25 South Maple Avenue

Marlton, NJ

October 28, 2010

Parents, staff and general public are welcome to the meeting of the Evesham Township Board of Education,MelandAdministrationBuilding, 25 S. Maple Avenue, NJ08053.

The Board of Education recognizes that public input is desirable and beneficial in understanding the educational program of our school district.

At the beginning of the meeting, the President will inquire if any member of the public audience wishes to comment on items on the agenda.

Visitors are requested to use the following procedures:

1. Be recognized by the President of the Board.

2.State your full name and place of residence.

3.Identify the topic you wish to comment on and limit your remarks to that specific item.




October 28, 2010

7:00 p.m. Executive Session

7:30 p.m. Public Session

I.Call to order

II.Statement of Adequate Notice

1.Posting in District Office

2.Communication to the following:

a.Central Record/Burlington CountyTimes

b.EveshamTownship Municipal Clerk

III.Roll Call

Rosemary Bernardi

Joseph M. De Julius

Patricia Everhart

Eileen Lenihan

Jay Levenson

Lisa Mansfield

Bonnie Olt

Louise Sprouse

Sanford Student

IV.Executive Session


WHEREAS, the Open Public Meetings Act, provides that a public body may exclude members of the public from discussion of certain matters as set forth in detail in that Act; and

WHEREAS, the Evesham Township Board of Education determines that an Executive Session is required in order to discuss matters of litigation (American Asphalt vs. Evesham Township Board of Education, KL vs. Evesham Township Board of Education);ETEA Negotiations and communications arising under attorney-client privilege; and

WHEREAS, the matters to be discussed in Executive Session will be disclosed to the public at a later date in accordance with law; and

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Evesham Township Board of Education that the Board meet in Executive Session in order to discuss the above stated matters; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this session shall last for approximately thirty (30) minutes.


VI.Pledge of Allegiance

VII.Reading of District Mission Statement

The mission of the EveshamTownshipSchool District is to provide our students with an educational foundation in a safe, caring, supportive environment through a cooperative partnership with parents and community. Through the continuous reexamination of this environment, we will create conditions to ensure that each student has the opportunity to learn to appreciate and respect the uniqueness of individuals and to develop the self-esteem necessary for risk-taking, problem-solving, and self-directed learning. This will enable all students to achieve the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards at all grade levels and to meet the challenges of an ever-changing global society.


IX.Public Discussion - Agenda items only.

This meeting will now be open to the public referencing agenda items only. However, if your questions or comments pertain to litigation, student or personnel items or negotiations, we would ask that you see the Superintendent after the meeting since we do not discuss these items in public. Please state your name and address for the record. Comments will be limited to 3 minutes per person.

X.Approval of Minutes

XI.Recommendations of the Superintendent

A.Curriculum and Instruction



D.Student Activities


F.Superintendent's Report - Administrative Items

XII.Payment of Bills

XIII.Committee Reports - Board

XIV.Unfinished Business

XV.New Business

XVI.Public Comments - Any items of interest.

This meeting will now be open to the public referencing any item. However, if your questions or comments pertain to litigation, student or personnel items or negotiations, we would ask that you see the Superintendent after the meeting since we do not discuss these items in public. Please state your name and address for the record. Comments will be limited to 3 minutes per person.

XVII.Announcements - Board Members

XVIII.Executive Session (if necessary)


WHEREAS, the Open Public Meetings Act, provides that a public body may exclude members of the Public from discussion of certain matters as set forth in detail in that Act; and

WHEREAS, the Evesham Township Board of Education determines that an Executive Session is required in order to discuss matters of ______; and

WHEREAS, the matters to be discussed in Executive Session will be disclosed to the public at a later date in accordance with law; and

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Evesham Township Board of Education that the Board meet in Executive Session in order to discuss the above stated matters; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this session shall last for approximately ____ minutes.

XIX.Reconvene and Public Action (if necessary)


IV.Executive Session

1.Legal Updates – American Asphalt vs. Evesham Township BOE and

KL vs. Evesham Township BOE

2.ETEA Negotiations

3.Attorney-Client Privilege


1.State of the Schools Report by Danielle Magulick, Director of Curriculum and Instruction.

