extracted from Clogher Record 1987


This stone was placed here by John An[ketell] of Mount Anketell in memory of his brother Thomas Anke[tell] who departed this life 7th January 1840 aged 25 years.

Sacred to the memory of Roger Anketell Esqr of Mount Anketell who departed this life 20th July 1839 aged 77 years. This stone lies in a walled and railed off section inside the outline of the old church. An inscription on the North ledge of the walled area reads, “The burial place of Ancketills or Ankettells of Cassaughmone and Dernamuck 1687 to 1839.

Underneath are interred the remains of the late Roger Anketell of Dernamuck who died on the 30th day of July 1782 aged 68 years. And of Rhoda Anketell his wife who died August the 2d 1788 aged 68years.

Jane Anketell of Dungillick died Augt 1st 1840 aged 40 years. Thomas Anketell of Dungillick died Janr 8th 1867 aged 75 years.

Underneath are interred the remains of Eleanor Anketell otherwise Ovens wife of Wm. Anketell of Dungillick who died the 3rd day of July 1796 aged 40 years. And of Elizabeth her eldest daughter wife of Mr. Wm Pringle of Glasslough who departed this life the 3rd day of April 1811 in the 28th year of her age. William Anketell of Dungillick died 5th January 1828 aged 76 years.

Roger Anketell of Ivy Hill died 12th June 1824 aged 38 years. James K. Anketell died 25th March 1911 aged 89 years.


Sacred to the memory of John Armstrong late of Killelara who departed this life 10th November 1858 aged 75 years. Also his daughter Martha Armstrong who died 29th January 1836 aged 21 years. Also his son John Armstrong who died 11th December 1849 aged 32 years. Also Sarah Armstrong his wife who died 12th February 1868 aged 88 years.

Here lyeth the bodys of Edward and Oliver Armstrong sons of Edward Armstrong who departed this life the 14th and 19 June anno 1714. Here lyeth the body of Edward Armstrong who departed this life the 12 day of Sepb ano. Dom. 1723.


Here lyeth the body of John Johnston late of Killymury who departed this life Feb the 24th 175?7 aged 65 years. Also Willm Atkison who departed this life Janr the 15th 1783 aged 82 years. This was erected by his affectionate widow Leticia Johnston alias Atkinson.


This stone was placed here by Mary Bevan in memory of her husband John Bevan, surgeon, late of Aughnacloy who departed this life 30th July 1831 aged 38 years. Also his son Richard Bevan who died 18th March 1827 aged 4? years. Also his daughter Elen Bevan who died in infancy 2nd August 1829.


IHS. Here lyeth the body of Patrick Bradey of Drumadarach Who departed this life March the 23 1768 aged 45 years.


This stone was erected by James Burke of Durliss in memory of his wife Mary Burke who departed this life 12th Dec 1845 aged 55 yrs.


Here lyeth the body of Samuel Sturgien who departed this life September the tenth day 1709. Here lyeth ye body of Robert Sturgeon who d..d ys life July ye 4th 1750 aged 86 years. Also the body of William Campbell late of Derenelooen who departed this life March the 7th 18?06 aged 70 years.


IHS. Erected by James Casidy Who departed this life January 6th 1834 aged 75 years.


IHS. Here lieth ye body of Mary Mulvey wife to John Cavanagh who departed this life March ye 20th 17….aged….years. Here also lieth……who departed this life……17….aged…..years.

IHS. Here lieth the body of Patrick Cavanagh late of Cross who departed this life September the 17th 1768 aged 75 years.


Here lieth the body of Barbra Cochran wife to John Houston who died the 24th Fereruarey in the year 1712.

Here lieth the body of Mary Cochern wife to John Cocheran who departed this life May 2. 1735? Aged 65 years and also the body of …..eran who departed this life March….aged……


IHS. Here lieth the body of Mary Conlan late dautr of Patk Conlan of Clonisboyle who departed this life Decbr 10th 1764 agd 14 years.

HIHS. Here lieth ye body of Richard Conalon who departed this life Dest ye 2 1737 aged 76 years. Also his son Henry Conalan both of Mullaghmore who departed this life Febry 23 1759 A.D.

