
Bro. Stanley Ngumba


271 He won’t recognize nothing but that Covenant, of the Holy Spirit. And you cannot receive that Covenant unless you are saved, sanctified, and then baptized into the Body. He will not.

272 You might have an impersonation, you might feel good, and jump up-and-down, speak in tongues, and dance in the Spirit. That don’t have one thing to do with It. Hear It, in the Name of the Lord! God don’t recognize that. Heathens do that. Witches do that.

273 You say, “I’m a scholar. I do this, that, or the other.” He don’t care how much scholar you are. The devil is, too, see.

274 He only recognizes the—the Token. That’s the Message of the hour! That’s the Message of this day! That’s the Message of this time! In the Name of Jesus Christ, receive It!

63-0901m - "Token"

Rev. William Marrion Branham

132 No matter how good you are, what you quit doing, what you start doing, you’ve got to accept the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ. And then when you do that, He is the Word, and then your life fits right in the Word and It manifests Itself to this age that you’re living in.

133 Noah had to do that for the Word to be manifested in his age. Now, what if Moses come along, said, “We know what Noah done, we’ll take Noah’s word. We’ll do it just the way Noah did it. We’ll build a—a ark and float down the Nile River, and go out of Egypt”? Why, it wouldn’t worked. See, that was another age.

134 Jesus couldn’t have come with Moses’ message; Luther couldn’t come with the Catholic message; Wesley couldn’t come with the Luther’s message; the Pentecost couldn’t come with the Wesley age message. And the Bride can’t be formed in the Pentecostal denomination, it just can’t do it. And that’s exactly right. She’s done organized and went out here, and there she sets, just like the rest of them. It’s a shuck. Just like the life comes up through the…See?

65-1207 - "Leadership"

Rev. William Marrion Branham

134 And from the ripening of the grain, from all the way back from Luther, all the way down through the age, it ought to be the fulness of the Gospel now, the Power of God to ripen. The Light that’s been shown through justification, sanctification, the pentecostal age, ought to ripen the Bride Tree for the Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ; that Christ could be manifested in His Church, as one Person, Him and His Wife, Him and His Bride. Amen. This is the hour we’re living. This is the Light of the day. Walk in It! “Be saved, all the ends of the earth.”

64-0125 - "Turn On The Light"

Rev. William Marrion Branham

322 Brother, let’s get all things ready, for one of these days the Fire is going to fall. We’re going up. Now let’s get ready for the Fire-falling time. We’re in the last days, we all know that, and we’re ready for the Coming of the Lord. The thing to do is separate yourself from all sin. Separate yourself from anything that pertains to the world. “Don’t love the world or the things of the world.”

323 “Let no man, by his creed, deceive you.” You stay right straight in the promise of God, the Word of God. And that Word, if It’s a Word for this day, God vindicates It so. If He doesn’t, it’s not the Word for this day.

324 The Word that fell on the Day of Pentecost will not work this day. No, sir. That was for Pentecost. This is for the Bride, going Home of the Bride. We got something different. The Pentecostals represented that, again. We’re in the Bride age. No more than the—the Word of Noah would work in the days of Moses; no more than Moses’ law would have worked in the time of Paul here. He tried to tell them, “You are dead to that, and you cannot have that.”

65-1125 - "The Invisible Union Of The Bride Of Christ"

Rev. William Marrion Branham

For, Lord Jesus, “I’m a man of unclean lips,” as Isaiah cried, “dwelling with people of unclean lips; and woe is me, for I see the revelation of God being made manifest,” as Isaiah saw the Angels in the Temple. I see the end time, Lord, and woe is me and my family; woe is me and my people. O Eternal God, have mercy upon us. I plead for myself and the people. Let us not perish with those who believe not, but may we live with the believers.

276 Every denomination, Lord, every man or woman…I can’t ask You to bless a denomination, when I know You’re against it. But I can only say, Lord, if You have any of Your sheep out among them, may they hear this tape. May they hear It, Lord, and understand It with the understanding You’ll give them, and may they come out and receive You. May they not be deceived by the blindness and tradition of this day. May they not to try to eat something that…or it was a carcase in another day. May they take the Word.

That’s the way the Pharisees crucified You, Lord. They were taking the carcase of Moses’ day, and trying to gloat over it; after You had given the type, in the wilderness, of fresh manna each night, meaning each generation. That’s where they failed. It poisoned them. It killed them, to eat that contaminated food.

And, spiritually, it does the same thing today; kill them, spiritually, with a denomination.