2.Vandalism and Violence by John Scavelli, Jr.(Attachment ______)

3.Disciplinary Information as per Code of Conduct by John Scavelli, Jr.(Attachment ______)

X.Approval of Minutes

1.Resolution to approve the minutes from the Regular Meeting and Executive Session of the September 23, 2010 meeting. (Attachment ______)


A.Curriculum and Instruction

The following items are being recommended by Danielle Magulick, Director of Curriculum & Instruction. The Superintendent has reviewed these items and has submitted them to the Board of Education for approval:

1.Resolution to approve staff for professional development and related travel expenses.


2.Resolution to approve the attached field trips & special events.(Attachment______)

3.Resolution to approve the acceptance of the State House Express grant award for a total of $1,200 through the Eagleton Institute of Politics, RutgersUniversity for DeMasiMiddle School & MarltonMiddle School. (Attachments______)

4.Resolution to approve the Nurses Assignment Plan for the 2010-2011 school year.


B.Finance and Operations

The following items have been submitted by Dennis J. Nettleton, School Business Administrator and reviewed by the Superintendent of Schools for Board of Education approval:

  1. Resolution to approve the Secretary’s and Treasurer’s Reports for the month of August, 2010. It should be duly noted that both the Secretary’s and Treasurer’s Report for August are in agreement.


  1. Resolution to approve the following certification on over-expenditures:

In accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(c)3, which requires the monthly certification from the Board Secretary or responsible charter school employee that no line item account has encumbrances or expenditures which exceed the line item appropriations in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(a) and in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(c)4, which requires certification from the Board of Education or charter school Board of Trustees, after review of the Board Secretary’s and Treasurer’s or responsible charter school employee’s monthly financial reports, in the minutes of the Board meeting each month, that no major account or fund had been over-expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(b), the Evesham Township Board of Education certifies that no major account or fund has been over-expended and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. This certification is for the month of August, 2010.

  1. Resolution to approve line item transfers as follows: October, 2010 – None
  1. Resolution to approve the 2009-10 and 2010-11 Special Education Tuition Contract Agreements and Associated Related Services as attached. It is noted that these awards are being made pursuant to a non-fair and open process and political disclosure forms are on file. In addition, these items are exempt from bidding in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-5a. (Account #XX-000-100-5XX-00-010)


  1. Resolution to approve Board of Education travel and related Expenses as follows:

Attendee / Date(s) / Program / Registration Fee / Lodging, Meals, & Incidentals / Maximum Total Mileage
Bernardi / 11/10/10 / GSCS Ed. Forum / $55.00 / N/A / $38.00
  1. Resolution to approve the retirement of the following equipment and authorize the School Business Administrator/Board Secretary to determine its final disposition in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-45:

Qty / Description of Item(s) / Reason for Disposal / Estimated Value
None this month
  1. Resolution to accept the following donations:

Description / Donor(s) / Fair Market Value
1 – Dolly for a digital piano / Kimberly & Robert Rinaldi / $350.00
1 – Aubert violin outfit / Connie Rosenbloom / $250.00
1 – Yamati violin outifit / Connie Rosenbloom / $200.00
1 – Suzuki violin outfit / Connie Rosenbloom / $100.00
  1. Resolution to approve an extension of the Electrical Supply Bid with HESS Corporation through May 31, 2011.
  1. Resolution to approve a 24 month lease agreement with Dell Financial Services for the leasing of infrastructure and computer equipment at an annual cost of $41,946. It is noted that this lease is awarded pursuant to a fair and open process. Also these items are being leased through the following State Contracts:

T-Number / Title / Vendor / Contract #
M0003 11-r-21493 / Dell Software license, support, maintenance, and related services / Dell Marketing, LLP / A-77003
M0483 08-r-39975 / Dell WSCA computer contract / Dell Marketing, LLP / A-70256


The following personnel items have been submitted by Tina Briscione, Personnel Director, and reviewed and recommended by the Superintendent of Schools for Board of Education approval:

1.Resolution to approve the following resignations with regret:


Arlene D’Andrea – 2nd Grade Teacher (ET43) – JaggardElementary School

Effective:January 1, 2011



Jacqueline Antes – Food Service Helper / DW - (FS30) – RiceElementary School

Effective:September 25, 2010


Jessica Davis – ECC Counselor (ECC7) – BeelerElementary School

Effective:October 1, 2010


Margaret Heine – Secretary (ECC19) – Evesham Child Care

Effective:January 1, 2011


Keith Manna – ECC Counselor (ECC64) – MarltonElementary School

Effective: October 9, 2010


Dolores Mazurek – Bus Driver (BDR14) – Transportation

Effective:January 1, 2011


Thomas Meenan – ECC Counselor (ECC13) – MarltonElementary School

Effective:September 1, 2010


Karen Nunn – Lunch Aide (LA34) - MarltonElementary School

Effective:October 5, 2010


Joseph Tobens – Facilities Manager (BG4) – Buildings and Grounds

Effective:December 1, 2010


2.Resolution to approve the following Leaves of Absence and Changes of Leave of Absence for the 2010-11 and 2011-12 school years:


