Experienced Gardeners (Stones End Day Centre)
Age UK Lewisham and Southwark
Age UK Lewisham and Southwark (ACLS) is a trusted local charity with over 30 years of experience working to improve lives for older people. Our ethos is to empower older people to make choices and take control of their lives.
Our services reach out to support the most vulnerable, socially excluded and isolated older members of the community, delivering preventative solutions to negate potential emotional, financial and physical challenges that may accompany ageing.
Stones End Day Centre
Stones End Day Care, which is open Monday to Friday, offers support to those who are vulnerable and require assistance to live active and independent lives. We provide transport to and from the centre, a healthy meal and a place for our members to participate in a range of activities.
About the role
Stones End Day Centre is getting a new garden and we will need experienced, committed and passionate volunteers to maintain the space and, potentially, deliver gardening activities and planting workshops to our members.
Successful candidates will need to be available to tend to the garden 2-4 half days per month and be able to commit to the Day Centre for a minimum period of 6 months.
Our volunteers are crucial in ensuring that our members have a good day at the centre and are valued by the whole team.
Further Info
If you would like to apply, please fill in the application form and forward it to:
Chithmini De Silva
Day Care Co-ordinator
Stones End Day Centre
11 Scovell Road
London, SE1 1QQ
Tel. 020 7358 4056
Also, if you have any questions or would like to talk about other volunteer opportunities please contact Chithmini De Silva on 020 7358 4056.
Age UK Lewisham and Southwark
Stones End Day Centre
11 Scovell Road
Tel: 020 7358 4052
Please complete this form in BLOCK CAPITALS or black ink.
Personal Details:
What position are you applying for?
How did you find out about this opportunity?
Employment Status
Not in workRegistered Unemployed
Working part-time
Working full-time
Other (please specify)
What do you hope to gain from volunteering on this project?
Please detail any qualifications or experience you have that is relevant to the post:
What skills and experience could you bring into the post?
Your availability
Ideally, how many days a week would you like to volunteer on the project and for how long?Do you have any commitments that will affect your availability during your placement? E.g. holidays
Disclosure and Barring Service
I agree that should I be successful in this application, I give my permission for Age Concern Lewisham and Southwark (ACLS) to apply to the Disclosure and Barring Service for an enhanced disclosure. I do understand that should the disclosure not be to the satisfaction of Age Concern Lewisham and Southwark any offer of a volunteer placement may be withdrawn or terminated. I also understand that I may be subject to a Home Office check.
Please provide contact details of two referees. At least one person should be of professional standing and they should not be a family member.
If your circumstances mean that you are unable to provide current references, we will be happy to discuss this further with you.
Name:Address: / Name:
Relationship to you: (e.g. former employer, friend, neighbour)
How long has this person known you? / Relationship to you: (e.g. former employer, friend, neighbour)
How long has this person known you?
Telephone no:
Email: / Telephone no:
Data Protection Act 1998
Information on our database is strictly confidential and we do not pass on any personal data about you to outside organisations and/or individuals without your express personal consent. The only exception to this might be if there is a crisis and the emergency services need to be given appropriate information.
I agree that Age Concern Lewisham and Southwark may keep basic information from this form on record and occasionally send you information updates about Age Concern Lewisham and Southwark.
Volunteer declaration
The information given in this application is, to the best of my knowledge, true and accurate.
Please return the completed form to Chithmini De Silva via email at or by post to Stones End Centre, 11 Scovell Road, London SE1 1QQ.
Equality and Diversity Monitoring
Age UK Lewisham and Southwark aims to provide equal opportunities and fair treatment for all staff and volunteers.
Please complete the form and email or post to the address at the end. The information below is anonymous and will not be stored with any identifying information about you. All details are held in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
We would like you to complete this form in order to help us understand who we are reaching and to better serve everyone in our community. The information will be used to provide an overall profile analysis of our staff and volunteer base.
Please state what you consider your ethnic origin to be. Ethnicity is distinct from nationality and the categories below are based on the 2001 Census in alphabetical order.
Asian / Black / Chinese or other ethnic group Indian / Caribbean / Chinese
Pakistani / African / Any other ethnic group (please write in)
Bangladeshi / Any other Black background
Any other Asian background / (please write in)
(please write in)
Mixed / White
White and Black Caribbean
White and Black African / English
Scottish / Rather not say
White and Asian / Welsh
Any other mixed background
(please write in) / Any other White background
(please write in)
Age: ______ Rather not say
The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA) defines a person as disabled if they have a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long term (i.e. has lasted or is expected to last at least 12 months) adverse effect on one’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. This definition includes conditions such as cancer, HIV, mental illness and learning disabilities.
Do you consider yourself to have a disability according to the above definition?
Yes No Rather not say
Male / Rather not say / Transgender F to M
M to F
Which group below do you most identify with?
No religion / Baha’i / Buddhist Christian / Hindu / Jain
Jewish / Muslim / Sikh
Other (please write in) / Rather not say
Sexual orientation
How would you describe your sexual orientation?
Bisexual / Gay man / Heterosexual or ‘straight’ Lesbian / Other / Rather not say
Thank you for completing this form.