A monument erected by William Conlan. IHS. Here lieth the body of Bryan Conla who departed this life May 13th 1780 aged 80 yrs. Also Mary Conlan dater to Richard Conlan who died Sept 12th 1769 aged 5 years. Tigrna Iosa Den Trocre Orun. “Ad Majoram Dei Gliriam”


Here lies the body of Luke Connolly of Drummore who departed this life Feb 12 1812 aged 29 yrs.

This stone was erected by Matthew Conolly for his father. Also his daughter Kitty Conolly who departed this life July the 6th 1776 aged 23 years.

This monument is erected by Edwd Connelly of Esker and John Connelly his son for the use of their children. Allso Mary and Ealce Connolley who departed this life 1769.

Here lyeth the body of Terence Connolly of Esker who departed this life. November the 24 1760 aged 84 years. This monument erected by Myels Connolly of Esker.

A monument erected by Conn Conoly himself and his children. Also his grandson Miles Conoly who departed this life February 1769 aged 5 years.


Here lyeth the body of Margrat Houston wife to John Coote who dyed the sixteh of November 1709. Here lieth the body of John Coot who died March 3 anno dom 1720.


Here lyeth the body of Edward Corighan of Tonefonaghan who departed this life August the 12th 1781 aged 78 years.


IHS. Here lieth ….mes Corlly who depd of March….1757 aged….yrs.


This stone is erected by Owen Murray of Crosh A.D. 1818.


Here lyes…..Alexander a child son to Robert Dale, Tanner, who departed this life October the 6? 17.7.


Here lyeth the body of Patrick Donagy son to Owen Donagy Feugular who departed this life Febuary the 3rd 1777 aged 4 years.


Here lieth ye body of John Dunlap son to Willam Dunap desended from Scotland who departed this life Febry 8 1746 aged 67 years. And also his wife Mary Dunlap departed ys life April 15 1756 agd 77 years. Here lieth ys body of Robert Dunlap son to the above Robert Dunlap who departed this life May the 3 1774 aged 52 years.


Here lyeth ye body of Arthur Grahams who departed this life. April ye 3d 1746 aged 31 yrs. Here also lyeth ye body of Mary Graham who ded ys life Fbr ye 30th 1748 aged 67 yrs. Also ye body of Arthur Graham who ded ys life May ye 7th 1749 aged 73 yrs. Here lieth also the remains of John Graham of Astrishbeg who died on the 16? Day of Octber 178. Aged 84 yrs.


IHS. Erected by Edward Halligan in memory of his father Patrick Halligan of Fegullar who died May 12th 1801 aged 66 years.

Here lieth ye body of Patrick Hallaghan who died May ye 10 1743? Adgeed 20.


Erected by Thomas Hall of Fort Sedgwick, U.S. America in memory of his father John Hall late of Lannaght who departed this life November 1845 aged 45 years.

This stone is erected by Francis Harvey of Sougher in memory of his father Bryan Harvey who departed this life. Augt 15th 1803 aged 88 years.

This stone is erected by Francis Harvey of Sougher in memory of his father Bryan Harvey who departed this life. Augt 15th 1803 aged 88 years.


HIS. Here lieth the body of Tarence Heagan of Aghmachalin who departed this life Novbr the 7th 1814 aged 78 years. Also his brother Francis Heagan of Cavanmoutray who departed this life July the 4th 1824 aged 70 years.


Here lyeth the body of Elinor Houston wife to David Murray who departed this life Feberuary the 11 anno 1716.

Here lieth the body of Barbra Cochran wife to John Houston who died the 24th Fereruarey in the year 1712.

Here lyeth the body of Margrat Houston wife to John Coote who dyed the sixteh of November 1709. Here lieth the body of John Coot who died March 3 anno dom 1720.


Here lyeth the body of Else Hughs wife to Ross McKenna who departed this life May ye 22d 1730 aged 54 years.


IHS. Here lyeth the body of Felemy Huse who departed this life March 12 1765 aged 74 yrs.


Erected by John Ingham of Philipsburg N.J. U.S.A. in memory of John McKean who died 30th April 1873 aged 84 years.


Here leyes the body of John Kenn.n son to Patrick Ke.n.n of Bl…./B…dge who departed this life January 1 176(?)7 aged…years.