Patricia Galardi – Computer Teacher (ET14) – EvansElementary School

FMLA:10/19/10 and 10/20/10 without pay and with benefits

Dalena Holcomb – 8th Grade LA/R Teacher (MT47) – MarltonMiddle School

Change to:

Leave of Absence:9/13/10 – 1/2/11

Disability:9/13/10 – 11/29/10 with pay and with benefits

FMLA/NJFLA:11/30/10 – 1/2/11 without pay and with benefits

Return to Work:1/3/11


Dawn Gervasi – PSD Aide (PSDA1) – RiceElementary School

Leave of Absence:10/18/10 – 10/31/10 without pay and without benefits

Return to Work:11/1/10

3.Resolution that the following appointments be made for the 2010-11 school year, and that the proper officers are authorized to execute employment contracts:


Rachel Levin

Position:7th Grade Language Arts Teacher (MT113)

Assignment:MarltonMiddle School

Effective:11/1/10 – 6/30/11

Replacing:Joy Williams

Salary:$48,000.00 (BA+30 Step 1 of the Teacher’s Salary Guide) prorated 11/11/10 to 4/15/11

$50,100.00 (BA+30 Step 2 of the Teacher’s Salary Guide) prorated 4/16/11 to 6/30/11


Melissa Lundstedt

Position:Long-term Substitute ICS Teacher (RCT11A)

Assignment:MarltonMiddle School

Effective:10/21/10 – 6/30/11

Replacing:Jessica LaGrou

Salary:$51,000.00 (MA Step 1 of the Teacher’s Salary Guide) prorated 10/21/10 to 4/15/11

$53,000.00 (MA Step 1 of the Teacher’s Salary Guide) prorated 4/16/11 to 6/30/11


Jennifer Weeks

Position:Long-term Substitute MD Teacher (MDT5A)

Assignment:JaggardElementary School

Effective:10/25/10 – 6/30/11

Replacing:Bridge Meile

Salary:$51,000.00 (MA Step 1 of the Teacher’s Salary Guide) prorated 10/25/10 to 4/15/11

$53,000.00 (MA Step 1 of the Teacher’s Salary Guide) prorated 4/16/11 to 6/30/11



Kyerston Corda

Position:Bus Aide (BA6) – 2.5 hours


Effective:10/25/10 – 6/30/11 (Shall serve a 60-day probationary period)

Replacing:Chelsea Parry

Salary:$10.22 (Step 1 of the Bus Aide Hourly Wage Guide) prorated 10/25/10 to 4/15/11

$10.43 (Step 1 of the Bus Aide Hourly Wage Guide) prorated 4/16/11 to 6/30/11


Francine Collins

Position:Classroom Aide (AA9) – 6.25 hours

Assignment:JaggardElementary School

Effective:10/25/10 – 6/30/10 (Shall serve a 60-day probationary period)

Replacing:Victoria Gervin

Salary:$13.40 (Step 1 of the Classroom Aide Hourly Wage Guide) prorated 10/25/10 to 4/15/11

$13.80 (Step 1 of the Classroom Aide Hourly Wage Guide) prorated 4/16/11 to 6/30/11


Theresa Cunningham

Position:Lunch Aide (LA34) – 2.75 hours

Assignment:MarltonElementary School

Effective:10/15/10 – 6/30/11 (Shall serve a 60-day probationary period)

Replacing:Karen Nunn

Salary:$10.22 (Step 1 of the Lunch Aide Hourly Wage Guide) prorated 10/15/10 to 4/15/11

$10.43 (Step 1 of the Lunch AideHourly Wage Guide) prorated 4/16/11 to 6/30/11.


