College LaneSurgery Patient Participation Group

Minutes of the public meeting held at 7 pm on Thursday 14th April 2016 at All Saints Church, Ackworth.


Dr. Jordache Myerscough, John Whelpton (Vice Chair), Carol Dorking, Andree Evans.Kate Kitchell-Bowden, Roger Whitworth, Sandy Gillan, Terry Knight, Meg Andrews, Fred Darlison, Jean Molloy, Richard Molloy, Harry Malkin, Arlene Collins and Delysia Shepherd.


Kay Fish and Adrian Mosby


Stuart Ensor (SE)


Lawrence Doyle (LD)


The meeting was opened by Stuart who welcomed everyone and gave a brief outline of how the meeting would progress. He thanked everyone for turning out to this our first public meeting.

Chairs Report:

Stuart gave a presentationwhich included the following:-

Who are we?

Patients & Other Surgery Users

Improve the Services & the Facilities of the Practice

College Lane Surgery & Associated Practices

Two Groups

Active Group – Meets at least every two months

Virtual Group – Available via email


What do we do?

Formed in July 2015

Provide a forum for Surgery Users to suggest improvements

Improve Users understanding of the way the Surgery works

Raise awareness of New Services & Procedures that the Surgery provides

Meet with CQC

Attend CCG Meetings

How do we do that?

Regular meetings with Practice Staff

Attendance at organised events

Dementia Awareness Day last September



Hold Public Meetings

What have we done already?

Helped to improve Appointment Booking

We are still working with the Practice about this

Produced a Newsletter – Copies available

Producing a Patient Survey

Liaison with other PPGs of Network 2


How can you help?

Communicate with us –

Leave a message at the Surgery

Look at the PPG Section of the Notice Board

Make us aware of issues you have

Following his presentation Stuart referred to our first newsletter and ensured that all present received a copy.

A brief general discussion then took place regarding getting information from the group out to the people of Ackworth.

Items discussed included making better use of the notice board in the Surgery and also the TV screen. Dr Myerscough confirmed that this was acceptable. He also confirmed that he saw no reason why regular meeting with Surgery staff should not take place.

Practice Update

Dr Myerscough provided the meeting with a detailed update of what is happening within the practice. A copy of his presentation is attached, however the main points of his presentation are as follows.

New staff include:-

Dr Ed Platford – GP Partner

Dr Joseph Firmin – Foundation Year Two

Mrs Amanda Stanley – Practice Nurse

Mrs Andrea Robinson – Practice Nurse

Mrs Stacey Wilson – Apprentice HCA

Miss Holly Walker – Medical Receptionist

Recent Student Placements include 1st, 2nd and 4th Year Medical Students, Physicians Associates and Nursing Student


To date1247 patients have registered for on line services which include prescriptions, appointments and summary care record. To register call at reception with identification.

Electronic prescriptions are available to order and collect from a pharmacy of your choice.

The Practice team are attempting the three peaks walk on 11th June in aid of Macmillan Nurses and Wakefield Downs Syndrome. They are looking to raise £1000, to contribute visit

The Care and Quality Commission recently carried out an audit of the Practice. Whilst the full results of the audit have not yet been released early indications are that the Practice has achieved highly.

A practice statement and graphics are included in the presentation.

The Dementia Awareness day held towards the end of last year was discussed by Dr Myerscough who outlined what the Practice had undertaken and carried out to improve the experience for patients, families and the community.

Lastly Dr Myerscough related to the ongoing close relationship between the Practice and the Patient Participation Group and detailed how patients could contact the group via .

At this point Dr Myerscough invited questions.

Q. The first query related to patients not visiting the surgery because the resultant prescribed medication might affect their driving insurance.

A. Patients should not allow possible insurance problems prevent them from seeking a medical diagnosis.

Q. A query was raised about medication review notes on prescriptions, they are not always seen. Could the surgery look to letting patients know it’s time for their medication review by text or email? To be looked into.

A. Reviews are important and act as a failsafe and allow other checks to be carried out. If someone runs out of medication an emergency prescription will be issued by a Doctor.


Q. Do electronic prescriptions have to be obtained locally?

A. Once electronic prescriptions have been issued you have the option to send it to the pharmacy of your choice.

Q. Can you get two month prescriptions?

A. The policy is to prescribe for one month only. Number of reasons for this, one to prevent waste, some patients don’t present prescriptions, some stock pile and don’t take the medication.

Q. Sometimes you notice a small problem and you don’t want to waste a Doctors time. Would it be possible to set up a “niggle clinic” for the over 50s?

A. Don’t ever think you are wasting a Doctors time, niggles may lead to bigger things, have them checked.

Q. If you have a problem which you think will take some time to discuss is it possible to book a double appointment?

A. Yes, make sure you let the receptionist know when booking the appointment.

There being no further questions Stuart thanked Dr Myerscough for giving up his evening to be at the meeting, he also thanked everyone for coming along and making the meeting interesting.

The meeting concluded.

Chair…………………………………………………………. Date…………………………