Social, Moral, Cultural & Spiritual (SMCS) – Draft Document February 2015

SMCS Activity / Additional Comments/Impact
Curriculum Days / Two days with whole school focus on citizenship and SMCS. Students are off timetable all day covering issues such as SRE, Drug awareness, careers, healthy active lifestyles, self-esteem, cultural diversity, positive image and mental health. External providers and teaching staff run session all day.
My World Curriculum in Year 7&8 / Project work curriculum with a focus on literacy and citizenship.
TFA’s Got Talent / First talent show took place in December 2011. Due to success this is now an annual event with students auditioning for places and 12 act performing in the finals. This is an annual fund raising activity for the local charity Haven House. This has been running for three years now and a total of £1250 has been raised.
Christmas Fete Charity Fund Raiser / Year 9 students run and organise a Christmas fete raising money for Great Ormund Street. Over £200 raised in December 2014.
Summer School Fete / As part of the My World curriculum and project work students in Year 8 organise and run a summer school fete for the local primary schools, senior citizens, parents and carers. Last year £550 was raised with £400 going towards Haven House and £150 being donated to Almanda Therapy Pets charity.
Multi-Cultural Festival / KS4 students organise and run a multi-cultural festival or music, dance and food from around the world to raise funds for their end of year 11 prom.
Senior Citizens Christmas Party / Held just before Christmas students at the end of KS3 organise and run a Christmas party of local senior citizens. They raise money through sponsorship to pay for catering and entertainment.
Year 9 Leap Employability Programme / 10 one hour sessions delivered by external providers to all year 9 students with a focus on progression pathways.
Year 10 Barclays Life Skills Workshops / Students are given career advice and guidance on work and life skills by external visitors.
Homophobia Training for 6th form students and selected Year 11s. / Training for students to lead on homophobia sessions to KS4 and KS3 students. Once training is completed students deliver sessions during the assembly and tutor time programme.
Hate Crime Speakers KS4 / External speakers run sessions to year 11 as part of citizenship education raising awareness of hate crimes and racism.
Anti-Bullying Week / Wholes school focus on bullying delivered through assemblies, tutor time and curriculum areas. All students and staff involved with various events throughout the week.
C-Card Registered site / First school in Redbridge to sign up to C-Card scheme. Working closely with the Terrance Higgins Trust to support young people. Five members of staff trained.
School Council & Students Voice / Students Voice. Meetings held regularly to discuss various issues. Student survey completed annually.
Assemblies Programme / Assemblies delivered to all year groups including 6th form on a variety of subjects throughout the year.
Black History Month / Through Assemblies and tutor time as well as being linked whole school through activities and events to raise awareness.
Information. Advise & Guidance interviews for Yr 9, Yr11 & 6th Form / IAGs to give guidance to all students in year 9, 11 & 6th form via interviews with SLT focussed on progression, achievement and progress.
Parents Evenings & Information Evenings / Various parental and information evenings run throughout the year for all key stages to give information, advice and guidance on attainment, achievement and attendance.
Drug & Alcohol Awareness / Advisory Service speakers deliver sessions for students and training for staff.
New Beginnings, The Global Partnership / Hume High School in India, school links. Young Americans host school for past two years. Links to South Africa being developed throughout 2014-2015.
Drug & Knife crime sessions as part of citizenship run by Redbridge police service and trident. / Various sessions and a taught element of citizenship education and the tutor time programme.
Act training and sessions / Year 10 students receive training from MET police and Prevent on radicalisation.
Food Bank Fund Raising / Through the RE and citizenship curriculum students bring in food for the local food bank and students deliver this to support the local community.
Houses of Parliament Visit for LAC / LAC students taken to houses of parliament annually.
Teenage Pregnancy Service for Redbridge Assemblies / Citizenship, assembly programme and tutor time programme.
LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) workshops and visits. / Citizenship, assembly programme and tutor time package. Part of curriculum days for year 9 and Year 10 students. Students training to deliver sessions.
Young Americans – Performing Arts Workshops / TFA the host school for Redbridge past two years with students from across the Borough attending performing arts workshops and performances.
Redbridge primary sports events held at TFA / SSCO sports links. Students in KS4 trained to deliver sessions for Redbridge primary schools students. Football, Netball, Golf, Gymnastics and SEN Multi sports events.