Wayne James

Position:Full-time Custodian (C35)

Assignment:DeMasi Schools

Effective:10/13/10 – 6/30/11 (Shall serve a 60-day probationary period)

Replacing:Charles Murray

Salary:$29,200.00 (Step 1 of the Full-Time Custodian Salary Guide) prorated 10/13/10 to 3/31/11

$30,100.00 (Step 1 of the Full-Time Custodian Salary Guide) prorated 4/1/11 to 6/30/11


Amanda Shedaker

Position:Bus Aide (BA15) – 5 hours


Effective:10/25/10 – 6/30/11 (Shall serve a 60-day probationary period)

Replacing:Diana Beatty

Salary:$10.22 (Step 1 of the Bus Aide Hourly Wage Guide) prorated 10/25/10 to 4/15/11

$10.43 (Step 1 of the Bus Aide Hourly Wage Guide) prorated 4/16/11 – 6/30/11.


4.Resolution to approve the following reassignments and/or voluntary transfers for the 2010-11 school year:


Mary Jane Cashin

From:Clerk Typist (ECC3) – 4 hours – Evesham Child Care

To:Secretary (ECC32) – Evesham Child Care

Effective:10/25/10 – 6/30/11 (Shall serve a 60-day probationary period)

Replacing:Jacquelynn Maccarella

Salary:$28,875.00 (Shall serve a 60-day probationary period)


Vincent Epifano

From:ECC Counselor (ECC29) – 5.5 hours – DeMasiElementary School

To:ECC Site Supervisor (ECC5) – 5.5 hours – DeMasiElementary School

Effective:10/25/10 – 6/30/11 (Shall serve a 60-day probationary period)

Replacing:Caitlin Shoemaker

Salary:$12.00 (Step 1 of the ECC Site Supervisor Hourly Wage Guide) for 5.5 hours per day. Account: 52-132-100-100Z-00-000

Lynn Hayden

From:ECC Counselor (ECC8) – 2.5 hours – JaggardElementary School

To:ECC Counselor (ECC8) – 4.75 hours – Van Zant Elementary School

Effective9/1/10 – 6/30/11


Allison Kennedy

From:ECC Counselor (ECC25) – 5 hours – EvansElementary School

To:ECC Counselor (ECC25) – 4.75 hours – Van Zant Elementary School

Effective9/1/10 – 6/30/11


Keith Manna

From:ECC Counselor (ECC64) – 2.5 hours – MarltonElementary School

To:ECC Counselor (ECC64) – 2.5 hours – EvansElementary School

Effective9/1/10 – 6/30/11


Matthew Shikitino

From:ECC Counselor (ECC66) – 2.5 hours – RiceElementary School

To:ECC Counselor (ECC66) – 2.5 hours – DeMasiElementary School

Effective9/1/10 – 6/30/11


Michelle Wagner

From:ECC Counselor (ECC21) - 2.75 hours – MarltonElementary School

To:ECC Counselor (ECC21) - 5 hours – EvansElementary School

Effective:9/1/10 – 6/30/11


5. Resolution to approve the following salary adjustments for the 2010 – 11 school year:


Cari Funk – 5th Grade Teacher (ET62) – MarltonElementary School

From:$52,400.00 (BA+30 Step 8 of the Teacher’s Salary Guide)prorated 4/16/11 to 6/30/11

To:$55,400.00 (MA Step 8 of the Teacher’s Salary Guide) prorated 4/16/11 to 6/30/11


Jennifer Gilman – 4th Grade Teacher (ET194) – JaggardElementary School

From:$48,600.00 (BA Step 5 of the Teacher’s Salary Guide)prorated 4/16/11 to 6/30/11

To:$50,600.00 (BA+30 Step 5 of the Teacher’s Salary Guide) prorated 4/16/11 to 6/30/11


Karen Minerva – LD Teacher (LDT7) – EvansElementary School

From:$52,400.00 (BA+30 Step 8 of the Teacher’s Salary Guide) prorated 4/16/11 to 6/30/11

To:$55,400.00 (MA Step 8 of the Teacher’s Salary Guide) prorated 4/16/11 to 6/30/11


Jacquelene O’Brien – PSD Teacher (PST5) – RiceElementary School

From:$48,600.00 (BA Step 5 of the Teacher’s Salary Guide) prorated 4/16/11 to 6/30/11

To:$53,600.00 (MA Step 5 of the Teacher’s Salary Guide) prorated 4/16/11 to 6/30/11


Sara Troendle – RC Teacher (RCT69) – RiceElementary School

From:$48,900.00 (BA Step 6 of the Teacher’s Salary Guide) prorated 4/16/11 to 6/30/11

To:$53,900.00 (MA Step 6 of the Teacher’s Salary Guide) prorated 4/16/11 to 6/30/11


