Publications by Eric Martz

(Excluding Abstracts)

Publications 1-65 report research in cell-biology and immunology reported 1965-1992. These include 19 reviews and 46 research reports. Reviews are in boldface.

I stopped research in 1997 in order to pursue macromolecular visualization and structural bioinformatics. Publications 66 and beyond reflect this work.

  1. Martz, E., and C. F. Ehret. 1965. Design and construction of a centrifuge for large fragile cells. Argonne National Laboratory Biological and Medical Research Division Annual Report. ANL7136:228230.
  1. Martz, E. 1966. A centrifuge for rapid concentration of large fragile cells without extensive lysis. J. Protozool. 13:380382.
  1. Martz, E. 1969. An analysis of "contact" inhibition of cell division at the individual cell level. Ph. D. Dissertation, Johns Hopkins University
  1. Martz, E., and M. S. Steinberg. 1972. The role of cell-cell contact in "contact" inhibition of cell division: A review and new evidence. J. Cell Physiol. 79:189210.
  1. Martz, E., and M. S. Steinberg. 1973. Contact inhibition of what? An analytical review. J. Cell Physiol. 81:2538.
  1. Martz, E. 1973. Contact inhibition of speed in 3T3 and its independence from postconfluence inhibition of cell division. J. Cell Physiol. 81:3948.
  1. Martz, E., and M. S. Steinberg. 1973. The role of cell-cell contact in "contact" inhibition of cell division. In: "Year Book of Cancer 1973", R. L. Clark and R. W. Cumley, Eds., Year Book Medical Publishers, Chicago,. pp. 452453.
  1. Martz, E., and B. Benacerraf. 1973. Lack of association between carcinoma of the breast and HL-A specificities. Tissue Antigens 3:3038.
  1. Martz, E., and B. Benacerraf. 1973. Inhibition of immune cell-mediated killing by heparin. Clin. Immunol. and Immunopathol. 1:533546.
  1. Martz, E., and B. Benacerraf. 1973. An effector-cell independent step in target cell lysis by sensitized mouse lymphocytes. J. Immunol. 111:15381545.
  1. Martz, E., and M. S. Steinberg. 1974. Movement in a confluent monolayer and the causes for contact inhibition of overlapping. J. Cell Sci. 15:201216.
  1. Martz, E., H. M. Phillips, and M. S. Steinberg. 1974. Contact inhibition of overlapping and differential cell adhesion: A sufficient model for the control of certain cell culture morphologies. J. Cell Sci. 16:401419.
  1. Martz, E., and B. Benacerraf. 1974. Crucial events in target-cell lysis by sensitized mouse T-lymphocytes: A killer-cell independent, temperature sensitive step. Adv. Biosci. 12:3746.
  1. Martz, E., S. J. Burakoff, and B. Benacerraf. 1974. Interruption of the sequential release of small and large molecules from tumor cells by low temperature during cytolysis mediated by immune T-cells or complement. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U. S. 71:177181.
  1. Burakoff, S. J., E. Martz, and B. Benacerraf. 1975. Is the primary complement lesion insufficient for lysis? Failure of cells damaged under osmotic protection to lyse in EDTA or at low temperature after removal of osmotic protection. Clin. Immunol. and Immunopathol. 4:108126.
  1. Martz, E. 1975. Early steps in specific tumor cell lysis by sensitized mouse T-lymphocytes I. Resolution and characterization. J. Immunol. 115:261267.
  1. Martz, E., and B. Benacerraf. 1975. T-lymphocyte mediated cytolysis: Temperature dependence of killer cell dependent and independent phases and lack of recovery from the lethal hit at low temperatures. Cellular Immunol. 20:8191.
  1. Martz, E. 1975. Inability of EDTA to prevent damage mediated by cytolytic T-lymphocytes. Cellular Immunol. 20:304314.
  1. Martz, E. 1976. Early steps in specific tumor cell lysis by sensitized mouse T lymphocytes II. Electrolyte permeability increase in the target cell membrane concomitant with programming for lysis. J. Immunol. 117:10231027.
  1. Martz, E., and B. Benacerraf. 1976. Multiple target cell killing by the cytolytic T-lymphocyte and the mechanism of cytotoxicity. Transplantation. 21:511.