Art Work / Work produced by students on display around the school promoting student achievement and cultural diversity.
Redbridge area 10 community forum / Staff and students invited to area 10 community forum building links with the local community. Local MPs challenged on travel, education and youth development opportunities.
Jack Petchy Award Scheme / TFA full gold member of the Jack Petchy Award Scheme.
Great Men Workshops / Year 8 & 9 boy only sessions led by external agencies discussing feminism and stereotypes. Year 12 also involved and produced promotional material on display around the academy.
Dove Self Esteem Workshops / Support targeted at girls with low self-esteem to improve confidence.
Redbridge Youth Parliament / Representatives from school student council are involved in running of the Redbridge youth parliament.
Fund Raining for St Mungos homeless charity / Students run cake sales and complete sponsored events to raise money for St Mungos homeless charity.
Primary Liaison Work / Teaching staff and students supporting teaching and learning in local feeder primary schools. Learning days for all core subjects held at TFA throughout the year.
Learning Support Unit Mentoring
-Nurture Group
-Social Skills
-Accelerated Reader Groups
-Saturday Intervention Classes / Students with pastoral needs are supported through mentoring and targeted intervention.
Safe Drive Stay Alive 6th form conference / Focus on 6th form road safety awareness and learning to drive.
PSHE Curriculum embedded into year 7 & 8 form tutor time with topics including mental health, crime and politics. / Tutor delivered activities on various issues on pupil well being.
Debating Club / Started in September 2014 with students improving their confidence and public speaking.
Visiting speakers from local religious communities – Vicar and Imam / As part of RE education speakers come in to discuss what takes place in the local community and highlight quality of cultural diversity and tolerance of all faiths and religions.
Teach a friend a language / Students teach each other their home languages and then give a presentation to a judging panel.
University Visits including Queen Mary, UEL, South Bank, Cambridge / IAG progression pathways, University taster days, debates and challenges, key skills activities, science and enterprise.
Medical Challenge Day / Year 10 students take part in medical challenge activities looking at careers in medicine at Havering College.
NCS The Challenge initiative / Students at the end of year 11 complete 3 week programme where they go on a residential for two weeks to university and during their third week come back to the local community to complete volunteering.
Visits from university lecturers / Leading workshops on a variety of topics aimed at progression routes post 6th form.
Testicular & Breast cancer awareness sessions. / Raising awareness through external led sessions by medical practitioners.
Residential Field Trip Geography – Yr 12 / Develop practical Geography Skills
Residential Field Trip Geography – Yr 13 Student Led / Student led residential for all Yr 13 Geography students.
Royal Geographical Society Insight trip / Year 9 students to develop understanding of the curriculum and geography in a global context.
EDF Energy trip / Year 10 students involved in careers, iterviews and problem solving activities.
Year 10 Jack Petchy Speak Out Challenge / Students in Year 10 have 10 minutes to speak about a topic of their choice. Winners go through to regional finals.
Cycle to School Week / Whole school focus aimed at getting more studetns and staff to cycle to work. Workshops and cycles loaned to students and staff
Lifeline mentoring for 20 year 10 students / 30 minutes mentoring sessions per week for 20 vulnerable students. Focussing on raising achievement and pastoral support.
Year 7 Science Museum Visit / The day included a visit to launch pad which further developed students understanding of the topics being covered.
Perfume making in science / Project based task where students were experimenting with and making their own perfume which was then packaged and given as presents to family and friends.
Epping Forest Field Trip / Biological field trip for year 10 science students
Royal Greenwich Observatory Trip / Year 8 and 6th form physics students working together on project based activities.
Trip to V&A museum / English project looking at The Vic’s ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’ & ‘A view from the bridge’ to support coursework.
London Museum Trip / Year 7 visit to watch a performance of ‘A Christmas Carol’ and took part in activities to broaden their learning of the British Literary canon.
Trips to the British Library / Year 13 students toured the Gothic exhibition.KS3 students take part in creative writing workshops called ‘write here’ to enhance their creative writing skills.
The Globe Theatre / Year 9 & Year 12 students watched a performance of Othello to strengthen their understanding and appreciation of the British canon.
