How to define a fulfillment unit rule for a one hour loan with overdue fine /
  • This is an example of defining a fulfillment unit rule for a “1 hour loan”.
  • See separate documentation for more details on each stage.
  • There are multiple ways to do this, here is just one example

The steps we will follow are:

  1. Define an “advanced policy configuration” of type “due date” called “1 hour due date”
  2. Define an “advanced policy configuration” of type “overdue fine” called “1 hour overdue fine all hours”
  3. Define an override policy called “1 hour loan”
  4. Not always needed depending on the fulfillment unit rule you will later build
  5. Make a Terms of Use called “1 hour loan with fine on all hours”. It will use “advanced policy configurations” made above of type “due date” and “overdue fine”
  6. Make a fulfillment unit rule which uses the above terms of use “1 hour loan with fine on all hours”
  7. Test the fulfillment unit rule by loaning an items, waiting for it to be overdue, checking the fines, sending due date reminder job, and returning the item


The advanced policy configuration policy “1 hour due date” is defined for one hour. It is type “due date”.

Fulfillment Configuration menu > physical fulfillment > advanced policy configuration


The advanced policy configuration policy “1 hour overdue fine all hours” is defined for “All hours”. It is type “overdue fine”.


The terms of use “1 hour loan with fine on all hours” uses the above

Fulfillment Configuration menu > physical fulfillment > Terms of use and policies

  • “1 hour due date” policy for due date
  • “1 hour overdue fine for all hours” policy for overdue fine


In the fulfillment unit “regular” the fulfillment unit rule “1 hour fine on all hours item policy 1 hour loan” states:

If the item policy is “1 hour loan” then use the terms of use “1 hour overdue fine for all hours”

It is also the first rule in the list


The location DTYILIS is included as a location for the “regular” fulfillment unit.


Barcode YLK-203 is in the DTYILIS location and has an item policy of “1 hour loan”


At 3:37 AM the item is loaned and it is correctly due at 4:37 AM.


At 7:02 AM the item should be 2 hours overdue.

This is because it should have been returned at 4:37 so at 6:37 it is two hours overdue and at 7:37 it will be three hours overdue.

Correctly the fine appears when you do manage patron services > loans tab > all loans session


If I run the job “Notifications - Send Due Date Reminders” user gets a notification that the item is overdue.

Here is the letter:

Here is the job:


Now the item is returned. Staff user gets message “User has accrued fines of 2.00 USD


If you do retrieve the patron and go to the “Fines and Fees” tab you will see that he has a 2.00 USD Fine of Fee Type “Overdue fine”