65-0725m - "The Anointed Ones At The End Time"

Rev. William Marrion

263 Now there's three things we're going to say before we close. This is it. I want you to listen real close now as we close. Three things, remember, three things have been fulfilled. Three things lays before you right now.

264 First. The world is in a Sodom condition. Jesus said it would happen. Look at the perversion; our women trying to act like men; our men trying to act like women, sissified; rotten, filthy, low-down, devil-possessed, and don't know it. The Bible said that would happen, and that's where it's at.

265 Secondly. It's in that hour, according to the Scripture here, that Jannes and Jambres appears. Secondly.

266 Thirdly. It's in that same hour that the Son of man is to be revealed.

267 There is your believer, your make-believer, and your unbeliever. There is a genuine Word standing out, vindicated; there is the make-believer impersonating It; and there is the unbeliever rejecting the whole thing.

65-0725M - "The Anointed Ones At The End Time"

Rev. William Marrion Branham

223 But they sell out, like Judas. That’s the make-believer. Some of them are highly talented people. And this make-believer, watch that guy. That’s the shrewd guy. This little guy that fills up quick, and jumps up and runs out, at every little phrase that he don’t like, you don’t pay no attention to him; he’s just an unbeliever, to begin with. But when you see this guy, a make-believer, hangs on, see, that’s the Judas. That’s him.

241 Now watch these people. Now, I say this with reverence and respects, with godly love; if I don’t, I’m—I—I—I need a altar call, myself. Notice, Jesus said they would deceive the very Elected. Now, that wouldn’t be Methodist, that wouldn’t be Baptist; we know they’re unbelievers, to begin with. But, it’s Pentecostals’ organization that took into that denomination, drawed their lines, without the Word; and drawed a line and put their own organization, and fenced out the Word. They would deceive the very Elected, so perfectly alike! Say, “They cry. They shout. They jump up-and-down. They claim healing services.” So did Judas, and so did all the rest of them. When they went out, come back rejoicing and everything, and even had their names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

242 But, remember, the Bride don’t—don’t—don’t come up in that group. She goes in the Rapture.

269 And, always separates these three classes of people, the Word separates these people. In every age it’s been that way. Every age that ever has been, it’s been that way, when God sent something on the scene and clearly identifies It, His Word.

200 Then, the make-believer hangs right on, that Judas. See, that’s the deceiver. That’s the—that’s the rascal, if I have to say such a word. Judas, he hangs around. This is the time, sometime, these make-believers are very popular with the people. That’s right, these make-believers, see. Some of them are mighty men, educated, doctor’s degree, big pay, everything. Some of them are great men, shrewd, just like sons of Satan would be.

63-1124e - "Three Kinds Of Believers"

Rev. William Marrion Branham

182 Let the Holy Spirit search your conscience, and you’ll agree with Daniel 5:12. When the queen come in before Belteshazzar, and said she found out that there was a prophet, Daniel, was among them, and he was a dissolver of doubts. You let the Holy Spirit. He is the Prophet of the day. Let Him come into your heart right now and examine with the Word of God, and the doubts about the Message will be all dissolved. He dissolves all the doubts. You find out, it’s exactly on the Word for this day.

183 You cannot preach Luther’s message today. It goes in It, but that’s the feet. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Cannot preach Wesley. Cannot preach Pentecostal. We’re plumb beyond that. They denominated and died. They’re the stalk.

65-1125 - "The Invisible Union Of The Bride Of Christ"

Rev. William Marrion Branham

188 Now, you take a grain of wheat, when the wheat is first coming forth. And Jesus said, “A corn of wheat…” And you take that wheat and open it up. You pull it off the stalk. You look at it. You say, “We got a grain of wheat.” Be careful. It’s just exactly like the grain, but there’s not a bit of grain in it. It’s the shuck.

189 There’s the Pentecostals, “So much,” as Matthew 24:24 said, “deceive the very Elected in the last days, if it was possible.” But you pull leaf by leaf back, you ain’t got no grain. The grain is right back in the back of it. See?

65-1125 - "The Invisible Union Of The Bride Of Christ"

Rev. William Marrion Branham

193 The pilgrim fathers were very thankful for their new-found way of life. Being separated from the old English denominations and creed, they could marry to the new anointed Word for their age; that’s right, the new anointed Word of their age, for their day.

194 So can we be thankful, as pilgrims, like Abraham, separated ourself from the things of the world, all of our associates. Abraham was a pilgrim. God has separated us from all the dead religions. I’m speaking across the nation now, all the dead creeds. And to what? Separated us, and opened to us a new land, a new Message for this day.

195 Pentecost dried up and died, like Luther, Wesley, and the rest of them. It’s no more than a bunch of churches pulled together. Good people in there, yet, has got to be come out.

