Examination Instructions For Students-Jan/Feb 2016
Buses will arrive and depart at the regular times during exam week. All exams will start at
9:00 a.m. The last day of buses is Feb 1stunless exams have been re scheduled due to a
snow day (Feb 2nd).
Students are not to be in school except on days that their exams are being written.
Cell phones, iPods, cameras and other electronic devices are not permitted in the exam room. Items will be confiscated by the supervising teacher and students will be referred to the main office. Electronics can be safely stored in the vault in the main office, but it is best to leave them at home.
Students who are in the school building may study in either the library (quiet study only) or in the cafeteria (quiet group study permitted). Students are not to be in the halls, stairwells, or at their lockers when exams are being written.
All textbooks are to be returned to the teacher upon arrival in the exam room. If a student does not return the textbook on or before the exam date, he/she must submit the textbook to the main office to ensure that he/she is not charged for a missing book.
Other than textbooks being returned, no notebooks or other materials may be taken into the examination room unless specifically instructed by the classroom teacher.
Students are to bring their own pens, pencils and other required materials to the exam room. Students will not be able to share items with other students. (Calculators, rulers, protractors, etc.) Cell phones, iPods and other electronic devices may not be used in place of a calculator.
Students are expected to be at the examination room at least 10 minutes before the exam begins and may not leave the room until the examination period of l½ hours is over. Students are expected to leave the exam area quickly and quietly as not to disturb the students who are continuing to write. Students writing a 2 hour exam may be permitted to leave ½ hour before the end of the exam. If they choose not to leave at this time, they must remain until the end of the examination.
If you arrive late for an examination, report immediately to the Main Office.
- If a student misses an exam due to illness, a parent / guardian must contact the Vice-Principal.
- Students who are caught cheating on an examination will receive zero on their exam and may be suspended (suspension will be served at the beginning of the next semester).
- Students who act out in the examination room or leave the exam room without permission may be suspended.
- Students who fail to write an examination will receive zero until a Vice-Principal has approved an alternate plan.
If school is cancelled on one of the exam days due to weather or other emergency, all remaining exams will be written one day later than they appear on this schedule. For example, if school is cancelled on January 27th, then all exams scheduled for that day will be written on January28th (the next exam day). All times and room locations will remain as they appear on the original schedule.
Exam review day will take place on Thursday, February 4th in the last 20 minutes of Period 5.