Exhibit 2.4.g.16 Elementary Education MEd Comprehensive Data Analysis Report (DAR) Summary 2011-2013


  1. Have the change(s) in response to data that you documented last yearhad the desired effect on your program? Please provide specifics referencing prior changes that you submitted in [AY 2009-2010].

The changes in to response to data from the previous years have yielded the continued desired resultsr related to program goals. The Post-Graduation survey of our graduates from 4 to 3 years ago indicate that the assignments, projects, and knowledge gained in the M.Ed.ELED program are being applied directly to the graduates professional settings. The projects from the capstone course, ELED 775 Integrated Professional Practice Seminar/Project (50% of post graduates have utilized this!), the curriculum evaluation projects from ELED 665 and the instructional design projects in ELED 647 have been especially effective in post-program practice. The number of our graduates whose projects have been adopted for classroom and grade level use in local schools and have had a direct impact on instructional approaches with children in classrooms continues to grow. In addition, program completers (both recent and in the follow-up surveys continue to rate the benefits of their program very high).

  1. What significant findings emerge from your examination of these data?

Although assignments and projects for the key assessments are challenging, detailed, and require a high level of analysis and critical thinking by students, the vast majority of ELED students perform at good-excellent levels. Only two students experienced difficulties with assignments and that was due primarily to late submissions rather than student capability. One student has met with the program advisor to monitor performance and the other student changed programs. The overall results encourage us to continue to 1) relate all assignments and program activities directly to our students’ professional settings, 2) admit only experienced teachers to the program (the projects are beyond the abilities of non-educators or those not in a classroom/school setting), and 3) continue to have high expectations for student performance.

  1. How have you involved faculty in your identification of the implications of these data?

Information from the report are shared with instructors and adjuncts for the M.Ed.ELED program and with the program director for the M.Ed.SCED program (closely aligned with ours). Discussions and planning sessions have been held with faculty who teach and design coursework for these courses: EDUC 660 Teaching in a Multicultural Society (two instructors, one adjunct instructor, and graduate program director); ELED 775 Integrated Professional Practice Seminar/Project (programs directors for ELED and SCED programs), EDUC 605 Research and Information Technology (program director and lecturer), EDUC 761 Research in Education (two instructors from ISTC to discuss content, format, expectations for students), ELED 665 Curriculum Theory and Development (SCED instructor, ELED adjunct instructor, and ELED program director), and ELED 647 (instructor and program director). Findings from course evaluations and results from key assessment rubrics were shared in sessions.

  1. What specific actions will you take in response to these data? (REQUIRED response to NCATE AFI)

Actions include maintaining the present process of reviewing data each year for purposes of revising assignments, course content. We have done this every year over the past 5 years and it is evident that annual review is a key element in the success of the program. Continue to look for ways to enhance the “theory to practice” philosophy of the courses in order to make direct connections between assessments and professional practice. EDUC 605 and EDUC 761 continue to be courses (research) with which teachers have a difficult time identifying themselves professionally. There are plans to look at revisions to the courses, given the “novice” level of the teachers as researchers.


  1. Have the change(s) in response to data that you documented last yearhad the desired effect on your program? Please provide specifics referencing prior changes that you submitted in [AY 2010-2011].

The changes have indeed had the desired effects. A primary goal was to ensure that graduates of the program continued to use instructional and research products in their day to day teaching in the schools. The Post-Graduation data as well as the reflective data from ELED 775 indicated the following

(see2011 M.Ed. ELED Post-Graduate Survey, parts 3 and 4):

a. More than 50% continue to apply content and skills from the program in their classroom settings.

b. 100% implemented the culturally relevant instruction designed in the program or provided differentiated instruction for learners.

c. The majority utilized a wide range of technology to enhance instruction.

  1. What significant findings emerge from your examination of these data?

The current design of the program promotes an exceptionally strong emphasis on advanced curriculum and instruction. The graduate student learner outcomes are in alignment with their practices in the classroom. The inclusion of field-based assignments and assessments promotes above-average graduate student performance and encourages application to diverse populations of children (minority, gifted and talented).

One area for of concern for the program is strengthening the curriculum and instruction focus in the area of differentiation for diverse populations of students. The current required courses touch on these features but not in depth to ensure the teachers in the M.Ed.ELED program have consistent levels of knowledge and competencies to address the needs of gifted and talented, ELL, and special education students in particular. Multicultural, socio-economic, and learning preferences appear to be addressed well.

  1. How have you involved faculty in your identification of the implications of these data?

Met with EDUC 605 (Dr. Olga Kritskya)and EDUC 761 (Dr. Scott McNary) instructors to identify research topics and methodologies for emphasis with M.Ed.ELED students. Efforts were made to identify direct connections between content and skills addressed in ELED 647 and ELED 775 with the two research courses. Also met with Dr. Lijun Jin and Dr. Cole Reilly to discuss where instruction might be included to address GT, ELL, and special education instructional issues in EDUC 660 or ELED 647. Also briefly discussed issue with ELED chair, M.Ed.SCED program director for possibility of replacing an elective course with an additional instructional design course related to those populations and possible extension of EDUC 660 and ELED 647.

  1. What specific actions will you take in response to these data? (REQUIRED response to NCATE AFI)

The program is being examined for possible redesign in 2012-2013. Plans are to expand to include K-12 teachers and to enhance the curriculum and instruction focus with emphasis on diversity issues.