65-1125 - "The Invisible Union Of The Bride Of Christ"

Rev. William Marrion Branham

261 Revelations 10, said, "In the days of the sounding of the seventh angel." Now remember, seventh, Laodicea Church Age. "The sounding of that angel," when that church age is done denominated and become a church age, when it's done in its Pentecostal organization; when the messenger to that… What was each messenger? What was Martin Luther? A rebuke to the Catholic. What was Wesley? A rebuke to them Lutherans. What was the Pentecost? A rebuke to them others. Where has the Life gone now? Away from an organization. No more shuck; it's the Grain. What is it? A rebuke to the Pentecost, see, to fulfill the Scripture of this hour. See?

262 Notice, the very day when this messenger… Not when he starts on, but when he begins to declare his Message. See? The First Pull, healing; Second Pull, prophesying; Third Pull, the opening of the Word, the mysteries revealed. No more, there is no more higher order to reveal the Word, than prophets. But the only way the prophet can be vindicated is by the Word. And, remember, the Third Pull was the opening of them Seven Seals, to reveal the hidden Truth that's been sealed in the Word. Do you see it? [Congregation says, "Amen."—Ed.] It is then, in that day when this thing is to take place, that Jannes and Jambres, the impersonators, will appear again. Just like they did when Moses appeared with the original Word, to say It; they appear to impersonate It. Just exactly right. Now you see what Matthew 24:24 is? See, anointed ones!

65-0725M - "The Anointed Ones At The End Time"

Rev. William Marrion Branham

220 Luther's age and that group; and then died off, and they went, denominated; then Wesley; and then come pentecostals, and so forth. All the little out branches of Baptists, Presbyterian, Methodists, Nazarenes, Pilgrim Holiness, and so forth, see, all those branched off from there like the leaf.

221 But, you remember, when it went down; and the grain begin to ripen, that you find, before that grain can ripen, everything in that stalk has to be dead. Hallelujah! Can't you see where we're standing? Life is in the grain again. What is it? Just exactly like the same grain that went in the ground, the same Jesus in the Bride form, same power, same Church, same thing, same Word. The same Word sucked up through these and come out here, and come to a head here. And all that Life that come through here, picked up its people. Now it's forming up into a head, for the Rapture. Speaking on that tomorrow night, or next night, one, the Lord willing.

65-1125 - "The Invisible Union Of The Bride Of Christ"

Rev. William Marrion Branham

259 And then put another Scripture, Luke 17:30, Malachi 4.

"As Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses," the anointed Word of the hour, "so will these men," not man, "men," anointed ones, "resist the Truth."

260 "In the very day that the Son of man is revealed." Revelations 10:1 to 7, read it when you get home, "the seventh angel's Message, opening up the Seals." What is it? Not the angel is the Son of man; but the messenger is revealing the Son of man. Can you get it separated now? That's where it seems to be so hard for you, you see. Not the Son of man, Himself; but the seventh angel, the seventh messenger, is revealing to the public the Son of man, because It's left the shuck. He can't organize It. It's the Grain, Itself, again.

"And in that day, Jannes and Jambres will withstand," anointed ones (make-believers and unbelievers, the church formal and the Pentecostals) stand up against the true Grain, "but let them alone; their folly will be made manifest, as theirs was." See? You understand now? [Congregation says, "Amen."—Ed.]

269 Now, I want you to know this is sure, and you that listen to this tape. You might have thought today that I was trying to say that about myself, being that I was packing this Message. I have no more to do with It than nothing, no more than just a voice. And, my voice, even against my better judgment; I wanted to be a trapper. But it's the will of my Father that I declare to do, and determined to do.

I wasn't the One that appeared down on the river; I was only standing there when He appeared. I'm not the One that performs these things and foretells these things that happens as perfect they are; I'm only one that's near when He does it. I was only a voice that He used, to say It. It wasn't what I knew; it's what I just surrendered myself to, that He spoke through. It isn't me, it wasn't the seventh angel, oh, no; it was the manifestation of the Son of man. It wasn't the angel, his message; it was the mystery that God unfolded. It's not a man; it's God. The angel was not the Son of man; he was the messenger from the Son of man. The Son of man is Christ; He is the One that you're feeding on. You're not feeding on a man; a man, his words will fail. But you're feeding on the unfailing Body-Word of the Son of man.

270 If you haven't fed fully on every Word, to give yourself strength to fly above all these denominations and things of the world, will you at this time do it, while we pray?

65-0725M - "The Anointed Ones At The End Time"

Rev. William Marrion Branham