Washington Park Board of Trustees
July 28, 2014
Called to order: 6:00 p.m.
Present: Barry Mahoney, Gil Major, Ed Medeiros, Lisa Arsenault, Barry Kaplan, Jeanne O’Connor, Rhonda Fisher and Dana Isaacson (GBP)
Quorum: Confirmed
1. Secretary’s Minutes – accepted as written – MSA
2. Treasurer’s Report – Ed Medeiros
a. Reviewed cash flow analysis including gas expense per building and expense variances
b. Gas analysis by Taylor – possible substantial savings by going out to other suppliers. Will go out to bid. Information needed is supply plus delivery for a 2-year contract. Research the $.80 per therm figure. Gil Major will assist GBP with this research project. Motion to proceed – MSA
3. Management/Maintenance Report – Dana Isaacson (GBP)
a. Surveillance camera installation is complete and operational. Surveillance protocol discussed. Owners will be notified that the installation is complete and infractions should be reported to GBP. Fines will be assessed on the first offense at $75.00 for dumpster fee plus $25.00 fine for a total of $100.00 per occurrence. MSA
b. For non-resident dumpster violations – call Andover Police Department with plate number based on no trespassing on private property.
c. Flood insurance – funded and renewal has been paid in full with $4,900.00 remaining in escrow.
d. Master Insurance Policy – no longer a 3-year option. GBP researched other options including the lowest proposal of $51,384 (Arbella). HUB suggests CAU is a strong provider because of guaranteed replacement (John Piazza). BOT asked GBP (Dana Isaacson) to look at the two options (CAU is the incumbent) and Arbella with a decision vote at next BOT meeting.
e. Pool Maintenance and Liner – Membrane Concepts is the lining provider with a proposal of $32,150 for a 10-year warranty and $36,950 for a 15-year warranty. South Shore Gunite does the maintenance after installation of liner. Proposal due after scheduled site visit and meeting with Dana Isaacson (GBP). DP (Dave King) proposal for membrane is $44,882.35 for 15-year warranty and $38,764.00 for 10-year warranty. GBP will continue to gather data on pool liner project.
f. Tennis Court and Gage – on August 8th T&K will be on site to review condition and repairs needed on the tennis court. Chris Plowman has ordered a new gate closer for the tennis court. Pool gate closer installed and is working well.
g. Landscaping – Newton House bushes – Wildwood replaced the wrong bush and the small planting still needs to be pulled and replaced with a bush of appropriate size. The garden area in the rear of Newton needs to be cleared out. GBP will alert Wildwood of both issues.
h. Hot water tanks – Plymouth House replacement on 7/29. Jefferson House is reporting rusty water. Callahan is determining if Jefferson is under warranty and test will be done this week.
i. Building cleaning – Champion currently cleans common areas of all building twice a month per contract. Some owner complaints recently. BOT discussed areas that do need to be reviewed regarding cleaning by Champion and GBP will provide Champion with a list of specifics including laundry rooms, spot cleaning and thoroughness by the on-site workers.
j. Tenant Orientations – have 21 recorded moves and currently 9 out of 21 need to schedule orientation sessions. GBP continues to track move-in/move-out. BOT requested that Dana Isaacson (GBP) handle all orientation sessions in person as Property Manager. Option of WebEx or Skype was also mentioned.
k. Unit door painting – unit entrance door on outside only is the responsibility of the Association. Process discussed regarding architectural guidelines for consistency. Dana Isaacson (GBP) has a template to present to the BOT.
l. Wall Air Conditioners/Sleeves/Door and Window guidelines – consistent process to be developed.
m. Maintenance Personnel – ROI discussed regarding on-site maintenance person and will be reported in detail at August BOT by GBP
4. Open Discussion
a. Parking – additional slots discussed should be painted in – Chris Plowman will handle
b. Franklin House – laundry ceiling tiles still need to be replaced
c. Downspouts plugged – need to be checked
d. Laundry contract – review MacGray contract – maintenance and response time is in decline
5. Executive Session
Adjourned at 8:00
Working Meeting: August 11, 2014 at 6:00
Next Board of Trustees Meeting: August 25, 2014 at 6:00
Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Arsenault