Dates: Mar 2-6
Science: Attributes of Rocks / Monday
March 2 / Tuesday
March 3 / Wednesday
March 4 / Thursday
March 5 / Friday
March 6
Standard / Focus Standard: S3E1
Students will investigate the physical attributes of rocks and soils.
  1. Explain the difference between a rock and a mineral
Recognize the attributes using observation / Focus Standard: S3E1
Students will investigate the physical attributes of rocks and soils.
  1. Explain the difference between a rock and a mineral
Recognize the attributes using observation / Focus Standard: S3E1
Students will investigate the physical attributes of rocks and soils.
  1. Explain the difference between a rock and a mineral
  2. Recognize the attributes using observation
/ Focus Standard: S3E1
Students will investigate the physical attributes of rocks and soils.
a. Explain the difference between a rock and a mineral
b. Recognize the attributes using observation / Test over Rocks and Minerals
Essential Question/
Key Question / How do we use rocks and minerals? / What are some of the characteristics of rocks: / What are the layers of the earth? / What have you learned about rocks and minerals?
Lesson Opener / Rocks in my Life Graphic Organizer / BrainPopJr. video on rocks and minerals / Brainpop video
Earth's System/Earth's Structure and short video on Layers of the Earth (makemegenius) / Smart Exchange Activity
Differentiation / Visit the Webpages, "How Do We Use Rocks and Minerals?"

Students choose one item to illustrate, tell its usage, and list rocks and minerals used in each item. / Discuss characteristics of rocks and record them on graphic organizer.
In small groups rotate between centers and sort rocks according to different characteristics. / Students complete Layers of the Earth Diagram during video.
Students read science article, Beneath our Feet: The Four Layers of the Earthand discuss comprehension questions.
Song Video / Review "How Rocks Are Made" booklet.
Complete Study Guide
Lesson Summary / Students share in small groups their individual pages. / Kahoots Rocks and Minerals Review by mslarsonpcps / Complete one sentence stem:
I learned ______.
It was interesting that ______.
I understand ______.
I don’t understand ______.
It is important to remember ______. / Small Groups review Study Guide
Evaluation / Student work / Completed diagram
And comprehension answers / Study Guide
Utilization of Technology / "How Do We Use Rocks and Minerals?"

/ Brain Pop Jr.
Kahoots game / Brain Pop Video
Layers of the Earth video - makemegenuis

layers of the earth song: / Smart Exchange
Worksheets/Graphic Organizers / Characteristics of rocks graphic organizer / Diagram of the Layers of the Earth
Reading Comprehension: Beneath our Feet: The Four Layers of the Earth. / Study Guide