Citibank Guest Speaker for Maths / Head of UK operations guest teaching Year 11 students regarding vectors in the real world and giving advise on exams, revision and careers.
PWC Trip / Year 11/12&13 students trip to PWC office at Embankment. Careers insight day in the biggest consultancy firm voted IK top graduate employer 11 years running.
KPMG Trip / Focus on careers in professional services. Looking at school leavers and University programmes, interview technique, University applications and team work activities.
Saturday English & Maths Intervention Sessions / Additional support for vulnerable students.
MFL trips to France and Spain / Students have the opportunity to visit other countries to practice language skills and observe other cultures.
Liddington Netball Tour / Residential weekend for students of all ability to further develop practical skills, team building and confidence.
Year 7 Disco / Organised and run by 6th form students raising £255 for the Wings of Hope charity whilst offering year 7 students opportunities for developing friendship groups.
Social Media Education / Part of taught tutor programme raising awareness of online bullying and being cyber safe.
Road Safety Awareness / Year 7 students involved in workshops aimed at raising awareness of road safety. All students offered Road safety practical course in year 7.
Engineering & Construction Work Place visits and IAG / Developing progression pathways for post 16 for work based training, employment and apprenticeships.
Summer DT Dyson challenge / Pupils problem solve and investigate how product work.
Stem Ambassador visits / Promoting Design and Technology for GCSE and post 16.
Music Schemes of work / Focus on the curriculum is music from around the world. Students then perform pieces in school shows, assemblies and other events.
Theatre Visits (Music & Drama) / Various theatre visits to enhance curriculum opportunities and enrichment opportunities including Stomp, Blood Brothers and Memphis.
KS2 Netball Coaching / GCSE PE students leading the coaching of extracurricular netball at Hylands school for year 3&4.
School Sports Links with various external providers / More students attending clubs outside of school. For example one student now competing at international level due to school funding his membership to Ilford Athletics club.
School Primary Sports Events / Basketball, Trampolining, Football and Netball all held for local primary schools and coaching provided by TFA staff and students
KS2 Sports Caching and teaching support / Yr 13 leaders working in Marks Gate Juniors, Yr 13 students working in Rush Green primary and Year 10 leaders working in Coppice Primary.
Youth Sports Trust Project / Working on talent identification and mentoring for G&T students.
Olympic Park Velodrome Visit / Open to all students’ opportunities to use Olympic facilities.
FA Leaders Course / Run by the FA student in Yr 11 are given the opportunity to complete their Level 1 football coaching qualification free of charge. Students then deliver voluntary coaching to local primary schools.
Holocaust Memorial Events / Including assemblies to all year groups, student’s attending memorial service at Valentines Park, Students invited to King Soloman school to attend holocaust seminars. Lessons delivered on Auschwitz and the holocaust. Holocaust survivor visit to the school to speak to students and share real life experiences.
Transatlantic slavery study / As part of history curriculum student take part in project work looking at slavery.
Ypres/WW1 trip / Year 9 students taken to Ypres as part of history curriculum and enrichment.
Peripatetic Music Lesson support / More students involved in OSHL. Better links with NELTA and local community for example Manford Way XMAS lights switch on. Larger take up in music tuition free of charge to PP students. Increase in students performing and uptake at GCSE.
Sports/Arts/Drama/Catering/English/Maths/Hard Tech/Soft Tech/ICT/Music/Science clubs at break, lunch and after school / No child left behind.
School shows, Summer concerts, Christmas concerts, arts evening s, maths challenges, debating, speak out challenges, numerous sporting teams and clubs aimed at participation, and competition, Basketball, Cricket, Football and Netball borough competitions and finalist. Year 9 cricket cup winners.
More OSHL opportunities.
Trips Directly related to the curriculum / -Geography field trips
-GCSE PE swimming/cycling/golf/rowing/OAA
-Drama theatre trips
-Music theatre trips
-Business Studies enterprise trips
All can be located on the school calendar
Cross Curricular Activities / All subjects cover a range of activities. Details for each can be found in the department folders on the school website.
For example in Science the following SMSC issues are covered at KS3:
-Drugs & Alcohol
-Disposal of Waste
-Human Diet & Health
-Effects of Smoking
-Diseases HIV & Aids
-Sound in the Environment
-Drugs, legal & illegal
-Fuels & Pollution