Exercise Swap – put them on the mint forum handouts

MINT 2010

Ice breaker

1.Find 5 things you have in common – Also in small groups, what is one thing the group has in common, also what is different – so they can talk about their uniqueness, or something that at the time was very distressing but now is very funny or all the things that get you really mad (or see how many things)

2.How we break people down – what’s the strangest thing in your glove compartment

3.Line ups – distance from London – or line up on their bdays through the year (Jan-Dec)


Do the exercise and let the debriefing be the didactic. Allow the felt sense, the exercise drives the next question.

1Get out of the set or repertoire and respond to the circle

2Almost anything you could advise has been thought about it and dismissed (Gordon)

3Summary is more than two thoughts


1.What happens if someone lies to you? Stand in circle, 3 sep breaths, look down at shoes, breath in and out, close eyes in and out, now think of something you are ashamed of – now when I tap you on the shoulder I want you to say what you are ashamed of – then ask what just happened, follow-up what would it take to share that. Stephen only does this exercise when people ask – what do you do if people lie. Listen to the circle and lean into the circle – ask permission – would it be OK if we did something about that.

2.Spirit exercise: Ask value driven questions (eg not abortion, mosque at ground zero) (see handout) – give them an opt out stand next to me with back to the wall – so then pick one person out of the crowd and tell them they have to go to the other way – and ask for their reaction
- coming over to someone’s wall and understanding why they are there and not at the other wall – closed ended questions are that wall or that wall

3.Values clarification: On a piece of paper – three statements – answer yes or no
-a) I believe spanking a child is acceptable
-b) some of my clients are hopeless and just can’t be helped
-c) old people are terrible drivers and should be helped off the road
and then wad up the papers and throw them several times across the room and then pick them up (if you get your own paper don’t disclose that – then ask – if this was not their value – then ask them what do you think might lead a person to hold this value – with empathy – stepping into another people’s shoes – people always disclose that its not their value but they do it with a tenderness.

4.OARS activity or rolling with resistance – snowball fight – 8.5x11 cut in half by half – ten cells – throw out one cell and have them write on it respond and keep the conversation going – focus on highlighted strengths () some start with counselor and some start with client – then read the scripts at the end
client counselor

5.Spirit from Mark Lowis: Two volunteers standing next to the trainer – Teach us something you already know – like walking –then we are going to put these together a little differently and you have a little different sensation (like the hustle dance) – We are teaching what you already know – just putting it in another context.

6.Advice - Almost anything you could advise has been thought about it and dismissed (Gordon), ask for a volunteer to disclose something they want to change – have then share it and leave the room and brainstorm their own list of what they could do, then the group brainstorms a list of what he could do it to lose wt. After about 3 min bring him back in – ask him to the front – “while you were gone we made a list. Anything that’s on your list or is Not doable please cross it out.” Circle the others that are possible and unique. Now on your list are there anything that we didn’t have and have him articulate (“we had 30 experts and we didn’t have that one”). Thank your volunteer: “We found 9 things he already knew about, we had 5 we might be able to provide.” So when we put this in the context of E-P-E how many things could we provide that didn’t already know
Variation: Have the person sit in the chair and say “We are the experts, so we are going to sit you down and give you some advice.” (go through the list and see how they react.)
Variation 2: Ask 2 closed Q before client goes out – then gen list. Have him back – then ask 2 Open Qs and see how many things would be ruled out

7.Change Talk Exercise Stephanie Ballasiotes: called: In the Middle – in the context of a 2 d training (at the end). Have people break into groups of 4 to 12 people you need at least one card with your skill for each person. Intro “At this point we’ve gone through OARS etc, we are going to focus on change talk, we will get into groups of six and I will pass along these cards – and they have a skill – the (every blue card says reflection) then I will put a pile of cards on your table in the middle and we have (all the OARS, extremes, looking forward/back, assess confidence, GI etc). Now I need someone talk about something you are thinking of changing in your group – now with the rest of the group – with the cards on your table – and you choose anything on your table – then when you feel it is a good time – you must use your blue card before you use your strategy card (cannot ask 2 Qs in a row) – you can choose any gold card and change them up etc – but the blue card is your permission card. It is good to let them choose any gold card so they feel confident. Floats through the room. Strategies are scripted (eg Looking forward: Where would you like to see yourself in a month from now?”, Others concerns: What concerns have others had?, Summarize)

8.The Fist: The person with the longest hair offer your fist – the other person opens it up. “How did you do?” She asked me how I could get you to open your fist and he said just ask.” If you have a short audience – like an hour – write up a list of things that worked and didn’t work – gets people thinking about works and doesn’t

9.5 Chairs - Mike Clark – see handout – move and mutter so they can hear your thoughts – always the trainer who is moving and muttering
Motivation ...... Neutral ...... Resistant (5 chairs)
just to get some movement, he makes them do some MIIN

10.OARS around the world – work in groups of threes and travel to the country cards that are posted around the world (Clinician is the country host is to use their MI skills, one person has a probation violation (speeding tix left the state) but does not share it with the country host – the 3rd person is the observer

11.Lead into coding or as a review (like b/t day one and day two): Quiz game – laminated letter (O, C, RS (reflection simple), RC (reflections complex), A, S) – goes into a bag (balanced based on proficiency, more reflections than Qs) – reach into the bag and don’t show any body – if group of 18 – right down on a pad 1-18 – describe a patient and then we pick a letter –don’t show anybody – patient starts with – the letter is correct at the end – great review of all the skills. Give out prizes.

12.Show me the money (started by Ali Hall and Stephen Andrew elaborated) (Coin)s: Groups of 3, speaker, listener and coach – Coach gets 10 pennies, speaker – what would you like to change or choose a postcard of where you are in your life, interviewer has 3 quarters – Tell me about the topic – every question costs a quarter, every reflection gets a penny, job is to use their 3 quarters and get the 10 pennies – the job of the coach is to ask the interviewer (as they are reaching for their quarter) about the question (does this question take you where you want it do go – would you be better served by reflection) – Advanced version – must use complex reflection to get a penny -

13.Righting Reflex – water cups – a bunch of cups that are lying on their side. Watch how people start putting the cups right side up – when the last person sets the cup upright, the facilitator says OK we have finished the exercise. So-and-so was the one who resisted the righting reflex the longest (a prize can be offered.) De-briefing the righting reflex.

14.Sustained reflective listening with a hot topic

15.The 5 cups: Science project. You are a bottle of water coming to work, Talk about what you are expected to do at work. How many people have heard that we are supposed to be teaching skills (on some level) as a person who is working with clients/patients. What kind of skills are you supposed to be teaching? Pour some water into the Skills cup. How many people have heard we are supposed to be giving some advice? Sneak some in (pour some in the Advice cup). How many think we are supposed to motivate people (pour some in the Motivation cup.) How many people think we are supposed to provide the client with some Education? (pour some in the Education cup.) What do you notice about this model? Spread thin, cups mostly empty, folks don’t get enough of what they need. We have some left, but not much left for us—the tank is empty. We have given our share away. Research says we are not any healthier than the rest of the workers. What if this model is wrong? What if this (a full glass with a heart in the bottom of it) is the patient? They have what they need. What would be the strategy, if the wisdom is at the bottom, and the cup is already full? Let them drink it, you could swim around and check it out, you could drink it and nourish yourself. Ask them to look into their own self for their wisdom. Therapist reframes what the participants say. Pour coffee into the glass to obscure the heart. Where is the heart? Is it still there? What are the assumptions that underlie our approach?