Examination Board: CCEA

Key Stage 4 Biology builds on the knowledge, understanding and skills developed at Key Stage 3. The course enables pupils to obtain sufficient understanding and knowledge to:

(i) Stimulate curiosity and interest in things biological and environmental.

(ii) Encourage an interest in the study, practice and application of science in the world and to develop skills leading to safe practical work.

(iii) Become confident citizens in a technological world and to be able to make informed judgements on Biological issues.

(iv) Recognise the strengths and limitations of scientific methods and to be able to apply biological knowledge to their own lives.

(v) Prepare for further study to AS and A2 Level.


Key Points / Separate Science
Grade and Tiers of entry / Foundation C - G
Higher A* - E
Practical Skills / Booklet A: Pupils carry out two externally marked pre-release practicals in year 12. 7.5% of Final Marks
Written Examination / Three examination papers
Final Marks / Written Papers:
UNIT 1- 35%
UNIT 2 – 40%
UNIT 3 – Practical Skills Booklet B – 17.5%
Homework / One per week

The decision on which Tier of Entry will be taken in the second term of Year 12, after the Mock Examinations, and will depend on the level reached over the two years of study.

Biology may be studied as a Separate GCSE

or as part of Single or Double Award Science

Who should choose Biology as a Separate GCSE?

All pupils are expected to select at least one Science-related GCSE. GCSE Biology will be appropriate for those pupils who have consistently attained above average marks in Junior Science and in Year 10 Biology. It will also be most beneficial for those who are considering continuing their study of Biology through to A Level or pursuing a Biology-related career.