Here lyeth the body of John Johnston late of Killymury who departed this life Feb the 24th 175?7 aged 65 years. Also Willm Atkison who departed this life Janr the 15th 1783 aged 82 years. This was erected by his affectionate widow Leticia Johnston alias Atkinson.


Here lyeth the body of Anna Joly wife to John Watson who died January the 27d 1729 aged 30 yrs.


HIS. Here lyeth the body of Cormick Keron of Errigill who departed this life Febuary the 20 1784 age 55 years.


IHS. This stone was set up by Murtagh Laury [Lavry?] for him and his famely anno dom 1775.


Here lieth ye body of Owen McAghgy who departed life Dec 24 1710 age 66 years.


Here lieth the body of Ardel McCaghey late of Mulnacask who departed this life Novbr 1st 1766 aged 68 years.

IHS. This stone was erected by James and Patt McCaghey of Shanmulla April the 20th 1800.


IHS. Here lyeth ye body of John McCambel who departed this life Feby 6 1751 aged 30 yrs. Here also ye body of Bryan McCampbell father of the above John who departed this life the 1st March 1762 aged 66 years.


IHS. Here lyeth the body of James Mcana son to Patrick Mcana who departed this life Agust the ….1777 aged…..0 years.


IHS. Her lyeth the body of Denis Mcavicker who departed this life Marh the 29 1783 aged 56 years. Also Peter Mcavicker who departed this life. A.D. 1778 agd 35 years.


Here lieth the body of James McCourt who departed this life Sept the 19th 1741 aged 19 years.


IHS. Sacred to the memory of Surgn John McCaull who departed this life 19th March 1818 agd 27 yrs. Requiescat in pace. Amen.


Here lyeth the body of Hu[gh] McClusky who deceased F….y the 3d 1781 aged 23 years.


Here lies the body of Thomas McCrodan who departed this life May the 3d 1794 aged 74 years.

Here lies ye body of Catherine McCroddan wife to Rich McCroddan who departed this life Oct ye 1 1765 5(?)5 years.


IHS. Here lyeth the body of Catherine McCullogh who departed this life Jan 6th 1805 agd 22 years of Tonintleve. OMC.


This stone erected by Peter McElmiel of Folan in memory of his father Patk, McElmiel who departed this life Novr 1st 1780 aged 40 yrs.

Here lyeth the body of Bryan McElmeel, who departed this life June the 2d 1744 aged 80.

IHS. Here lieth the body of Hugh [Mc] Elmeel late of Drumlister who departed this life Decemb the 29th 1747 aged 79 years. Here also lieth the body of Patk McElmeel late of Drumlister who departed this life Febry 4th 1778 aged 74 years.

IHS. Here lies the body of Peter McElmeel of Deraniget who died Feby 14th 1801 aged 77 years.


Her lieth the body of James McFarland late of Killyhoman who departed this life Febry the 1st 1751 aged 59 years. And also the body of John McFarland his son who died the 18th Sept 1753 aged 24 years & also the bodies of John, Mary Ellinor & Andw children of Andrew McFarland of Garvey.


Here lies the body of Patrick McFillips late of Tonnyfinnighan who departed this life. April 2nd aged 84 years.


Here lyeth the body of Danniel McGawgy of Glassmulagh who departed this life Feby 26th 1781 aged 81 years.

Gloria in excelcis Deo. IHS. Here lieth the remains of Patk McGahy of Tonefenigan who departed this life Feb 25th 1809 agd 52 yrs.


Sacred to the memory of Richard McGeough of Anaugh who departed this life August 18th 1816 aged 65 years.


IHS. Here lieth the body of Sarah McGin wife to Patk McKenna of Golan who departed ys life ye 20th of July 1758 aged 40 years.


IHS. Here lieth ye body of Hugh McKahey late of Dirnagola Who departed this life Febry ye 2d 1742 aged 40 years.


Erected by John Ingham of Philipsburg N.J. U.S.A. in memory of John McKean who died 30th April 1873 aged 84 years.


IHS. lyeth ye body of Bryan McKenna late of Killy…ck who departed life Octobr ye 26th 1719 aged 78 yrs.

IHS. Here lieth the bodey of Tully McKenna of Kilfahavan who departed this life the 12th of April 1816 aged 66 years.

