December 4, 2013

Dear Aunt Susan,

This March 28 through April 5, 2014, during my high school Spring Break time, I have chosen to serve on a Young Life mission team in partnership with a local mission group called Next Step Ministries*. Our destination is to the Navajo Nation community of Crownpoint, NM. The community of Crownpoint has about 2,000 residents and is deeply impoverished. Houses are deteriorating and lack many of the amenities that American’s take for granted. Our work there will be to continue to build new housing additions and make much-needed repairs to existing homes, such as roofing, siding, drywall, stucco, flooring, ramps, and stairs. It will be pretty tough physical labor, but I want to be a part of showing members of this community how much we – and more importantly God – loves and cares for them.

I’d like to ask for your support in a couple of ways in order to have a successful mission trip. Specifically, I need both your financial support, and support in prayer. We expect God to use us to do amazing things through the homes we will help repair and rebuild, and through the relationships we develop with those we meet. I’m excited about how I might return home to apply what I will have learned and to serve God in our family, school, and community.

I am trying to raise (type in amount here) toward transportation and building material expenses of our trip. I would like to ask you to consider participating with me in this work I have chosen to do. Your gift of any amount will be greatly appreciated. I would love to follow up with you after our trip as well, to share some of the experiences.

If you feel you would like to help me in this experience, and can make a tax deductible gift, I would appreciate it very much. You can use the enclosed Return Addressed Envelope for your convenience. Please make your check payable to Young Life-Eastern DuPage, add “Spring Mission Tour” on the memo line. You can return it to me or the Young Life office March 15, 2014.

I hope that you are excited about what God is going to do through me, our mission team, and your gift. Thank you so much for your support and your prayers.

Sincerely, Return To:

Young Life Hinsdale

836 W. Hinsdale Ave.

Hinsdale, IL 60521

Attn: Spring Mission Tour

* See Information about my trip at:

Hinsdale Young Life:


Next Step Ministries: