Exhibitors shall submit the safety files of their stand(s) to the organisers 10 Weeks in advance.
This file must include:
The safety questionnaire completed by the exhibitor or its representative
- A plan or drawing of the stand showing the metric dimensions (length, width, height) and on which all the materials to be used are identified. This identification shall be repeated in column B of thequestionnaire. This plan shall include front, side, bird’s eye, and cross section views that are dulyindicated. A legend must specify the planned installations. The language used must be either Frenchor English. The scale must be at least 1:20.
- All official test reports for the materials issued by approved French laboratories or their Europeanequivalent and (or) the fireproofing certificates drawn up by duly approved companies.
All of these documents shall be identified from A to Z and repeated in column C of the questionnaire.
Exhibitors who do not submit said safety file, can be denied access to the exhibition halls.
Attention: certain materials are extremely dangerous as they allow fire to spread easily.Therefore, their use within the Palais des Festivals is strictly regulated. This is particularlytrue for plastic and synthetic materials.
We remind you that only materials approved and recognized by a French or European laboratorymay be used.
The Specifications provided to exhibitors is explicit with regard to the classification and useof materials that must comply with French regulations
Please feel free to contact the Fire Safety Department of the Palais des Festivals for theaddresses of manufacturers of materials authorized in France.
Safety Department Palais-Cannes:
Tel: +33 (0) 4 Fax: +33 (0)4
Tel:+33 (0) 4 +33 (0)4
Email: /
We do request that you make sure your contractors do not use unapproved materials inthe construction of the stand and to see to it that the Complete Safety File for your standis forwarded within the required time.
M0 = A1 ; A2 s1 d0 Euroclass: non-combustible / M2 = C s3 d1 Euroclass: Fire retardantM1 = B s3 d1Euroclass: non-flammable * excluding floor covering / M3 = D s1 d0 Euroclass*: Moderately flammable
M4 = D s3 (d1) Euroclass*: Highly flammable
Material / Authorized / Documents to be submitted
Wood (or wood-based composite) > 18 mm non-laminated / Pressed wood chipboard (non-laminated), plywood / none (materials equated M3 or ds1 d0 euroclass)
Wood < 18 mm and > 5 mm Wood > 18 mm laminated / M3 or d s1 d0 euroclass / Report (or labels on materials, see the note in the footer)
Plywood -Chipboard < 5 mm or wood-based composite / M1 or 2 treated on both sides with fireproof paint, varnish, or fire-inhibiting
salts by an approved contractor or B s3 d1 euroclass / Report or fireproofing certificate containing
the product name, specifications, date of application
Floor carpeting / natural: M4 or dfl s2 euroclass Synthetic: M3 or s2 Cfleuroclass / Report
Wall covering and fabrics / M1 or fireproofed or B s3 d1 euro-class / Report or fireproofing certificate containing the product name, specifications,
date of application
Plastics / M1 or B s3 d1 euroclass less than 2mn M2 or C s3 d1 euroclass from 2 to 12mn M4 or d s3 (d1) euroclass over 12mn / Report in line with paragraph 4.4.1 of the specifications.
Painting / On M0, M1 or authorized wood support
(nitrocellulose paint prohibited) / Report of Support
Suspended decorations (paper, cardboard) / M1 or fireproofed or Bs1d1 euroclass / Report or fireproofing certificate containing the product name, specifications, date of application
Floral decorations made of synthetic material / Original M1 (fireproofing prohibited) (1) or B s3 d1 euroclass / Report
Glued decoration (paper only) / Without proof if glued over the entire surface or applied partially to a surface of 0.50x0.50m and < 20% of the surface of the stand / none - must be adhered to fire-rated support, M0, M1, M2, M3 or euroclass equivalent
Furniture / large pieces of furniture: M3 or d s1 d0 euroclass lightweight structure: M3 or d s1 d0 euroclass Filling: M4 or d s3 (d1) euroclass envelope: M1 or B s3 d1 euroclass / Report or fireproofing certificate (Without proof if Palais furniture rental)
Glazing / Armed, tempered, laminated / Certificates or documents such as invoices, sworn statement
Other materials / Approval to be requested / Written response of the Safety Manager
NB: Report: Report from an approved laboratory in accordance with French decree of the Ministry of interior dated 30 June 1983 as amended and its annexes. Alternatively, by an officially recognized equivalent of any report corresponding to european standards called euroclassnF en 13 501-1 applicable in member states of the union. nB: Relative to self-certification of manufacturers of wood, said latter may be only be considered only as an information item with the Safety Manager, its validation or refusal shall be decided by the relevant administrative authority.
Event: ......
Name or company name: ...... Stand no.: ......
Contact: ......
Address: ......
Telephone: ...... Fax:......
E-mail: ......
IMPORTANT: Please complete this form and return it one month before the date the event opens using the table of materials listed in the Specifications of the Palais des Festivals.
Provide reports from approved testing laboratories or fireproofing certificates issued by authorized companies.
Note: if you opt for a basic stand provided without any other decoration except posters, please indicate this in the table below. In this case, you have no other document to submit.
In order to have use of a power supply cabinet on the stand, please complete the following Certificate of Electrical Compliance:
I, the undersigned ...... from the Company ......
Do hereby certify that the temporary electrical installation of Stand no.: ......
Of exhibiting Company ...... shall be executed in compliance with professional practice, subject to my liability.
Date: ...... Signature required Stamp
Name of designer/decorator: ...... Contact: ......
Stand no.: ...... Company exhibiting: ......
Material / ADescription / B
Situation plan / C
Report No / Space reserved for the Safety Department
Wood > 18 mm
Wood, plywood, chipboard
< 18 mm
Plywood -Chipboard < 5 mm or wood-based composite
Floor carpeting
Wall coverings and fabrics
Suspended decorations (paper, cardboard, etc.)
Decoration Glued or stapled (paper, etc.)
Other materials
Overall Construction Height of Stand ______
/ Build up:Open:
Break down: / Venue:
Halls in use:
Stand Number:
Risk assessment undertaken by: / Company Manager: / Distribution:
- Company Staff
- Organisers
- Contractors
Date: / Signed:
Hazards / Consequences / Who is at Risk / P / xS / =R / Controls / PxS=R / Action Level
Identify Hazards
Identify hazards in the halls/rooms and on the perimeter roads that could reasonably be expected to result in significant harm / What could result from the hazard?
Describe the type of injury then categorise as follows:
First aid injury – minor cuts sprains, bruises
RIDDOR 3 day injury – broken fingers, toes, sprained tendons or muscles, illness (tiredness, stress, gastric)
Serious injury – head injury, loss of consciousness, broken bones, dislocations, respiratory problems. Usually an injury from which full recovery is possible.
Death or very serious Injury to one person - Loss of limb, paralysis or life changing injury from which full recovery is unlikely.
Death or very serious injury to more than one person / Who might be harmed?
- Organiser’s staff
- Venue staff
- Visitors
- Exhibitors
- Contractors
- Young/new inexperienced staff
- Disabled
- Children
- New and expectant mothers
- Elderly visitors
P = Probability
S = Severity
R = Risk level
P x S = R / Is the risk adequately controlled?
Consider hierarchy of controls
- Eliminate
- Substitute
- Reduce
- Isolate
- Control
- Discipline
Meet legal requirements?
Represent best practice?
Reduce risk as far as is reasonably practicable?
Comply with industry standards? / What is the Residual Risk?
Action Level
H = High, Immediate action required
M = Medium, Justify and review each event day
L = Low, no further action required
See table in footer
Hazard / Consequences / Who is at Risk / P / S / R / Controls / P / S / R / ActnLvl
Probability (P) / Severity (S) / Calculation of Risk (R) / Action Level
5 >Almost inevitable
4Very likely
1 <Very unlikely / 5-Multi death or very serious injury
4-Single death or very serious injury
3-RIDDOR major injury
2-RIDDOR 3 day
1-Minor/First Aid / / LOW – no action required
MED – justify /review for each event day
HIGH –immediate action/ further controls needed
Page 1
Risks to be monitored each day as follows: (These will normally be those risks rated Medium after controls are in place)
Hazard / Monitored by / Frequency