Risk Assessment for Fieldwork Abroad
A written assessment must be completed for all departmental fieldwork trips abroad. What is important in conducting a risk assessment for a trip is that the hazards and risks are assessed and that measures are taken to eliminate of reduce risks to acceptable levels. Plans should also be in place should emergencies arise. It is important the risk assessment process is transparent to all participants in the trip. Risk assessment is an ongoing process and does not end with the initial assessment. Risks should be monitored through the period of a trip and reviewed between recurring trips.
The following assessment template should be completed along with the ‘travel log’ form when registering the trip for insurance purposes. A copy of this risk assessment should be sent to the Departmental Safety Advisor for comment and provisional approval. Travel abroad to higher risk areas also requires the approval by the Head of Department.
The headings provided in the template below are provided for guidance, although their relevance may vary from activity to activity.
Proposed Destination:Date of trip:
Trip Itinerary:
Include dates
Responsible person in charge of trip:
Contact details whilst away:
Other participating members of staff / students?:
(list names in Appendix 2) / Undergraduate Students / Postgraduate Students / Staff
Yes / No / Yes / No / Yes / No
Purpose of trip:
Justification for trip going ahead to a country presenting a higher than normal level of risk(e.g. countries or parts of countries on ‘FCO’ ‘don’t go list’):
Risk Assessment
The nature and complexity of the risk assessment will vary with the type of activity and therefore should be commensurate with the actual risk that the identified hazards pose in the particular circumstances.
Hazards / Comment / DetailIdentify & describe the nature of all significant hazards associated with the fieldwork & how harm could occur / harmful effect of the hazard identified / Measures to prevent or minimize risk
Identify the key control measures, proportionate to level of risk (i.e. likelihood + seriousness of harm occurring), needed to reduce risks to a low & acceptable level
Note:Modify list of measures to reflect specific requirements / Residual Risk Level
(See Appendix1)
S / L / RR
Travellers must take preventative measures according to the hazards that have been identified. Consider quality of food and drink in country of destination and medical facilities / arrangements /
- Raise participants awareness of generic personal safety issues when traveling abroad
- Request that participants inform trip organizer about any special health needs whilst on the trip
- Identify emergency health arrangements for the local area
- Carry first aid kit
- Ensure all necessary vaccinations / medications have been received / available
Off road driving,
hazardous terrain,
Remote country /
marsh / desert
Excessive hours/
load instability
Driving /
- Individuals should refrain from drivingimmediately following any long haul flight.
- Ensure that the driving license isvalid and insurance is arranged. The driverwill need to become familiar with localdriving regulations.
- Verifythat the driver is actually licensed to drivea vehicle in the country to be visited
Law enforcement practice, local legislation, by-laws,procedures &standards.Alcohol restriction. Punitive drugs laws /
- Make all participants aware of relevant laws that are associated with country of destination
- Raise participants awareness of need to carry relevant documentation e.g. passport ID with them at all times?
Crime / Security: /
- Street crime
- Theft of money and travel documents
- Advise participants to take normal, sensible precautions to avoid mugging, bag snatching and pick-pocketing
- Passport and money (divided into more than one stash) will be kept separatelyin inside pockets.
- Valuables (including passport and spare money) will be kept safe
- Avoid any high crime areas
Hazards / Comment / Detail
Identify & describe the nature of all significant hazards associated with the fieldwork & how harm could occur / harmful effect of the hazard identified / Measures to prevent or minimize risk
Identify the key control measures, proportionate to level of risk (i.e. likelihood + seriousness of harm occurring), needed to reduce risks to a low & acceptable level
Note:Modify list of measures to reflect specific requirements / Residual Risk Level
(See Appendix1)
S / L / RR
Political instability / terrorism: /
- Raise participants awareness of possible risk and common-sense measures to avoid flashpoints
- FCO / UMAL and WHO Web sites will be monitored to determine the nature of any safety alerts relating to the area
Geographic Locations / Climate:
e.g. extreme weather, exposure to heat & sun / mountains, cliffs, caves, mines and quarries, forests / woods, freshwater, sea & seashore, marshes & quicksands,
Hazards associated with the fieldwork activity:
e.g. equipment, lone working, hazardous substances, dangerous animals, diseases, roadside work, work at height, manual handling
Consider personal safety: injury, loss. In some countries, it may be preferable to stay in 4/5 star hotels thanin guesthouses, hostels or camping sites. The safety of the accommodation must beconsidered before departure.
