Name: P#: Night Vocab Vocab Word Definition Visual Clue
1. Allies / 1. A group of 26 nations led by Great Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union that opposed Germany, Italy, and Japan in World War II. / 1.2. Anti-Semitism / 2. / 2.
3. Auschwitz-Birkenau / 3. Largest of the Nazi concentration camps, located in southwestern Poland. More than one million Jews were murdered there. / 3.
4. Bergen-Belsen / 4. A concentration camp in northern Germany. Epidemics, overcrowding, and planned starvation in this camp led to the deaths of more than 34,168 people, including Anne and Margot Frank. / 4.
5.Bombardment / 5.A continuous attack with bombs, shells, or other missiles. / 5.
6. Kabbala / 6 / 6.
7. Concentration camps / 7. Prison camps that held Jews, Gypsies, political and religious opponents of the Nazis, resistance fighters, homosexual men and women, and others considered enemies of the state. People died of starvation, slave labor, and disease. / 7.
8. Death marches / 8. Took place in the late fall of 1944 to 1945. The SS marched concentration camp inmates on long, often pointless treks into the heart of Germany and Austria. / 8.
9. Deportation / 9. / 9.
10. Displaced persons (DP’s) / 10.Jews and others who at war’s end did not wish to be repatriated to their former communities/countries of origin were placed in DP camps. / 10.
11.Firmament / 11. / 11.
12. Final solution / 12. / 12.
13.Forced-labor camps / 13. Camps where prisoners were used as slave labor. / 13.
14.Genocide / 14. / 14.
15.Ghetto / 15. A ghetto is a part of a city in which members of a minority group live, especially because of social, legal, or economic pressure.The term was originally used in Venice to describe the part of a city to which Jews were restricted and segregated. / 15.
16. Hasid(ic) / 16. A Jewish mystical sect founded in Poland in 1750. / 16.
17. Judenrat / 17. German, “Jewish council.” Ghetto Jewish councils set up by Nazis and under their strict control. Jewish leaders, called Elders, collaborated in Nazi plans for Jewish ghetto life. / 17.
18. Kaddish / 18. A Jewish prayer recited in the daily ritual of the synagogue and by mourners at public services after the death of a close relative. / 18.
19. Kapo / 19. Italian, “chief or head.” An inmate in a concentration camp who assisted in the administration of the camp in return for additional rations and better living conditions. / 19.
20. Muselmann / 20. German, “Muslim.” A physically and emotionally run-down concentration camp inmate who was so weak he could not walk, work, or stand; he looked like a praying Muslim. / 20.
21.Occupation / 21. Control of a country by a foreign military power. / 21.
22. Passover / 22. A Jewish holiday beginning on the 14th of Nisan (month on Jewish calendar) and commemorating the Hebrews' liberation from slavery in Egypt. / 22.
23.Pentecost / 23. A Jewish holiday observed on the 6th and 7th day of Sivan commemorating the revelation of the Ten Commandments on Mt. Sinai; a Christians feast day on the 7th Sunday after Easter. / 23.
24.Premonition / 24. / 24.
25. Rabbi / 25. / 25.
26. Rosh Hashanah / 26. The Jewish New Year observed on the first and by Orthodox and Conservative Jews also on the second of Tishri (month on Jewish calendar). / 26.
27. Selection / 27. In ghettos, the SS selected which Jews would be deported. In camps, the SS weeded out exhausted and sick inmates for murder. / 27.
28. Sho’ah / 28. Hebrew, “mass slaughter.” This Hebrew word is preferred over “Holocaust” in Israel. It is found in Isaiah 10:3 and means destruction, complete ruination. / 28.
29. SS / 29. The abbreviation for Schutzstaffel, the black-shirted elite guard of Hitler, later the political police in charge of the concentration and death camps. / 29.
30. Synagogue / 30. / 30.
31. Swastika / 31. An ancient religious symbol of good luck (a hooked cross). It began its use as a symbol of anti-semitic organizations in 1910, and the Nazi Party adopted it as their emblem in 1920. Now banned in Germany, the swastika is still used by neo-Nazis around the world. / 31.
32. Talmud / 32. A collection of teachings of early rabbis from the 5th/6th centuries. / 32.
33. Third Reich / 33. A term given by Hitler to his regime (1933-1945). The first Reich was the Holy Roman Empire; the second was the Kaiser Reich. / 33.
34. Torah / 34. The primary source in the Jewish religion is the Hebrew Bible. / 34.
35. Yellow star / 35. The six-pointed Star of David was a Jewish symbol that the Nazis forced Jews above the age of six to wear as a mark of shame and to make Jews visible. In the Netherlands the star carried the word Jood, meaning "Jew," in the middle. From May 1942 until she went into hiding, Anne Frank wore a yellow star, separating her from the rest of the Dutch population. / 35.
36. Zyklon B (hydrogen cyanide) / 36. A poisonous gas used in the gas chambers of the Nazi extermination camps. / 36.