  1. Martz, E. 1976. Sizes of isotopically-labelled molecules released during lysis of tumor cells labelled with {u51{Cr and {u14{C-nicotinamide. Cellular Immunol. 26:313321.
  1. Martz, E. 1977. Mechanism of specific tumor cell lysis by alloimmune T lymphocytes: Resolution and characterization of discrete steps in the cellular interaction. Contemp. Topics Immunobiol. 7:301361.
  1. Gately, M. K., and E. Martz. 1977. Comparative studies on the mechanisms of nonspecific, Con A-dependent cytolysis and specific T cell-mediated cytolysis. J. Immunol. 119:17111722.
  1. Timpe, L., E. Martz, and M. S. Steinberg. 1978. Cell movements in a confluent monolayer are not caused by gaps. Evidence for direct contact inhibition of overlapping. J. Cell Sci. 30:293304.
  1. Tsoukas, C. D., and E. Martz. 1978. Simultaneous suppression of allogeneic cytolytic activity and stimulation of lectin-dependent cytolytic activity by con A. Cellular Immunol. 40:103116.
  1. Gately, M. K., and E. Martz. 1979. Early steps in specific tumor cell lysis by sensitized mouse T lymphocytes III. Resolution of two distinct roles for calcium in the cytolytic process. J. Immunol. 122:482489.
  1. Butterworth, A. E., M. A. Vadas, E. Martz, and A. Sher. 1979. Cytolytic T lymphocytes recognize alloantigens on schistosomula of }u+}Schistosoma}u-} }u+}mansoni}u-}, but fail to induce damage. J. Immunol. 122:13141321.
  1. Martz, E. 1980. Immune lymphocyte to tumor cell adhesion: magnesium sufficient, calcium insufficient. J. Cell Biol. 84:584598.
  1. Parker, W. L., and E. Martz. 1980. Lectin-induced nonlethal adhesions between cytolytic T lymphocytes and antigenically unrecognizable tumor cells, and nonspecific "triggering" of cytolysis. J. Immunol. 124:2535.
  1. Gately, M. K., W. J. Wechter, and E. Martz. 1980. Early steps in specific tumor cell lysis by sensitized mouse T lymphocytes IV. Inhibition of programming for lysis by pharmacologic agents. J. Immunol. 125:78392.
  1. Gately, M. K., and E. Martz. 1981. Early steps in specific tumor cell lysis by sensitized mouse T lymphocytes V. Evidence that manganese inhibits a calcium-dependent step in programming for lysis. Cellular Immunol. 61:7889.
  1. Gately, M. K., and E. Martz. 1981. T11: A new protein marker on activated murine T lymphocytes. J. Immunol. 126:709714.
  1. Davignon, D., E. Martz, T. Reynolds, K. Kürzinger, and T. A. Springer. 1981. Lymphocyte function-associated antigen one (LFA1): a surface antigen distinct from Lyt2/3 that participates in T lymphocyte-mediated killing. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U. S. 78:45354539.
  1. Davignon, D., E. Martz, T. Reynolds, K. Kürzinger, and T. A. Springer. 1981. Monoclonal antibody to a novel lymphocyte function-associated antigen (LFA1). Mechanism of blockade of T lymphocyte-mediated killing and effects on other T and B lymphocyte functions. J. Immunol. 127:590595.
  1. Kürzinger, K., T. Reynolds, R. N. Germain, D. Davignon, E. Martz, and T. A. Springer. 1981. A novel lymphocyte function-associated antigen (LFA1): cellular distribution, quantitative expression, and structure. J. Immunol. 127:596602.
  1. Springer, T. A., K. Kürzinger, T. Reynolds, R. N. Germain, D. Davignon, and E. Martz. 1981. Monoclonal antibodies as probes of surface structures participating in T lymphocyte function. In: "Monoclonal Antibodies and T Cell Hybridomas," U. Hämmerling, G. Hämmerling, and J. Kearney, Eds, Elsevier, pp. 4552.
  1. Parker, W. L., and E. Martz. 1982. Calcium ionophore A23187 as a secretagogue for rat mast cells: Does it bypass inhibition by calcium flux blockers? Agents & Actions 12:276284.
