Example for Special Schools
Unit: KS2 or as appropriate – ‘Animals in Our World’
About this unit: A Sensory topic for SLD and PMLD pupils
Prior learning / Technical Vocabulary / ResourcesChildren may have experienced other sensory Religious Education including Bible Stories. / The vocabulary used will relate to the unit content.
Objects of reference, photos and symbols will be used as communication aids. / Pictures, books and toys with an animal theme.
Coloured sweets (beware of allergies)
Songs and tapes with an animal theme.
Eva Cassidy’s ‘Somewhere over the Rainbow’.
First Bible Stories video (IMC video Ltd).
At the end of this unit
Most children will: / Respond to some of the different stimuli and experiences presented.
Some children will not have made so much progress and will: / Passively accept different stimuli.
Some children will have progressed further and will: / Show awareness and enjoyment or dislike for some of the experiences presented.
Learning Objectives / Possible Teaching Activities / Learning outcomes / Contribution to other Curriculum Areas
Explore the awe and wonder of our world. / *Revisit the Creation story, use puppets, toys and masks.
Look at pictures, posters and books of animals.
Listen to animal sounds, songs and music. Use a feely bag to hide toy animals. / Experience Bible stories.
Experience a selection of stories from the Bible. / *Revisit the story of the Flood. Eat rainbow coloured sweets. Look at pictures of rainbows or paint a rainbow. Listen to the sounds of a rainmaker, birdcalls, rainstorms etc. Make a group rainbow picture with animals walking in pairs. Sing rainbow songs. Watch out for a rainbow. / Participate in these activities.
Have the opportunity to recall stories and activities.
Anticipate the events in a story. / *Read the story of Daniel and the Lions. Act out with toy lions and figures for man and angel. Eat a lion bar! Look at pictures of lions. Watch parts of Disney’s Lion King. Play with lion puppets; make masks. Talk about what we can do when we feel frightened.
Experience sharing. / *Focus on horses and donkeys-eat apples, carrots and sugar lumps! Smell hay, leather- riding equipment. Look at pictures of horses and donkeys in different situations. Listen to horse and donkey sounds, use claves, coconut shells to make sound of hooves. Play the game pin the tail on the donkey. Read the story of Jesus entry into Jerusalem or Mary and Joseph on their way to Bethlehem. Pupils could ‘ride’ a hobby- horse around the classroom.
Suggested Assessment Task: Refer to Special School Assessment Sheet