Examples of Activities Carried out and Included in Evidence Sheets for each principle
City of Leeds School June 2011
You need to provide evidence that you have met each of the three principles.
1. Learn about what it means to be seeking sanctuary..
By creating awareness among students, teachers, school support and office staff, school management and governors.
Description of evidence submitted:
- Refugee week assembly
- EAL Admission form featuring signposting for refugees and other vulnerable groups.
- Minutes of inclusion/ administration meetings
- Email about and story written by a refugee student who was detained
- EAL induction student profile – info to staff on leaving induction
- Snapshot from EAL ‘update’ – info for all staff
- EAL graduation photos – which are displayed outside B31and attended y Progress Leaders/ form tutors/ other staff/ parents/ carers
- Photos from Curriculum Access Programme (CAP – a course of subject specific lessons taught by EAL and mainstream specialists to roll out good practice of teaching Newly Arrived students) + exemplar timetable
- Copy of training pack for Learning Plus – training provided in school for newly qualified teachers and new staff
- Induction Course timetable
- Schedule for EAL support in admissions meetings
2. Take positive action to embed the concepts of welcome, safety and inclusion..
Within your school and within the wider community
Description of evidence submitted:
a) Create a welcoming environment for students from different cultures
- Advocacy Support leaflets on display in reception
- ‘I speak in poster’ from reception (used to support visitors to the school who want to communicate with us
- EAL booklet
- EAL display in meetings room
- Welcome DVD produced by students and The Children’s society used as a starter for Induction course
- Student evaluation of EAL courses (students’ positive view)
- Inclusion minutes (from Principle 1) references to Buddy system for new students
- EAL graduation photo (from Principle 1)
- Poster advertising English Conversation classes
b) Incorporate the concepts into curricular (and/or extra-curricular) activities
- Personal Social Health and Citizenship Course Scheme of Work teaching about refugee issues
c) Involve refugees and asylum seekers in the day-to-day life of the school
- Emails about refugee teachers who have gained experience at our school
3. Share your vision and achievements..
With other schools and with the wider local community
Description of evidence submitted:
- Hudles Home Project – a collaborative project involving 10 Refugee organisations to produce pictures to represent relevant issues – photos of the exhibition at ArmleyMillsMuseum and LeedsCity museum, student work etc
- Roma student awards nomination emails
- Email regarding filming of a documentary by University of Leeds students for Refugee Week, on 13th June 2011-10-28 Letter to Yr6 Primary schools re: Induction for New To English students
- Culture Café poster – promoting EAL support for vulnerable groups
- Newspaper article about art student’s trip to London
Additional: List of inclusive activities carried out by the EAL team.
N.B. You only need to provide evidence for 2 of the 3 strands within the second principle. Contact if you have any queries.
St Mary’s CatholicPrimary School
You need to provide evidence that you have met each of the 3 principles.
1. Learn about what it means to be seeking sanctuary..
By creating awareness among students, teachers, school support and office staff, school management and governors.
Description of evidence submitted:
- Staff training by Rose and Setu – all agreed this was something we wanted to be part of
- Governors made aware of school commitment at TAP committee meting – regular updates shared at Governors meetings
- Whole school assembly by Eddie and Rose – raising awareness of staff, pupils and parents
- Parents kept informed of schools commitment and work on weekly newsletters and through school website ‘community cohesion’ page
- Workshop with Y6 planned with Jessie
2.Take positive action to embed the concepts of welcome, safety and inclusion..
Within your school and the wider community
Description of evidence submitted:
a) Create a welcoming environment for students from different cultures
- Welcome board in main entrance of school in 13 different languages
- Procedures in place to welcome new pupils, testaments from new families, visitor comments.
- Ofsted report – Equality inspection/ Section 48 report
b) Incorporate the concepts into curricular (and/or extra-curricular) activities
- Multicultural assemblies, curriculum activities and visitors in school
- Work with PAFRAS to support asylum seekers and refugees
c) Involve refugees and asylum seekers in the day-to-day life of the school
- Invited a group of refugee women into school during ‘Book week’ to share stories from their cultures
3. Share your vision and achievements..
With other schools and with the wider local community
Description of evidence submitted:
- Provided a display for Leeds City of Sanctuary launch
- Shared information with Leeds SLES faith cluster school
- Shared information with SLES Horsforth cluster schools, facilitating a meeting with Rose at next cluster meeting
- Shared ideas with other schools and individuals at the One Leeds One Love event
- Work with parish and other schools in parish to promote Leeds City of Sanctuary
- Prides itself on being a warm and welcoming school. ‘My husband and I certainly found this when we looked around and as a result sent our five children there. Our children have all left now but I went back recently to talk to the staff about becoming a School of Sanctuary and it hit me what a lovey welcoming school it is. As you can see in their reception they even have the word welcome in 13 languages.’
