Expectations and Procedures for Mrs. Hames


Email Address:

Web Address: www.svsd.net

Phone Number: 724-452-6040 ext. 2270

The Seneca Valley Grading Scale will be used. To figure your grade:

Your points/total points. Grading Scale: 90-100 A

80-89  B

70-79  C

60-69  D

0-59 F

Notebook: You will need a 3-ring binder for BIOLOGY ONLY. Keep all of your handouts, notes, and labs in your notebook. You will be required to keep a Table of Contents. Keeping this notebook will help you be successful in this class. Points can range from 25-50 when graded.

Homework/Class-work: No late work will be accepted. However, You will be given 1 late homework pass per 9 weeks. You can use it on homework or class-work only. NO PROJECTS! Most homework, if graded, will be completion grades. Most of your grades will come from class-work. ** you must turn in the late assignment with your homework pass before we take the unit exam. Absolutely no late work will be accepted after the unit exam.

Projects: There will be at least 1 project per 9 weeks. Some projects will be individual and some will be with groups. These projects are due by the due date (the due date is the absolutely last day to turn in your project). NO EXCEPTIONS. 10 pts will be deducted

for every day the project is late.

Unit Tests: Announced 1 week in advance.

Quarterly Exams: You will be taking a quarterly exam and the end of each 9 weeks

that will count for 15% of your 9 weeks grade.

Mid-term test grade= average of1st and 2nd 9 weeks quarterly exams

Final exam= avg. of 3rd and 4th 9 weeks quarterly exams

Labs: Formal and informal reports.

Lateness: Please be here on time a prepared.

Late to class: SV School Policy

-  First 3 times: verbal warnings

-  4th time: detention

-  5th time: detention

-  6th time: referred to administration

Absenteeism: Please be here but when you miss here is what you need to do:

1.  Check the clipboard for your TOC and to see what you

missed. (notes, handouts, labs, hwk)

2.  Check the bin: this bin will have both checked assignments

and hwk you missed. Look for your name.

3.  Check with your teacher for directions and information regarding hwk. missed.

4.  If you missed notes, copy one of you classmates notes. It is your responsibility to get the notes.

5.  Hand in any homework that was due the day you missed. This is your responsibility, if you do not turn it in, it is late.

6.  Missed hwk due date: You will have the same number of days you were absent to make up work:

EX: you missed 2 days, you have 2 days to turn it in.

** This is your responsibility to turn in late work, I will not hound you to turn it in.

Cheating/Plagiarism: Will Not Be Tolerated. This includes but is not limited to cheating on tests, copying homework or lab work, and plagiarism on papers and projects. Cheating or Plagiarism results in an automatic 0 for that assignment: This pertains to both persons involved: the copier and the person who gave the assignment to copy.

Extra Credit: There will be extra credit offered throughout the semester. There will not be an extra credit assignment at the end of the nine weeks so take advantage of the extra credit given throughout the semester. These assignments will be posted on my website. Be sure to check the site periodically!

Restroom and locker Passes: Only issued for emergencies. You must fill out the required sign-out sheet correctly, if not you will be put on pass restriction. Also, if you misuse the pass, you will be put on pass restriction.

BYOT: We will be using BYOT in our classroom. When using BYOT you must be using the BYOT server so please make sure you register your device! If we are not using BYOT and you would like to you need to ask! Unauthorized use of technology (i.e. texting, game playing, videoing, internet usage) will be turned into the office.

** There is no eating or drinking allowed in the classroom. This is SV POLICY! If you have a medical condition that requires you to eat or drink I must be notified by the nurse.

Students Signature ______

Parents Signature: ______