Other hazards / considerations: /
- Need to contact relative or friend of participant in case of emergency
- Ensure that trip organizer has a record of all participants in trip
- Ensure emergency contact details are collected from all participants
- Put in place system of notification that all participants have arrived back from trip safely
Emergency Arrangements / Contingency Plans:Describe how 24 hour emergency provision will be provided locally and what action would be taken in the event of an emergency situation e.g. political unrest requiring emergency evacuation from country.
The following action is given as a guide only:
- Obtain the contact details for Emergency Medical Assistance and the University Policy Number before embarking on any trip. These details are included on the University Travel certificate.
- Obtain the contact details of the British High Commission or the Commonwealth Office in the country being visited.
- Any incident should be reported to Head of Department as soon as possible
Supervised student fieldwork:
Describe arrangements (‘safe system of work’) for supervision of students during fieldwork activities:
Unsupervised fieldwork:
- Describe arrangements for maintaining contact between worker(s) and academic supervisor
- Describe other arrangements that will be adapted to safeguard fieldworkers (consider what means of communication will be used and who will be made aware of fieldwork itinerary in case of emergency)
Describe the First Aid Arrangements (first aid guidance):
Training / Instruction / Information:
All individuals involved in fieldwork trips must receive appropriate instruction / information on significant hazards and appropriate precautions necessary to reduce risk to a low and acceptable level. Appendix 2 should be used to record that appropriate information & instruction has been provided to all fieldworkers.
Group / Course Leader’s Declaration:
- I will provide full safety instruction and information (including written safety protocols where required) for all those involved in the fieldwork activity (see Appendix 2 for record)
- I will provide appropriate supervision to enable work to be conducted within acceptable safety standards
Name / Signature / Date
Assessment Review
Review and update the assessment when either a significant change to the work activity occurs, or when there is evidence that a review is necessary e.g. following an incident or accident
Appendix 1: Guide to Risk Level Rating
Field / Rating / Score / DescriptionSeverity
of Harm / High (H) / 3 / Hazard capable of resulting in death, severe injury or illness, or major loss to equipment or buildings.
Moderate (M) / 2 / Hazard capable of resulting in injury or illness requiring absence from work, or equipment damage.
Low (L) / 1 / Hazard capable of resulting in minor injury requiring first aid, or inconsequential loss.
Likelihood / High (H) / 3 / Likely to occur imminently – hazard exists permanently.
Moderate (M) / 2 / Likely to occur in time – hazard exists intermittently or the hazardous operation occurs occasionally.
Low (L) / 1 / May occur in time – hazard exists infrequently and there is a low expectation of occurrence.
None (N) / 0 / Hazard removed completely or effect of potential hazard made impossible by design (applies only to residual risk).
Final Risk Rating / High (H) / 6, 9 / Priority risk. Must be reduced to a level that is acceptable through practical and effective control measures.
Moderate (M) / 3, 4 / Lesser priority risk. Should be assessed to see if further control measures can be applied to reduce to low risk.
Low (L) / 0, 1, 2 / No further action is required.
Appendix 2: Fieldwork Training Record
Sign off sheet for all participants (include emergency contact information?)
All those people taking part in the field work must sign below to indicate that they:- have read the risk assessment and relevant sections of the departmental code of good fieldwork practice
- have been given adequate safety information & instruction relevant to their fieldwork
- have been provided with written safety instructions/documentation where relevant
- agree to abide by any restrictions identified
- will report any concerns they have as to the safety provision, training to the Group Leader or directly to the Departmental Safety Advisor
Name / Signature / Date