Transfer Credit Petition
Department of English, Iowa State University
This Transfer Credit Petition must be typewritten and completed by the student and submitted to the Graduate Program Staff Assistant, 227 Ross Hall, for approval by the Director of Graduate Education (DOGE). A completed Transfer Credit Petition includes approval by the student’s assigned program adviser or major professor below as well as support and signature from individual faculty on the Transfer Course Evaluation Form(s). All forms, official or unofficial copy of transcript(s), and required attachments are to be included when submitted to the DOGE. Note: It is not necessary to include on this petition ISU English Department courses taken prior to entry into your current graduate program if a degree at ISU has already been completed.
Name: ID #: Date:
Student’s major:
Program Adviser/Major Professor:
Projected graduation term: (in order to determine if courses will be expired at that time)
Total number of credit hours requested for transfer on this petition:
Is this a revised petition from one approved previously? Yes No (If “yes,” place an * by the course # below)
How many of these credits or other credits were approved previously?
Transfer Course Information from:ISU courses taken prior to admission to current program not required to submit as transfer credit. (place an * by each previously approved Course No if course has already been approved) / No.
Credits /
Grade / Year
Taken / ISU Course Equivalent:
POS Category=Prereq, Core, Sec Core, Adv Study,
Specialization, Elect, Lit, Ling, Outside Env,
Engl Elect, Outside Elect, Tech/Lang, Res Meth, Seminars, Conc, etc.
Course No:
Institution: / ISU Course No:
POS Category:
Course No:
Institution: / ISU Course No:
POS Category:
Course No:
Institution: / ISU Course No:
POS Category:
Course No:
Institution: / ISU Course No:
POS Category:
Course No:
Institution: / ISU Course No:
POS Category:
I support and approve this Transfer Credit Petition as the student’s assigned program adviser or major professor. I have evaluated the previous coursework at the institution(s) indicated. Based on the evaluation of the transcripts and syllabi provided by the student, transfer credit should be granted for the above number of credits which are supported by faculty who regularly teach the ISU course equivalent as indicated on the attached Transfer Course Petition(s):
Assigned Program Adviser or Major Professor (signature) Date
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Approval by DOGE:
Number of transfer credits approved:
Director of Graduate Education Signature Date
Transfer Course Evaluation Form (one for each course):
Student must include:
1. This Transfer Course Evaluation Form (typed is preferred) filled out and providing justification and a brief description of each course’s content (including major readings, assignments, and exams).
2. The course syllabus and/or appropriate pages from the catalog copy of the outside institution.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Student Name: Date:
Assigned Program Adviser or Major Professor:
Evaluation by ISU faculty member who regularly teaches the ISU course equivalent: (Note: normally not required for course equivalent to other department/program course at ISU, but could be necessary depending on the course and POS category being used)
Course Information / Support & Signature of facultymember who regularly teaches ISU
course equivalent. Upon completion of your evaluation, please return to the student
ISU Course No:
Title (topic if applicable):
Other Institution Course No:
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Justification for Transfer Credit Course Content: / ☐ Support
☐ Do not support
Signature Date