Expert Consultation on Managing Trans-Boundary Diseases of Agricultural Importance in Asia-Pacific

The expert consultation was co-organized by APAARI and Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) in New Delhi on 10-12 October 2012 as a follow up of the decision taken in APAARI Executive and APCoAB Steering Committee meetings recognizing the adverse impacts of tran-boundary diseases (TBDs) on agriculture. TBDs not only threaten agricultural productivity but also contribute to poverty, hunger, particularly of small holder farmers, and act as barriers to trade. In recent years, diseases like UG-99, plant viral diseases, avian influenza, NIPAH virus and foot and mouth disease have adversely affected agriculture and associated communities in the Asia-Pacific region.

The expert consultation was widely attended by about 140 participants comprising international experts on plant, animal and fish TBDs, APAARI members, CG centers, FAO, CABI and other international and local organizations. The program was inaugurated by the Indian Union Minister of State for Agriculture, Food Processing Industries and Parliamentary Affairs. The proceedings were held under following Technical Sessions:

Technical Session I: Status and Management of Plant Trans-boundary Diseases

Technical Session II: Status and Management of Animal Trans-boundary Diseases

Technical Session III: Status and Management of Fish Trans-boundary Diseases

Technical Session IV: Breakout Group Discussions for Indentifying Key Issues in Plant, Animal and Fish Trans-boundary Diseases

Technical Session V: Priorities for Policies, Research and Regional Management of Plant Trans-Boundary Diseases

Technical Session VI: Priorities for Policies, Research and Regional Management of Animal Trans-Boundary Diseases

Technical Session VII: Priorities for Policies, Research and Regional Management of Fish Trans-Boundary Diseases

Plenary Session: Presentation of Group Recommendations and General Discussion.

Following important recommendations were made in different sessions of the consultation:

  • Documentation of potential TBDs of Asia-Pacific region and prioritization based on risk analysis. Among the trans-boundary animal diseases, there is a need to focus on high priority diseases such as FMD, HPAI, PPR and CSF.
  • Strengthening epidemiological and disease reporting with improved communication system.
  • Risk analysis and modeling capacity strengthening.
  • Identification of working groups for surveillance of emerging TBD threats and their vectors at regional level to map and identify hot-spots.
  • Creation of rapid response teams and developing appropriate human resources to deal with emergency situations, like locust attacks.
  • Establish antisera banks/vaccine banks for exotic pests/pathogens as well as new emerging pests/diseases.
  • Invest in setting up local fish breeding centers to avoid risk from import of pathogens along with SPF stocks.
  • Strengthening quarantine and certification framework
  • Establishment of national strategies and institutional mechanism for managing disease risks (National Biosecurity Authority)