect password confirmation, the program will warn you that the registration was not successful.

2.Sign in

With the same username and password, only one accommodation facility can be classified; therefore, it is necessary to define a new username and password for each accommodation facility.If you have already performed registration for a specific accommodation facility, click on the word “Sign in” on the home page and enter your username and password.

If you forgot your username and password, you can regain them for each accommodation facility also when you “sign in” the electronic system.The condition for this is that you indicate in the request for obtaining your forgotten username and password the same e-mail address you provided at registration.

Therefore, be very attentive when registering in the case of self-evaluation or evaluation by an evaluator to enter your correct e-mail address.In the event of problems, you can contact .

After the completed registration, you have full access to the record sheet, classification sheet, and report.On the home page, click on the word "Sign in" and enter your username and password.Access to higher categories (4* or apples, 4* Superior, 5* and 5* Superior)have only trained evaluators.Entering the password of the evaluator has also a direct impact on the display of data in the evaluator’s report.

3.Filling in of the record sheet

On the record sheet, thetype and category of accommodation facility must be stated and defined which are subject toclassification.The type of accommodation facility is determined at registration, except for the following groups: hotel, motel, boarding house and guest house where the type is defined in the record sheet by clicking on the arrow by the box "Type of accommodation facility".In self-evaluation, you may select the categories in the range from 1 to 3, and you may perform the verification of the conditions for a higher category without a trained evaluator only in the test classification.

On the record sheet, there are already the data on the service provider and the e-mailstated which you have entered at your registration.All other mandatory fields of the record sheet must be filled in.The programme will take into account the data entered in the record sheet when calculating the point values and allocating elements in the classification sheet.

Before entering the data about the sizes of rooms or accommodation units, you will be warned by the programme if you have not entered all the required dataClick on the word "Save" at the bottom of the record sheet only after you have entered all the data about the sizes of rooms or accommodation units.

The data about the sizes of rooms or suites are entered by clicking on the wording "Add row" at a particular type of room or suite which the accommodation facility has at its disposal.For hotels, motels, boarding houses, guesthouses, rooms and farms with rooms, it is possible to enter data about single rooms, double rooms and rooms with several beds, as well as double rooms with an extra bed.The bathroom is not included in the room size.In hotel suites, the data about the size of the living and sleeping parts (without the hallway and bathroom) is entered.If an accommodation facility has rooms of various sizes at disposal, you should click on “Add row” at a particular type of room.In rooms with an extra bed or rooms with several beds, a minimum room size must be larger for 4 or 5 m2. Extra beds are not subject to classification and are not stated in the record sheet.

In suits – holidayapartments and holidayhouses and farmswithsuits or farms with rooms and suits, the data can be entered for various sizes of one-room suites (or apartments, holiday houses) and for suites (or apartments and holiday houses) with a living room and one, two or three bedrooms.Data about the entire size of the suite (kitchen, living room, bedroom, bathroom, hallway) should be entered according to the principle that the studio is intended for 2 persons, a suite with a living room and one bedroom is intended for up to 4 persons, a suite with two bedrooms for up to 6 persons and one with three bedrooms for up to 8 persons.For each additional bed, it is necessary to provide 4 or 5 m2 of the suite size above the mandatory minimum size, while extra beds are not subject to classification.

If you select the wrong type of room or suite in the line that you would like to delete, you can "delete"it from the record sheet so that you enter "0" at the number of housing units. After saving the data in the record sheet, the programme will delete such entries from the record sheet.

After entering all data in the record sheet, click on the word "Save" at the bottom of the record sheet.The programme will allow you to transit to the classification sheet and perform the conversion of data entered into the record sheet.If the size of the housing units does notmeet the minimum criteria for each category, you will be warned by the programme.It will disable the transition to the classification sheet or there will remain the label in the classification sheet in the "minimum size" box even after saving the data in this field and it will be written in the report that the accommodation facility does not provide all the mandatory elements.

After entering data in the record sheet and also after the classification is completed, you can change the data in the record sheet and save them again.If you forget to save the changes you have made in the record sheet, the programme will not register them.

You can return to the record sheet also from the classification sheet or report by clicking on the wording "Record sheet", which is located in the upper right corner of the screen (on blue background).When you enter something once more, you can go to the classification sheet from the record sheet without changing the data in the record sheet by clicking on "Continue to classification sheet", which is located at the beginning of the record sheet.Please note that changes of the record sheet can automatically cause changes in the classification sheet regarding the issues relating to the data from the record sheet that you have changed.

4.Filling in of the classification sheet

The classificationsheetis dividedinto individualcontent sections, their breakdown being evident from the so called tree structure on the left sideof the classification sheet.Upon the first visit of the classification sheet, all content sections are marked with . After thecompletion of theclassification, this mark should no longer be seen in any contentsection;otherwise, it isunderstood thatthe accommodationfacilitydoes not provide allthe mandatory elementsofa proposedcategory.

The elements of the classification sheet are divided into mandatory and optional.Mandatory items are marked with the sign in a column in each category, while the optional elements do not have this sign in their categories.The highlighted field frameworks with point values of various elements ​​indicate the related or grouped elements.Upon opening of the classificationsheet, all the elements that are mandatory only for the lower category or they are not required to be provided for the accommodation facility on the basis of the data entry in the record sheet are already shaded.The selection of these elements is disabled.

Filling in of the classification sheet is performed so that you check the box by the word "Yes" in the individual element of the classification sheet which you are managing, so that the check mark appears in this box.If the mandatory element of a proposed category is in the group of joined or grouped elements, you can check the "Yes" box also at the element which is intended for a higher category or an optional element in this group.

At the bottom of each content section, the words "Next" and "Back" are located and they allowthe transition between the individual content sections of the classification sheet, as well as a simultaneous saving of the entered labels "Yes".The transition between the content sections is also possible by clicking directly on each content section; however, the previously entered labels "Yes" (check marks) will not be saved if you have not clicked on the word "Save" beforehand.

After saving the content sections, all the elements you have marked with "Yes" are shaded and the text of the elements is coloured green.Mandatory elements which you have not marked with "Yes" remain unshaded after saving.By re-clicking on the checkmark in the box with the label "Yes", it is deleted, which means that you did not provide this element.

You can also print the classification sheet (the entire sheet or in sections) out at all times (click on the wording "Print the entire classification sheet" or "Print the current status" in the upper right corner).You can also return to the "Record sheet" or cancel the classification process with "Sign out".All until then saved entries in the content sections of the classification sheet will remain saved.You can return to the classification sheet after you sign out by clicking on "Sign in" and "Go to the classification sheet" on the record sheet.

5. Report on the evaluation and self-evaluation

By clicking on the wording "Calculation and transition to the report", which is located at the bottom of the tree structure of content sections of the classification sheet, you will be transferred to the "Evaluation report", if the classification was performed by a qualified evaluator, or to the "Self-evaluation report", if the classification was performed by the service provider.

After the successful completion of the classification, the programme calculates the level of mandatory and optional, as well as total points that were achieved and will list the category of the accommodation facility.The number of points that you have reached with the classification will appear in the first row of the table.In the line of the proposed category, the minimum required and total number of points appear.

If the classification was not successful due to the fact that the accommodation programme does not reach the required level of points or all mandatory elements for the proposed category, it appears in the "Acquired category of accommodation facility" box that the accommodation facility does not meet the conditions for acquiring the selected category.By clicking on the wording "Back to the classification sheet", which is located above the table, you can check in the classification sheet in which section the label is located and which mandatory element in this section is not provided.