BoroughmuirHigh School Parent Council
Minutes of Meeting held on Wednesday 16th March 2011
Present: J Forde (Chair), Helen Williams (Treasurer), Stephanie Hanna (Secretary)
Jack Hamilton (HT), Susan Mackay (PTA), Bruce Munro (Business Manager), Mimi Cogliano (Webmaster),Andrea Henderson, Janey Walker, Stew Green,Councillor Marilyne MacLaren,
Councillor Elaine Aitken, Marion Furness, Peter Derbyshire, Jeanna Brady (Co-chair Bruntsfield Primary School), Denise Rennex, David Baskill, David Anderson, Mike Norman (IT Consultant), S. Braunholtz, Oliver Chapman, Peter Kingsbury, Cathy Higginson (BPPC),
Ellen Wilson, Malcolm Fraser, Polly Purvis Billy MacIntyre (CEC),Robin Anderson (Architect), John Baker, Lindsay Glasgow, Heather Gordon, Margaret Holligan, Scott Arthur.
Please note that items on the Agenda were rearranged to suit attendees.
It was agreed that Stew Green would take photos for the PC website.
1. Apologies: Alex Wallace, Tony Carbery, Cathy Abbott.
2. A warm welcome was given to all. Billy MacIntyre Head of Resources of CEC Children and Families Department and Robin Anderson Architect for the new Portobello and James Gillespie's Schools were both introduced along with John Baker and Lindsay Glasgow.
3.A new Boroughmuir: BM was keen to stress that it would be for BoroughmuirSchool to decide what kind of environment it wanted for a new school building. The Council and the school would work closely to form a Brief based on the Curriculum for Excellence but would build in social spaces as well. He noted the project would be driven by the school and the Council recognised that each school will have its own individual requirements.
A presentation by Robin Anderson on the new PortobelloSchool followed with a Q & A session after.
Whilst Portobello is a new-build project, BM stated that all options are being considered for Boroughmuir including new build and site refurbishment. The school is being involved in all stages of the process. BM was asked what kind of National Guidelines were available for the project. He answered that although there was very little guidance available but Edinburgh schools were quickly being seen as exemplars. Current thinking is that new Edinburghschools exceed all current exemplars. RA added that much of the information on English schools is very prescriptive. Scotland has a more individual approach and each Local Authority acts on their own and uses what works for them. BM added that both Children and Families and HMIE had been consulted.
Q. Previously parents who were asked, had wanted a refurbishment to the existing school and had thought this had been agreed and therefore wondered why a new-build project was now being discussed. Cllr M confirmed that a new-build project is preferred by investors.
Q. What is the expected shelf life of a new school?If the choice is to rebuild, a new school should last 50, 60 or 70 years. Today’s materials and insulation requirements are far better today. Victorian built schools are difficult to maintain.
Q. If the decision was to refurbish the existing building, what would the decant process be? Decant would be extremely challenging particularly as Gillespie's are also going through a decant process.
Q. Acoustics are often poor in new schools – how would this be dealt with? Acoustics will be considered from the outset and an Acoustician would be involved.
Q. In a new-build project would all facilities including drama and sport be on site? Yes
Q. What is the timescale? The project will move as fast as possible. It is hoped there will be a decision on a site by the summer.
Q. How long will a new school take to build? Construction time will take around 2 years but this depends on the procurement method. It was noted that the Scottish Futures Trust has no assets and as such has no bias on site.
Q. Will there be a chance for parents and the community to have an input? Yes but the project will be a lengthy process.
Q. Is the local community being considered as local business depend on trade from the school? The CEC priority is to promote school meals but children will still be allowed out of school during breaks. Currently there is not a lot of space in the school so a new building may be beneficial.
Q. A parent was pleased to hear that the school and community would be involved and that the project is not a fait accompli. The school will be a product of the process which involves the school and the community. Other schools going through this feel that it has been a very positive process. JH added that the process was at a very early stage and as soon as something is firmed up the whole school community would be involved. The school is glad of CEC Children and Families’ continual support and hoped that by the summer there would be a way forward.
Q. Can the Council win a bid for a new site in a commercial market? Yes in the current climate.
Q. Will parents see an option(s) for a site? Yes and the Council will try to ensure a new site is in catchment but if not that catchment boundaries may have to change.
JF thanked the team for their presentation and answers and confirmed that a PC subgroup would be set up to liaise on the project. In addition the PC website would be used to keep parents involved.
BM noted that the funding is coming from the Scottish Government and the Scottish Futures Trust will administer the funds. As funding has already been announced it is thought unlikely to change whatever happens in the May elections.
4.Matters Arising:
(2) A letter was issued to Cllr MacLaren on behalf of the PC seeking to minimise cuts and protect front line services. Confirmation is still sought from Cllr McLaren as to whether this letter was received.
5.Introductions: The Parent Council is a forum for parents to express their views and find out what’s going on. The Office Bearers were confirmed as: Jerry Forde Chair, Stephanie Hanna Secretary, Andrea Henderson Treasurer. The position of Vice Chair is vacant and applicants are sought.
6.Finances: The PC is funded by the Council. There is a budget for a clerk which is not used in this case. Money this year has been spent on the new PC website. In addition money was donated to the school. £450-£500 of PC funds remains which will be used to continue the website next year. Thanks were given to Louise Harris for verifying the accounts.
Particular thanks were offered to Helen Williams, who is stepping down as Treasurer, for all her hard work.
BHS Capital and Revenues Budget: There is a change in the school budget to suit cost savings by the CEC. The school will get a budget based on the number of pupils. The management structure may change with the Management Team reduced but this is still to be decided. Changes will impact from August 2011. Janitorial and Business Support Services will be reduced. All cuts are currently in discussion and will hopefully be decided by Easter.
Head Teacher Report is appended to these minutes
Congratulations to the Young Consumer Team who won the Scottish Final and progress to the National Final in June. Congratulations also to the Cross Country Team for their considerable recent achievements.
7.Curriculum Sub-Group: No report
8.PC Website: Implementation of the website has gone smoothly. The PTA has come on board and there are 147 registered users. A note of thanks was given to the school for their support but there is still a need to spread the word.
The website Privacy Policy and Terms of Use have been reviewed and are available on the PC website.
The formal launch date is 30th March 2011 and plans to mark this are ongoing.
Special thanks were offered to MC and Mike Norman for all their hard work so far. A small presentation was made to MN.
The general view of the PC was that the new website is easy to use and great to look at and navigate. The system of alerts is working well.
9.Future Activities of the PC: Recent meetings have seen Department Heads speaking to the PC and a summary of discussions will be put on the website. ACTION:JDF
All parents are invited to get involved in the PC although it is not necessary to attend all meetings. The PC also has number of subgroups where parents can also get involved. Please check the website for details.
10. AOB: nothing further to report.