Explaining Crime, Parts 1 & 2, Lecture Outline

Issues to consider for Group Discussion of Explanations for Crime, Part 1– All from Barkan chs. 5 & 6, unless otherwise noted

Emphasis on the Individual (Barkan Ch. 5) –

Rational Choice Theory & Deterrence Theory

How is harsh punishment associated with this theory, & does it deter crime?

Biological Explanations – note key idea & overall evidence for each

Early explanations

Genetic Explanations -- Twins studies & adopted siblings study

Neurochemical factors : Hormones & Testosterone (how strong a relationship?)

Do people have free will in neuro-science view? (Gazzaniga & Steven #3 in Burns)

Any ethical problems with Bio. Explanations?

Psychological Explanations -- Discuss a couple ideas from each & an example.

Psychoanalytic explanations -- Moral development & crime

Intelligence & crime (& problems with this explanation)

Personality & crime (esp. temperament)

Are most criminals psychologically abnormal or normal?

Emphasis on Social Structural (Barkan Ch. 6)

Social Disorganization (& Social Ecology)

What is about the some places (as opposed to people) that produce crime? Less Social Institutions, Social Bonds and Social Control? Role of Poverty?

Does Robert Taylor Chicago Housing Project suffer from Social Disorganization (Venkatesh, Ch,. 3)? How so, or how not?

Anomie / Strain Theory

What causes strain (consider economic factors & non-economic [esp. for youth] factors)? How does unequal access to the ability / means for success lead to strain? How do individuals respond to strain (5 ways)? How does that lead to crime?

How does Strain Theory fit or not with Robt. Taylor Housing Project and activities of BK’s & residents? (Venkatesh, ch. 3) How so, or how not?

Sub-Cultural Theories

What sort of sub-cultures among lower-class youth lead to crime? What is role of “Status frustration” & middle-class culture? Why do lower-class youth join delinquent subcultures? What is the role of “differential opportunity”? Subculture of violence & Code of the streets?

Do Subcultural theories fit or not with Robt. Taylor Housing Project and activities of BK’s & residents? (Venkatesh, ch. 3) How so, or how not?



Focus on Individual – Rational Choice & Dterrence Theories; Bio., Psychological, (BArkan, ch. 5)

Focus on Social

Structural Theories (Macro View) – Social Disorganization theory & Strain/Anomie Theory (Barkan Ch. 6)

Conflict & Radical Theories (Barkan Ch. 8), Some Feminist theories (on Patriarchy & inequality & Masculinity)

Subculture Theories (Barkan, Ch. 6)

Process/ Learning/Socialization theories (more Micro level) -- Learning Theories, sep. Differential Association (Barkan Ch. 7) closely related to subculture theories; Control Theories (Barkan Ch 7), esp. Social Bonding Theory

Labeling Theory (Barkan ch. 8); some Feminist theories (on gender socialization & masculinity) (Barkan ch. 8)

More detailed Lecture:

Individual Focus:

Rational Choice Theory & DeterrenceTheory (Ch. 5)

Psychological explanations --Psychoanalytic Freudian explanation – 3 part of personality &link to crime,

& Intelligence & Crime link & flaws in this explanation

Social Focus:

Social Disorganization (review from group discussion) –Ch. 6

Role of institutions & conditions in neighborhoods, Importance of place not people,

Strain Theory (review from group discussion)—Ch. 6

Sources of strain between cultural Goals & legitimate institutionalized Means

5 Responses to strain (conformist, etc.)

Broader definitions of / sources of strain (revisions to strain theory), esp. among adlescents.

Subcultural Theory – Ch. 6

Strain & conventional institutions (esp. for lower class males), alternative subculture & crime, Code of the Streets example

Leaning Theories – esp. Differential Association Theory—Ch. 7

Link to Subcultural theory

Role of learning, from those you associate with…

Social Bonding Theory – Ch. 7

Main Idea (Role of Institutions, & compare to Soc. Disorganization theory)

4 parts of theory

Labeling Theory (Ch. 8) – Societal reaction to deviance. Importance of labeling in Self-fulfilling prophesy. Primary vs. Secondary Deviance.

Also, be aware of but not lectured on:

--More on Labeling Theory: The Double Standard in how deviance by some groups is labeled as crime and same activity by other groups is not so labeled.

-- Missouri example of how to reduce secondary deviance among juveniles , putting labeling theory into practice.

-- Feminist Theories (Ch. 8) – New attention to Rape & Domestic Violence. Role of Prior Victimization among female offenders. Masculinity in crime & role of gender Socialization.

-- Conflict & Radical Theories (Barkan Ch. 8) – How law helps capitalism’s ruling class (private property, use of vagrancy laws) Econ. Inequality & Poverty cause crime; Class inequality in criminal defense; how white collar crime is treated (double standard)

Study TIP: See the Chapter summaries for decent, brief overview of all of the theories noted above.

& See group discussion points