- Sadly, St Mary’s doesn’t tend to have families seeking sanctuary as part of its community but that doesn’t mean they don’t care. As a Catholic school, they believe that we should love and care for our neighbours and reach out in friendship to all.
- ‘This hit me 8 years ago when I was driving home from Harehills having left a mum seeking sanctuary who had no clothes or equipment for her forth coming baby. I said to my son, 17 year old son, people just don’t care. He said they do, you just have to ask the right questions.’
- St Mary’s try to teach the children that Christmas is about giving as well as receiving gifts. Through St Mary’s children’s liturgy group and the school, they asked children to donate one of their own toys for someone less fortunate than themselves.
- Staff fund raising for school of sanctuary by climbing 3 peaks and asking parents for support.
- Rose gave a talk to parents at St Mary’s on awareness raising. She asked parents for a loan of car seats to take refugees and asylum seekers on a day trip. They had a donation of 12 car seats.
- School is willing to support parish launch of City of Sanctuary in October
- St Mary’s staff arranged a meeting for Rose to talk to Stephen Laurence school cluster.
N.B. You only need to provide evidence for 2 of the 3 strands within the second principle. Contact if you have any queries.
HovinghamPrimary School
You need to provide evidence that you have met each of the 3 principles.
1. Learn about what it means to be seeking sanctuary..
By creating awareness among students, teachers, school support and office staff, school management and governors.
Description of evidence submitted:
- Examples of work done in Key Stage 2 – Where is your Sanctuary? What does Sanctuary mean to you? Art work
- Literacy focus work based on a text which raises the issue of a child asylum seeker
- Information created to teach and inform staff and governors
- Resources pack created for staff
- Staff minutes showing the Schools of Sanctuary focus
- SEAL is at the hear of the whole school curriculum – good to be me, my identity, why do people move?
- Guest speaker in school at the launch of Refugee Week
- Examples of questionnaires completed by children, parents, teachers, support staff and governors
2.Take positive action to embed the concepts of welcome, safety and inclusion..
Within your school and the wider community
Description of evidence submitted:
a) Create a welcoming environment for students from different cultures
- Sanctuary is at the heart of everything we do at HovinghamPrimary School. The concept is embedded into our policies and put into action by all staff: Headteacher’s statement, Inclusion Policy, EAL policy – new arrivals welcomed, School prospectus
- Bilingual signs used in all areas of school
- Dedicated area for newly arrived children
- International week reflected the whole school community
b) Incorporate the concepts into curricular (and/or extra-curricular) activities
- Long-term plan example from Year 4
- International Week planning
- Lesson focus on sanctuary and asylum seekers
- Texts and resources used in school by Muslim authors
- Future workshop descriptions for summer 2011
c) Involve refugees and asylum seekers in the day-to-day life of the school
- Working together (respect) policy
- Attendance Action Plan highlighting how vulnerable groups are targeted by a dedicated team daily
- Refugee teacher volunteering in Year 3 – Statement by Year group leader, volunteer comments
3. Share your vision and achievements..
With other schools and with the wider local community
Description of evidence submitted:
- Workshop presented by Race Equality Council on racism
- Plans for the new workshop on sanctuary to be presented in Refugee Week
- School newsletter highlighting focus of Race Equality council on becoming a School of Sanctuary
- Community cohesion Work – link school visit days with Knottingley Church of England Primary School, Programmes of work and photographs of their visit to Hovingham, Programmes of work and photographs of our visit to Knottingley, Examples of work produced on the day, Comments by the children
- Hovingham as a pioneering school sharing their work
- Display of the schools work on sanctuary at the One Love One Leeds City of Sanctuary event
- Assistant head delivering part of a workshop at the City of Sanctuary event