  1. Martz, E., W. L. Parker, M. K. Gately and C. D. Tsoukas. 1982. The role of calcium in the lethal hit of T lymphocyte-mediated cytolysis. Adv. Exp. Biol. Med. 146:121143.
  1. Martz, E., D. Davignon, K. Kürzinger, and T. A. Springer. 1982. The molecular basis for cytolytic T lymphocyte function: analysis with blocking monoclonal antibodies. Adv. Exp. Biol. Med. 146:447465.
  1. Springer, T. A., D. Davignon, M.-K. Ho, K. Kürzinger, E. Martz, and F. Sanchez-Madrid. 1982. LFA1 and Lyt2,3 molecules associated with T lymphocyte-mediated killing; and Mac1, an LFA1 homolog associated with complement receptor function. Immunol. Rev. 68:171195.
  1. Sanchez-Madrid, F., D. Davignon, E. Martz, and T. A. Springer. 1982. Functional screening for antigens associated with mouse T lymphocyte-mediated killing yields antibodies to Lyt2,3 and LFA1. Cellular Immunol. 73:111.
  1. Gromkowski, S. H., W. Heagy, F. Sanchez-Madrid, T. A. Springer, and E. Martz. 1983. Blocking of CTL-mediated killing by monoclonal antibodies to LFA1 and Lyt2,3 I. Increased susceptibility to blocking after papain treatment of target cells. J. Immunol. 130:25462551.
  1. Martz, E., W. Heagy, and S. H. Gromkowski. 1983. The mechanism of CTL-mediated killing: monoclonal antibody analysis of the roles of killer and target cell membrane proteins. Immunol. Rev. 72:7396.
  1. Martz, E. 1983. One man's answer to immunological information overload: microcomputer management of the personal reprint collection. Immunology Today, 4:271273.
  1. Heagy, W., C. Waltenbaugh, and E. Martz. 1984. Potent ability of anti-LFA1 monoclonal antibody to prolong allograft survival. Transplantation 37:520523.
  1. Martz, E. 1984. Killer cell mechanisms: lytic granules, adhesion molecules, and other recent insights. Immunol. Today 5:254255. (Review of the 2nd International Workshop on Mechanisms of Cell-Mediated Killing.)
  1. Gromkowski, S. G., W. Heagy, and E. Martz. 1985. Blocking of CTL- mediated killing by monoclonal antibodies to LFA1 and Lyt2,3 II. Evidence that trypsin pretreatment of target cells removes a non-H2 molecule important in killing. J. Immunol. 134:7077.
  1. Gromkowski, S. G., A. M. Krensky, E. Martz, and S. J. Burakoff. 1985. Functional distinctions between the LFA1, LFA2, and LFA3 membrane proteins on human CTL are revealed with trypsin-pretreated target cells. J. Immunol. 134:244249.
  1. Mentzer, S. J., S. H. Gromkowski, A. M. Krensky, S. J. Burakoff, and E. Martz. 1985. LFA1 membrane molecule in the regulation of homotypic adhesions of human B lymphocytes. J. Immunol. 135:911.
  1. Martz, E. 1985. Lymphocyte function-associated antigens: regulation of lymphocyte adhesions in vitro and immunity in vivo. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 184:291307.
  1. Henkart, P., and E. Martz, Eds. 1985. Mechanisms of Cell-Mediated Cytotoxicity II, Plenum Press, N. Y., 568 pages. (Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Mechanisms of Cell-Mediated Cytotoxicity; Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. Volume 184.)
  1. Martz, E. 1987. LFA1 and other accessory molecules functioning in adhesions of T and B lymphocytes. Human Immunol. 18:337.
  1. Howell, D. M. and E. Martz. 1987. The degree of CTL-induced DNA solubilization is not determined by the human vs. mouse origin of the target cell. J. Immunol. 138:36953698.
  1. Howell, D. M. and E. Martz. 1987. Intracellular reovirus survives CTL-mediated lysis of its host cell. J. Gen. Virol., 68:28992907.
