Exhibit 5.4.e Samples of faculty scholarly activities
The University of Cincinnati Educator Preparation Unit is committed to scholarship. These efforts are supported by the following research and development centers:
- Action Research Center
- Arlitt Child and Family Research and Education Center
- Developmental and Learning Sciences Research Center
- FUSION Center
- Literacy Research and Innovation Center
Recent awards and honors in research include:
Dr. Todd Haydon, Assistant Professor of Special Education, Ted Carr Initial Researcher Award, Association for Positive Behavior Support (2012)
Drs. Carla Johnson – Editor, School Science and Mathematics, one of two journals profiled at the Congressional STEM Education Caucus.
Drs. Chet Laine, Annie Bauer, Holly Johnson, Steve Kroeger, Karen Troup, and Helen Meyer, provided a chapter for the Honorable Mention AACTE 2012 Outstanding Book Teaching as a moral practice (P. Murrell, M. Diez, S. Feiman-Nemser, & D. Schussler, Eds.)
Tenure and reappointment at the University of Cincinnati requires active scholarship. In addition, once tenure is attained, working with graduate students and merit pay increases are directly related to active scholarship. The faculty table, provided in 5.4.c provides leadership and/or scholarship activities of faculty members in the unit. The following table provides examples of scholarship that are easily viewed through journal sites.
Faculty Name / Link to publicationAllen-Brown, Vanessa /
Barnett, David /
Bastos, Flavia Maria /
Bauer, Anne Marie /
Beckett, Gulbahar /
Boat, Mary Barbara /
Brown, Rhonda /
Brydon-Miller, Mary /
Carnahan, Christina /
Carr, Victoria /
Elgas, Peggy / Kantor, Rebecca; Elgas, Peggy M.; & Fernie, David E. (1989). First the look and then the sound: Creating conversations at circle time. Early Childhood Research
Quarterly, 4(4), 433-448.
Gonzalez, Virginia /
Graden, Janet /
Gregson, Susan A. /
Griebling, Susan /
Guo, Ying /
Harkness, Marshella /
Hawkins, Renee /
Haydon, Todd /
Henderson, Darwin /
Israel, Maya /
Johnson, Carla Jean /
Johnson, Holly A /
Johnson, Marcus Lee /
Koenig, Kathleen Marie /
Koschoreck, James /
Kroeger, Stephen /
Laine, Chester H /
Lentz, Francis E. /
Lynch, Ellen McDowell /
Malone, Duane M /
Meyer, Helen / The Design and Application of the Digital Backpack JRTE | Vol. 42, No. 4, pp. 339–359 | ©2010 ISTE |
Millacci, Ann /
Moomaw, Sally Coup /
Morrison, Julie /
O'Brien, Beth /
Pae, Hye /
Pan, Wei /
Plevyak, Linda /
Porter, Ann /
Prats, Harry James /
Seo, Kay /
Watts Taffe, Susan /
Williams, Cheri L /
Williamson, Pamela /
Zydney, Janet /