This stone was erected by Own McKenna of Cullamore in memory of his wife Mary McKenna who departed this life July the 4th 1854 aged 70 years.

IHS. Here lieth the body of Patrick McKenna of Mullinaneleg who departed this life March the 15? 1784 aged 70 years.

This stone is Owen McKennas for himself his wife and children 1777.

IHS. Here lyeth the body of James McKenna of Direnalusset who departed this life Decr ye 3d 1771 aged 55 years.

Erected by the executor of the late Elizabeth McKenna who died 23rd May 1896 and John McKenna late of Aughnacloy who died the 17th march 1883 and their beloved children whose remains are all interred here. R.I.P.

Here lies the body of James McKenna of Mullarushin who died August 28 1800 aged 67 yrs. Also his daughter Ann McKenna

aged 10 yrs.

IHS. This stone is erected by Bryan Murphy of Feganey in memory of his daughter Margt Murphy who departed this life Feb 12th 1817 aged 27 years.

IHS. Hereunder is interred the body of Bryan McKenna late of Dirry….who departed this life the 25th day of March ano dom 1732 and in the 71 year of his age. Here lie the body Jams McKenna late of said town deceased July the 17 1735 aged 26 years. Also for the body of Patrick McKenna of Drnaved who departed this life the 6th of February 1771 aged 77 years.

Here lieth the body of Patrick McKen[na] of Aultnaveagh who died Aug 6th 1786 aged 67 yrs. Also his son Bernard McKenna who died March 13th 1804 aged 52 years.

IHS. Here lyeth the body of Patck McKanna died Feby 7 1726 aged 60.

IHS. This stone & beruel place belongs to Patrick McKenna of Garvy. Here lyeth the remains of Patrick McKenna who departed this life Sept 16th 1747 aged 32 years.

Here lieth ye body of James McKenna who departed this life Febry 2d 1746 agd 65 years & also his son Ardil McKenna departed this life Sept 16th 1747 aged 32 years.

Here lies the body of Elizabeth McOwen wife to Patk McKenna of Killalick who died Novr the 21st 1759 aged 56 years.

IHS. Here lyeth the body of James McKenna late of Auhedrumcroo who departed this life Decr the 14th 1805 aged 66 yrs.

Of your charity pray for the soul of James McKenna late of Killyleck Anketell who died on 24th Dec 1847 aged 58 years. And of his wife Mary who died 20th Mar 1846 aged 61 years. On whom and on all the faithful departed may the Lord have mercy. Requiescant in pace. Amen. Charles McKenna of Killyleck erected this stone in memory of his parents.

IHS. Here lyeth the body of Terence McKenna who departed this life December the 23 1764 aged 60 years. Also the body of Rose McKenna who departed this life August the 22 1785 aged 8 years.

IHS. Here lyeth the body of Patrick McKenna, Mullaghbuie departed this life March th 1 1771 aged 60 years.

IHS. Here lyeth the body of Owen McKenna of Drimferneskey who departed this life aged….years. Here also is interred the body of Bryan McKenna son to said Owen McKenna who departed this life ye November the 14th 1741 aged 34 years.

Here lyeth the body of Patrick McKenna son to Hugh McKenna who departed this life March ye….day 17…agd…1 years.

IHS. Here lyeth the body of Art McKenna of Mullaghselginagh who departed this life June 13th 1771 aged 56 years.

Here lyeth the body of John McKenna of Edenmore who departed this life the 2d May 1757 aged 65 years.

IHS. May the 9th 1792. This stone was erected by John McKenna of Drumshevera in memory of his father James McKenna who departed this life March the 16th 1791 aged 74 years.

Here lieth the body of Tully McKenna of Golan who departed this life January the 1 aged 70 years. 1758.

IHS. Here lyeth the body of mary McKenna the wife of Tulley McKenna of Dirnasel who departed this life Decmeber the 3 1761 and in the 44 year of her age.

This stone is erected by Patrick McKenna of Derrykeneighbeg and his children 1779.

IHS. Here lieth the body of Sarah McGin wife to Patk McKenna of Golan who departed ys life ye 20th of July 1758 aged 40 years.

Here lyeth the body of Else Hughs wife to Ross mcKenna who departed this life May ye 22d 1730 aged 54 years.