  1. Howell, D. M., and Martz E. 1988. Evidence against damage to the nuclear envelope of the target cell in the induction of nuclear disintegration by cytolytic T lymphocytes. J. Immunol. 140:689692
  1. Howell, D. M., and Martz E. 1988. Low calcium concentrations support killing by some but not all cytolytic T lymphocytes, and reveal inhibition of a postconjugation step by calcium antagonists. J. Immunol. 140:19821988
  1. Martz, E., and Howell, D. M. 1989. CTL: virus control cells first and cytolytic cells second? DNA fragmentation, apoptosis, and the prelytic halt hypothesis. Immunol. Today 10:7986
  1. Martz, E. 1992. Leukocyte FunctionAssociated Antigen One (LFA1). In: "Encyclopedia of Immunology", Roitt, I. M. and Delves, P. J., eds., Academic Press, London. pp. 998-1001.
  1. O'Rourke, A. M., J. R. Apgar, K. P. Kane, E. Martz, and M. F. Mescher. 1991. Cytoskeletal function is required for CD8- and T cell receptor-mediated interaction of cytotoxic T lymphocytes with class I protein. J. Exp. Med. 173:241-249.
  1. Martz, E. and S. R. Gamble. 1992. How do CTL control virus infections? Evidence for prelytic halt of Herpes simplex. Viral Immunology 5:81-91.
  1. Martz, E. 1993. Overview of CTLtarget adhesion and other critical events in the cytotoxic mechanism. In: "Cytotoxic cells: recognition, effector function, generation, and methods", Sitkovsky, M. V.; Henkart, P. A., eds., Birkhäuser; Boston MA USA, pp. 9-45.
  1. Martz, E. 1993. The 51Crrelease assay for CTLmediated target cell lysis. In: "Cytotoxic cells: recognition, effector function, generation, and methods", Sitkovsky, M. V.; Henkart, P. A., eds., Birkhäuser; Boston MA USA, pp. 457-67.
  1. Martz, E. 1993. Can CTL control virus infections without cytolysis? The prelytic halt hypothesis. In: "Cytotoxic cells: recognition, effector function, generation, and methods", Sitkovsky, M. V.; Henkart, P. A., eds., Birkhäuser; Boston MA USA, pp. 366-9.
  1. Martz, E. 1993. DNA fragmentation and cytolysis assayed by 3Hthymidine. In: "Cytotoxic cells: recognition, effector function, generation, and methods", Sitkovsky, M. V.; Henkart, P. A., eds., Birkhäuser; Boston MA USA, pp. 468-71.
  1. Martz, E. 1997. Leukocyte function-associated antigen one (LFA-1). In "Encyclopedia of immunology", Second Edition, Roitt, I. M.; Delves P. J., eds. Academic Press, London UK.
  1. Martz, Eric. 2002. Protein Explorer: Easy Yet Powerful Macromolecular Visualization, Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 27:107-109.
  1. Martz, Eric, 2003. "3D Molecular Visualization with Protein Explorer" in "Introduction to Bioinformatics", Stephen A. Krawetz and David D. Womble, eds, Humana Press, Totowa NJ, Chapter 32, pages 565-586.
  1. Glaser, Fabian, Tal Pupko, Inbal Paz, Rachel E. Bell, Eric Martz, and Nir Ben-Tal. 2003. ConSurf: Identification of Functional Regions in Proteins by Surface-Mapping of Phylogenetic Information. Bioinformatics 19:163-4.
  1. Duncan, Gary A., Eric Martz, and Sam Donovan, 2003. "Proteins: historians of life on earth", in "Microbes count! Problem posing, problem solving, and peer persuasion in microbiology", John R. Jungck, Marion Field Fass, and Ethel D. Stanley, eds. BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium, pp. 181-190.
  1. Martz, Eric, and Timothy Driscoll, 2004. "Introduction to Macromolecular Visualization", in "The Internet for Molecular Biologists: A Practical Approach", Clare Sansom and Robert Horton, eds., Oxford University Press, in press.
  1. Martz, Eric, 2004, "Visualization, Molecular" plus eleven related entries for the Dictionary of Bioinformatics, John M. Hancock and Marketa J. Zvelebil, eds., John Wiley Publishers, in press.

Martz Publications - Page 1