Experience Hampton Board of Director’s Meeting
9/15/15- Kennebunk Savings Bank
PRESENT- John Nyhan, John Tinios, Dean Merrill, Kristen Russell, Nancy Waddell, Buck Frost, Rusty Bridle, Kerri Ruggiero
Meeting called to order at 5:30
Motion to accept August minutes made by Buck seconded by Kristen, motion unanimous.
Motion to accept special minutes from meeting at our golf outing to raise the amount of board members made by Rusty and seconded by Nancy, vote was unanimous.
TREASURERS REPORT- John N. reviewed the financials, Dean received a $1000 donation from Provident Bank for the Christmas parade. Motion to accept treasurer’s report made by Dean seconded by Kristen vote was unanimous.
PRESIDENT’S REPORT- 20/20 economic development plan for walkway by Greg’s Bistro was reviewed by John N. John N. went over the project team members, required approvals and timeline hoping to be completed by October 30, 2015. Dean suggested to get an insurance policy for the project which everyone agreed and he will do before we move forward. Kristen suggested having legal documents drawn up for the property owners. Motion to approve the Greg’s project plan motioned by John T. and seconded by Nancy vote was unanimous.
John N wants to transfer $4000 from our gaming account to 20/20 fund; motion to authorize the transfer made by Rusty seconded by Kristen vote was unanimous and John N. will make the transfer.
Motion to authorize the spending for up to $15,000 on Greg’s project made by Buck and seconded by Rusty.
Golf Tournament: The Golf Tournament was a great success raising over $20,000. Kerri sent out Thank you cards to all sponsors as well as secured next year’s outing for August 8th. John T. suggested advertising in restaurants next year and Rusty suggested coordinating with other groups to make a calendar of events and post on our website.
Christmas Parade: A formal request was made to have the Budweiser Clysdales in this year’s parade. Rusty suggested to ask restaurant owners to ask their distributers about getting the clysdale horses.
John N. met with Dyana to establish a budget for this year’s parade for $15,000 not including warrant article as well as any additional non golf outing donations, motion to accept budget made by Rusty and seconded by John T. vote was unanimous.
OLD BUSINESS- Weset aside a donation of $250 for the Hampton Historical Society for their birthday party with the money Kerri Purchased the cakes and donated the remaining amount to HHS.
Our Banner needs to be moved Buck suggested bringing it to Smuttynose and Rusty will talk to Kevin Love.
Rusty talked about the clock tower at the Old Salt they have raised around $50,000 and got a stock donation of $25,000 which was sold they need about $86,000 total. Rusty also talked about the Pedestrian crosswalk lights and is waiting for a quote. He suggests putting them at the schools in Hampton and on Lafayette Rd. John N. suggested Depot square but Rusty and Dean both think it would be too much and too close to the lights. John T. suggested putting crosswalk lights by the McDonalds which everyone agreed would be a good location.
The Board wants to know what we can do to clean up in front of Kennebunk Savings in the lot for sale.
We need to think of suggestions for new Board Members since we voted on raising the amount of Board Members to up to 15. John N. wants 3 or 4 suggestions and would like one Board member to have a legal background and some “Doers”. John T. suggested Ron Bouchey and Rusty suggested Shane Pine which we will discuss all our suggestions at October’s Board meeting.
Motion to adjourn made by Dean and seconded by Kristen vote was unanimous meeting adjourned at 5:35
Meeting Minutes submitted by Kerri Ruggiero