
Social Studies Standards Alignment

Hour 1 (time will vary, plan on more than one class session)
1. Pre-post Test
2-3. Read Introduction to Homesteading
4.SS.1.2: Trace the role of migration and immigration of people in the development of the United States.
4. Examine Jefferson Township Map: Prarie, Grazing, Valley, and Timber Land
4.SS.2.1.1 Use geographic skills to collect, analyze, interpret, and communicate data. (442.01a)
4.SS.3.2.2 Describe how geographic features of Idaho have determined the economic base of Idaho’s regions. (441.01b)
4.SS.2.1.3 Use a number/letter grid to find specific locations on a map of Idaho. (442.01c)
5-6. Family Identities
4.SS.1.2.1 Identify the major groups and significant individuals and their motives in the western expansion and settlement in Idaho. (433.01c)
4.SS.1.2.3 Analyze and describe the immigrant experience in Idaho
4.SS.1.1.1 Describe ways that cultural groups influenced and impacted each other. (436.01b)
Hour 2 (time will vary, plan on more than one class session)
1. Initial Wealth
4.SS.2.1.3 Use a number/letter grid to find specific locations on a map of Idaho. (442.01c)
2. Read “The History of Homesteading”
4.SS.1.2.1 Identify the major groups and significant individuals and their motives in the western expansion and settlement in Idaho. (433.01c)
3. Selecting Quarter-sections
4.SS.2.1.3 Use a number/letter grid to find specific locations on a map of Idaho. (442.01c)
Hour 3: Farming Year One (time will vary, plan on more than one class session)
1. Building a House, and possibly other buildings
4.SS.3.1.1 Compare how American Indians and early settlers met their basic needs of food, shelter and water. (440.01a)
2. Examine “Farming Forms”
3. Make decisions concerning land use
4.SS.3.1.2 Explain the concepts of supply and demand and scarcity. (440.01b)
4-8. Record earnings for “Farming Year 1”
9. FATE CARDS for: Helms, Rodgers, Austin, Casas, and Dearborn
Hour 4: Farming Year Two
(time will vary, plan on more than one class session)
1. Buy or Sell Land & Record Earnings
4.SS.3.1.2 Explain the concepts of supply and demand and scarcity. (440.01b)
2. Repeat 1-9 from Hour 3
3. FATE CARDS for: Dean, Carlen, deJong, Marsh, and Samuels
Hour 5: Farming Year Three
(time will vary, plan on more than one class session)
1. Buy or Sell Land & Record Earnings
4.SS.3.1.2 Explain the concepts of supply and demand and scarcity. (440.01b)
2. Repeat 1-9 from Hour 3
3. FATE CARDS for: Edwards, Bensen, Novak, Lee, and Holt
Hour 6: Farming Year Four
(time will vary, plan on more than one class session)
1. Buy or Sell Land & Record Earnings
4.SS.3.1.2 Explain the concepts of supply and demand and scarcity. (440.01b)
2. Repeat 1-9 from Hour 3
3. FATE CARDS for: Davis, Nelson, Boone, Murphy, O’Toole, and McKenna
Hour 7-8: Establishing a Town, Business Year One & Farming Year Five
(time will vary, plan on more than one class session)
1. Read pages 13-15 in Student Handbooks
2. Discuss “Establishing a Town” and
3a-3f. “Moving to a Town” (Business Year One)
·  New town residents fill out Community Job or Business Form
·  Property Sold
·  Loans Obtained
·  Businesses Established
·  Jobs Filled / 4. Farming Year Five
4.SS.3.1.4 Identify goods and services in early Idaho settlements. (440.01d)
4.SS.3.1.3 Explain the concepts of specialization and division of labor. (440.01c)
4.SS.3.1.2 Explain the concepts of supply and demand and scarcity. (440.01b)
5. FATE CARDS for: Juarez, Hudson, Moore, Caluchi, and Sage
Hour 9: Frontier Elections
(time will vary, plan on more than one class session)
1. Read “Frontier Elections”
2. Discuss elections
3. Carry out elections
·  File Petitions
·  Candidates Speak
·  Cast Ballots
4.SS.4.1.1 Identify the people and groups who make, apply, and enforce laws within state and tribal governments.
4.SS.4.1.2 Explain that rules and laws can be used to protect rights, provide benefits, and assign responsibilities.
4.SS.4.4.1 Discuss the concepts of popular consent, respect for the individual, equality of opportunity, and personal liberty. (430.01a)
Hour 10: Taxes
(time will vary, plan on more than one class session)
1. Read “Taxes”
2. Discuss “Taxes”
3. Complete Farming Year Six & Business Year Two, and include Property Taxes
4.SS.3.1.2 Explain the concepts of supply and demand and scarcity. (440.01b)
4. FATE CARDS for: Peterson, Luckman, Cohen, Braun, and Gibson
Hour 11: Frontier Roads
(time will vary, plan on more than one class session)
1. Read “Frontier Roads”
2. Discuss early frontier roads
3. County Commissioners meet and plan roads / 4. Other students do Farming Year Seven or Business Year Three
4. FATE CARDS for: Ericson, Lucas, Sherman, Fitzgerald, and Gunther
Hour 12: Railroads
(time will vary, plan on more than one class session)
1. Read “Railroads”
2. Discuss the reading
3-8. Establish Railroads
·  Explain consequences (land values, income, taxes)
9. Farming Year 8 & Business Year 4
4.SS.3.1.2 Explain the concepts of supply and demand and scarcity. (440.01b)
Hour 13: Evaluation and Debriefing
(time will vary, plan on more than one class session)
1-5. Take “Homestead Pre-Post Tests” and discuss
6. Discuss knowledge, skills, and attitudes
7. Evaluate the simulation itself

4.SS.3.1.5 Explain the concept of public and private property in the development of Idaho. (440.01e)

4.SS.5.1.1 Analyze the roles and relationships of diverse groups of people from other parts of the world who have contributed to Idaho’s cultural heritage and impacted the state’s history.

4.SS.5.1.2 Investigate the contributions and challenges experienced by people from various cultural, racial, and religious groups that settled in Idaho from different parts of the world. (433.01c)

Add Native American component?