Exhibit “A”- Scope of Services
Intro to XXXX
Short description about the community and current state of the trees and tree inventory.
Goals of the project
Part One (review)
Analyze current urban forest and provide an inventory report. Things to be analyzed shall include:
- Analyze tree species make up
- Analyze diameter of trees as it relates to age of the urban forest
- Analyze current treeconditions
- Analyze maintenance needs
- Analyze insect and disease concerns
- Develop current maintenance schedule through one full pruning cycle based on current staffing on a month by month basis, example, June-July 2031 prune 156 large trees on 1st Ave W and 56 small trees on Cleveland Circle.
- Utilizing NRCS soil data, analyze soils and identify trees that do well in those soils
- Analyze hardiness zone and identify trees that would be conducive to XXXX
- Analyze current staffing levels and equipment
- Provide cost analysis of the value of the urban forest both monetarily as well as environmentally utilizing the program I-Tree
Part Two (community engagement)
Engage and facilitate Citizens, City officials, Council, and Tree Board as well as other stake holders to help develop vision, goals, and recommendations on the future of Urban Forestry in XXXX. Considerations to include but not limited to:
- Host a town hall meeting
- Develop a web survey to engage citizens
- Attend a Tree Board meeting
- Attend a City Council work session
- Meet with City officials that deal with trees in some facet
Multiple meetings will be scheduled per day to limit number of days needed to complete community engagement.
Part Three (community analyzes and presentation)
Utilize information gained through community involvement to complete the UFMP. Prepare and give a PowerPoint presentation at a City Council work session reporting findings.
- Analyze community input from meetings
- Develop community priorities
- Develop vision, goals, and recommendations
- Include findings from public engagement as additional components of original report
- Provide maintenance alternatives and costs associated
- If any alternatives are selected include in Part III as appendixes
Press Releases
Prepare press releases throughout project to keep citizens, and city informed (at least 3). One press release at the beginning of the project telling the public about the project, one media release at the conclusion of Part I inviting the public to be part of Part II, and a final release summarizing the project and inviting the public to the council work session.
Review Period
Thirty days prior to the submission deadlines of the inventory report and final report electronic copies of the documents will be made available to both DNRC and XXXX in order to provide an opportunity to review and provide comments prior to completion. Reviews will be completed and returned to consultantat leastfourteen days prior to final project deadlines. Comments provided by DNRC and XXXX should be addressed at final submission of inventory report and final report.
Submission of Reports
At the end of Part IPart III,three (3) printed copies of the inventory report will be provided to XXXX.
Reports will be spiral bound with hard cover and back on double-sided standard 8.5” x 11” non-glossy white paper. The use of 11” x 17” fold out sheets for large tables, charts, diagrams, and maps will be permissible but should be limited. Font type and size should be, “Times New Roman”,size 12.
At the conclusion of Part III a disk or flash drive will be provided to XXXX with digital copies ofall PowerPoints, data, reports, pictures, and anything produced through the completion of this project.
All elements produced either written or data will be the property of the City of XXXX at the completion of the project.
Project Time Frame
July 1, 2016 Anticipated signing of a service contract by City and Contractor
August 12, 2016 Rough draft provided to XXXX and DNRC for review of Part I
August 26, 2016 Comments provided back to contractor concerning Part I
September 9, 2016 Completion of Part I
September 12, 2016 @ 7:00 P.M. Attend work session with City Council
September 14, 2016 @ 4:00 P.M. Attend Tree Board meeting
September 14, 2016 @ 7:00 P.M. Attend Town hall meeting
November 11, 2016 Rough draft of the completion of Part III & PowerPoint rough draft provided to XXXX and DNRC for review
November 28, 2016 Rough draft of Part III & PowerPoint comments provided back to contractor
December 12, 2016 @ 7:00 P.M. Present findings at City Council work session, completion of Part III
Consultant shall provide City with proof of Consultant’s liability insurance issued by a reliable company or companies for personal injury and property damage in amounts not less than as follows:
- Workers’ Compensation - statutory
- Employers’ Liability - $1,000,000 per occurrence; $2,000,000 annual aggregate
- Commercial General Liability - $1,000,000 per occurrence; $2,000,000 annual aggregate
- Automobile Liability - $1,000,000 property damage/bodily injury; $2,000,000 annual aggregate
- Professional Liability - $1,000,000 per claim; $2,000,000 annual aggregate
The City shall be included or named as an additional or named insured on the Commercial General and Automobile Liability policies. The insurance must be in a form suitable to City.
Payment will be made in two distributions. A payment equaling half the quoted amount will be paid at the conclusion of Part I and the second half will be made at the completion of Part III. It will be the contractor’s responsibility to invoice the city for payment. Once an invoice is submitted for payment the city requires 30 days to complete payment.
City Contact
email address
Phone #
Project Funding
Funding for this project is made possible through the City’s forestry budget as well a Program Development grant from the DNRC and USFS. State and Federal reporting requirements will be followed.