Experience Hampton Meeting
February 25, 2014
Tuck Museum
In attendance: John Tinios, Rusty Bridle, Lee Lowney, Ben Moore, Dean Merrill, Joe Jones, Dyana Martin, John Nyhan, Bob Preston
John N opened the meeting at 4:30 pm. The first thing on the agenda was the Secretary’s Report from the previous meeting. John T made a motion to accept the minutes and Joe seconded the motion. Ben abstained, all the rest were in favor.
The Treasurers Report was next. Ben stated that last year EHI brought in $12,943 from the Ocean Gaming and that the dates for this year are May 1,2,3,4, July 4, 5 6 and September 14, 15, and 16th. He then reported that there was $17,070 cash on hand and from October 1 through today, Experience Hampton has spent $25,000 on the parade. Rusty made a motion to pass the Treasurers Report and Joe seconded the motion. Ben abstained again but the rest all voted in favor again.
Presidents Agenda: John stated a few things that he would like to see in the next few months for Experience Hampton. He stated that he would like to establish a monthly board meeting schedule. The meeting was changed from Tuesdays to the fourth Wednesday of the month at the Tuck Museum at 4:30pm. He then wanted to confirm the dates of upcoming events. This list is as follows:
May 26th: Flags and Flowers: Dyana to get 1500 flags this year and Rusty to ask each vendor about the barrels for this year.
June: Restaurant Week: tabled until we can get some more info from John Tinios on that.
July: Golf Tournament: the group still needs to pick a date via the golf course
August: Potential Friday night concert on the green
October: Spirit Night: also tabled as everyone agreed that this needed some work to change up the event
October: Beer Fest: it was discusses about doing this but the group felt we should do it on the opposite year as the HHS Tavern Walk which is on October 11 this year.
December 6th: Christmas Parade
Joe also had an idea about sponsoring an event or all the volunteers for the parade. He thinks it should be at the Galley Hatch Pelican Club on April 23rd from 5:30 to 7:30 and it could be called a Volunteer Appreciation Party. All agreed that it was a great idea and will discuss further at the next meeting.
Next John T talked about Experience Hampton getting a sign that could have all the events on it. All like the idea but discussion ensued in regard to the location for the sign.
Part Time Administrator: John N stated that he has looked at the money, hours and support that is needed for this position and he feels comfortable with the Ocean Gaming money that is coming in, that we could have enough money to pay someone. John asked if he could revitalize the search for this person.
Lee talked about Experience Hampton having a Kick off the Summer Party. Then Dyana suggested that we take all these ideas and put them on the Hampton Rec. website until there is another place for them or to at least link them. All were in favor of both ideas. John T then spoke about the website that we already have and thinks that we should get a completely new website and that it would be done professionally and correct.
Town Revitalization- John T talked about having a meeting at the Pelican Club from 4:30 to5 to talk about hospitality issues and from 5:00 to 6:30 to have a presentation of the advisory board to talk about downtown development that was sponsored by the Town.
It was then discussed about having a plaque for Past Board recognition and having a plaque made up for Desi. Rusty made the motion and Dean seconded it. The vote was unanimous.
Old Business: Rusty talked about the banners and changing them when the weather gets better.
Dean asked about putting up a banner across Rte. 1 and it was discussed why that unfortunately does not work anymore. And John T talked about a map of things to do in Hampton sponsored by EHI.
New Business: John N talked with Lee about a new way to get info out to people. Lee stated that it was a web based group called mynewsletterbuilder.com and that it keeps all email addresses for $10 a month. This would require an administrator and Lee stated that she would be happy to do that. Rusty made a motion to move forward with mynewsletterbuilder.com with Lee as the administrator until we have an administrator and Joe seconded it. All were in favor.
By laws review and establishing a review committee: John N wants to have the bylaws reviewed for the next annual meeting and stated that we need to put together a committee to review them.
John also stated that Carrie Ruggerio would like to be the Manager of an event in late spring and she is interested in doing a Beach Olympics event.
Ben stated that he needed some help to the Town Clock project put together.
Finally we had the annual elections of the officers of the board and Joe Jones made a motion and Rusty seconded the motion to have the same slate of officers as last year. The motion was passed.
Dean then made a motion to adjourn and Bob seconded the motion, all were in favor. The meeting ended at 6:00pm.