Example Chemical Control Policy
XYZ Food Facility
Chemical Control Policy
Written By: A. Smith
Code: SOP P3.4.1 Revision Date: November 12, 2008
Designated trained chemical handlers
Transporting Through the Facility
· Take chemicals directly from the dock immediately after receiving tasks are complete and do not leave them anywhere but in their designated storage area
· Chemicals with a purple label (non-food area chemicals) are not allowed in any part of the facility except the maintenance shop. Do not transport non-food area chemicals through the facility. Call maintenance to come and pick them up from the dock and they will transport them outside the facility to the Maintenance Shop.
· Transport food area chemicals (chemicals with green label – hand soap, maintenance grease, sanitizer, detergent and boiler chemicals), through the facility in sealed containers
· Do not damage chemicals while transporting them through the facility (e.g. be careful not to hit walls, doorframes or other skids)
· Store chemicals for use in food in the locked chemical cabinet
· Keep the chemical cabinet locked. Only trained, designated employees have the combination, do not give it to anyone unless authorized by a Supervisor.
· Store chemicals in sealed containers
· Do not store chemicals anywhere but in the chemical cabinet except for hand soap and spray sanitizer of which one bottle’s worth of each can be stored in the processing room, cooler, etc. in labelled soap dispensers and labelled spray bottles respectively
· When adding chemicals to chemical cabinet, rearrange them so that older items are at the front and will be used before newer items (oldest used first)
· When removing chemicals from the chemical cabinet, be sure to take the oldest chemicals first
· If the chemical must be diluted or if a smaller container is needed, put a green label on the empty container (for chemicals for use in food areas) and include the name of the chemical, and the concentration
· Only use clean containers or containers previously used for the same chemical
· The following chemicals MUST be diluted: SuperSanitizer and Fat-B-Gone Drain Cleaner. To dilute, follow the instructions for the chemical you are diluting, located in the chemical cabinet.
· The concentrations of all diluted chemicals must be checked right after dilution before sanitation starts each day. To check chemical concentrations, follow the instructions located in the chemical cabinet.
· Clean up any spills promptly
During Processing
· If chemicals must be used in the same room as food, ingredients, processing aids or packaging materials, take special care not to get the chemical anywhere near them:
o Do not carry chemical near or above food, ingredients processing aids or packaging materials
o Do not spray chemicals in the direction of food, ingredients, processing aids or packaging materials
o When using maintenance or sanitation chemicals (e.g. grease, foamer), protect food, ingredients, processing aids and packaging materials by removing as much of them as possible, and fully cover remaining food, ingredients, processing aids and packaging materials with food grade plastic
Deviations: / Corrective Actions: /Not all chemicals will fit in the chemical cabinet / Additional chemicals can be stored in the closet in the shipping area. The closet should be locked, marked and chemicals removed and put in chemical cabinet when space is available /
Chemical found with no label / Discard chemical following proper chemical disposal procedure. Inform Receiving Supervisor and Food Safety Coordinator to retrain the personnel responsible for labelling chemicals. /
Food safety may have been compromised / Inform Supervisor. Follow Hold Procedure SOP P3.2.1. /
If deviation is recurring / Inform Supervisor who will ensure a root cause analysis is performed /
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