Expectations of Student Work
- Use pencil, blue or black ink, or a computer to complete any assignments that will be graded. Using anything else will result in points being taken off your grade. Colored pens and pencils are only used for grading and correcting work or coloring.
- All work should have a heading in the upper right corner that includes:
Your first and last name
The day’s date
SS block+day
- Make the question a part of your answer! Think CSRQ: Complete Sentence Reflects Question. Always give 2-3 reasons to support an opinion answer.
- All work should have a neat appearance! Your work should NOT have torn edges, be crumpled or stained, have partial or unnecessary marks, or be full of doodles. Such work will be returned to you to re-do or will result in points being taken off your grade.
- Class work should be reviewed each night of the day it is completed. Home fun should be completed the night it is assigned and then reviewed the night before it is due. So… DOit, and then REVIEW it!! Pop-quizzes are typically not announced ahead of time, and usually cover HW due that day.
- Assignments are due on time! Late work will be accepted BUT: up to 2 weeks after assignmentsaredue the highest grade possible is a 70%. Anything more than 2 weeks will receive less credit.EXTRA CREDIT IS NOT ACCEPTED LATE.
- It is YOUR responsibility to get, complete, and turn in all work missed due to an absence, ASAP. The class website is the best place for you to look if you are absent: (*also see the “I WAS ABSENT…” flow chart).
Expectations of SS Notebooks
- NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVERrip pages out of your notebook; you’ll run out of pages if you do.
- You need to add to your table of contents (ToC) at the beginning of EVERY CLASS! Keeping up with your table of contents is very important! I keep a running list on the class website. Youcan also use your ToC to keep a record of your GRADES!!
- Do NOT number pages ahead of time; number the pages as we use them.
- Number, title, and date every page. Also, use BOTH sides of the paper! It is totally ok for an assignment to run onto to another page if you need the space.
- Use ONLY tape or glue to attach work to your notebook. Everything we do has a home in it soNEVER EVER, EVER, THROW ANYTHING AWAY! LIKE, EVER!
- All Unit & Topic cover pages are completed when we finish the unit/topic, and should include neatly colored and labeled illustrations. You will get specific directions.
- Assessments come from the material you should have in your notebook, so it is the best study tool you have. USE IT!!
- DO NOT LOSE YOUR NOTEBOOK!! I’m not kidding, it does happen!
Expectations in the classroom
- Always come prepared with your SS supplies: glue or tape, color pencils, notebook, notebook paper, pen or pencils, highlighters, and head phones/ear buds. THIS ALSO MEANS HAVING YOUR STUDENT ID ON & VISABLE AT ALL TIMES! There will be consequences for failing to do so.
- Bring your SS textbook to every class unless told otherwise.
- Come to class with your home work as well as any questions you may have.
- As soon as you enter the room, use your time productively by sitting down in your seat and copying your table of contents. Sharpen your pencil immediately if necessary! DO NOT ASK TO GO TO THE BATHROOM; if you need to use it, go BEFORE entering the room.
- Remember to raise your hand and ask me if:
- you need to get up out of your seat for anything
- you have a question or a comment
- someone is bothering you and I need to be made aware
- We give respect to get respect. You can disagree with a person’s ideas but you still have to respect them!
- Read the DIRECTIONS to everything! Don’t just assume you know what to do. Seriously, I mean it!
- No eating of gum, food or candy in the classroom, unless I’ve given it to you.
- You need a hall pass EVERY TIME you leave the room unless it is class change or an emergency. Make sure you have a signed hall pass if you are leaving the class room!
- Come ready to learn because I’ll be waiting for you, ready to help you discover all the amazing things I love about U.S. History!
SS ROCKS! History #1! #I<3SS!