Scholarly Paper Three:

Working with Multicultural Children's Literature

Student Name

August 6, 2012

CTGE 5245-L21

Children's Literature in a Multicultural Society

Instructor – Andrew Fletcher

Scholarly Paper Three:

Working with Multicultural Children's Literature

*Write an introduction that tells the reader what to expect in this scholarly paper. Describe how the paper's title ("Working with Multicultural Children's Literature") links to what you will write.

Defining Multicultural Children's Literature

*What is meant by "multicultural children's literature"? Describe BRIEFLY how it connects to diversity, multiculturalism, multicultural education, and multicultural literature in general. Why would a teacher use such literature in her/his classroom with students?

*What are the two approaches used to describe/classify multicultural children's literature? Describe them BRIEFLY. State which approach you will be using and why.

Choice of Text (Annotated Bibliography) and Concept

*What text did you choose to work with for this assignment? Why did you choose this text? In narrative form, describe the following in regards to your chosen text: Author(s), Illustrator, Copyright Year, Publisher, Format, Genre, "kind" of multicultural literature, and "Reading Level." Write a sentence or two summarizing what the text is about.

*In terms of concept, what "culture" did you choose to focus on for this assignment? How does the "culture" connect to the chosen text? Why is it important to study this "culture"? Make a connection here to your chosen article on the particular "culture" on which you are focusing.

Selecting and Evaluating Multicultural Children's Literature

*What is involved in the selection of multicultural children's literature for its use in the classroom with students? What are some of the issues in regards to this process? What are the criteria used for selection and evaluation?

*Evaluate your chosen text based on the criteria you just discussed. What did you find? What "kind" of book is it? How do you know?

*Is the text in the end suitable for use as "multicultural children's literature"? Why is the text appropriate for use in terms of your focus "culture"? Again, make a connection here to your chosen article on the particular "culture" on which you are focusing.

Possibilities for Instruction

*Describe BRIEFLY how you might incorporate your chosen text and culture into your "future" curriculum and instruction. Include the approximate grade level, age, and ability level of the students you are theoretically targeting for this work. To what curricular/content areas, besides literacy, if any, does this work connect? What theory that we have studied this semester might be most suitable for this work? Why? How would the theory inform this work?

Moving Forward

*How comfortable are you with using multicultural children's literature? Why? If you are, how do you plan to incorporate its general use in your future classroom? If you are not, what might you do to change this situation?


*Write a concluding paragraph that brings closure to your paper.


*Use class notes and readings as references (at least three references to course readings are required).