Lauren Venturi – RC Teacher (RCT66) – RiceElementary School

From:$51,600.00 (BA Step 9 of the Teacher’s Salary Guide) prorated 4/16/11 to 6/30/11

To:$56,600.00 (MA Step 9 of the Teacher’s Salary Guide) prorated 4/16/11 to 6/30/11


Melissa Walker – BD Teacher (LDT14) – DeMasiMiddle School

From:$52,400.00 (BA+30 Step 8 of the Teacher’s Salary Guide) prorated 4/16/11 to 6/30/11

To:$55,400.00 (MA Step 8 of the Teacher’s Salary Guide) prorated 4/16/11 to 6/30/11



James Baglivo – ECC Counselor (ECC77) – MarltonElementary School

From:2.5 hours per day

To:2.75 hours per day

Effective:9/1/10 – 6/30/11


Robert Biello – ECC Counselor (ECC41) – DeMasiElementary School

From:2.5 hours per day

To:5 hours per day

Effective:9/1/10 – 6/30/11


Kevin Decker – ECC Counselor (ECC42) – RiceElementary School

From:2.5 hours per day

To:5 hours per day

Effective:9/1/10 – 6/30/11


Anthony Hubert – ECC Counselor (ECC84) – RiceElementary School

From:2.5 hours per day

To:5 hours per day

Effective:9/1/10 – 6/30/11


Barbara LoCasale – ECC Counselor (ECC75) – EvansElementary School

From:2.5 hours per day

To:5 hours per day

Effective:9/1/10 – 6/30/11


Julianne Lozowski – ECC Counselor (ECC74) – DeMasiElementary School

From:2.5 hours per day

To:5 hours per day

Effective:9/1/10 – 6/30/11


Joseph McKenna – ECC Counselor (ECC90) – Van Zant Elementary School

From:2.75 hours per day

To:5 hours per day

Effective:9/1/10 – 6/30/11


Bethany Murphy – ECC Counselor (ECC44) – BeelerElementary School

From:3.25 hours per day

To:5 hours per day

Effective:9/1/10 – 6/30/11


Kathleen Ryan – ECC Counselor (ECC52) – Van Zant Elementary School

From:3.25 hours per day

To:5 hours per day

Effective:9/1/10 – 6/30/11


Patricia Tapp – ECC Counselor (ECC58) – BeelerElementary School

From:2 hours per day

To:1.75 hours per day

Effective:9/1/10 – 6/30/11


6.Resolution to approve the following miscellaneous personnel items:

A.Resolution to approve applications submitted to the CountySuperintendent of Schools, requesting emergent approval of employee hiring for the following individuals for the reasons as indicated:

Jared Kelley / To fill after school counselor vacancy in the district

B.Resolution to approve the following Student Teacher, Field Experience, Observation and Practicum Student placements for the 2010-11 school year:

Christine Amato (O) / TCNJ / L. Shaya/Rice / 10/19/10
Collin Canfield (ST) / Widener / J. DeCotiis/Jaggard / 1/10/11-4/28/11
Larissa DePerro (FE) / Holy Family / C. Parsons/Van Zant / 10 hours
Maria Frank (O) / RiderUniversity / M. Rowles/Van Zant / 10/15/10
Gerald Houck (O) / BCC / G. Hoopes/Van Zant / 4 hours
Karen Lynch (FE) / Fairleigh Dickinson / M. Krudzlo/DES / 30 hours
Laura Penna (P) / Montclair State Univ. / R. Thackston/DMS / 10 hours

C.Resolution to approve the following new volunteers for the 2010-11 school year:

Lisa Falzone / JaggardElementary School
Kayce Haverstick / MarltonMiddle School
Joan Kent / JaggardElementary School
Kara Marthins / JaggardElementary School

D.Resolution to approve the following paraprofessionals to assist classified students in after school clubs and activities for the 2010-11 school year:

(9/1/10–4/15/11) / HOURLY RATE
(4/16/11–6/30/11) / ACCOUNT
Nadine Cooper / 30 hours / Jaggard / Step 7 - $14.53 / Step 8 - $15.12 / 11-401-100-100A-04-011
Karen Enoch / 30 hours / MMS / Step 9 - $15.08 / Step 10 - $15.69 / 11-401-100-100A-09-011
Jeanne Guida / 35 hours / Jaggard / Step 1 - $13.40 / Step 1 - $13.80 / 11-401-100-100A-04-011
Katarina Jeronimus / 30 hours / MMS / Step 1 - $13.40
+ .50 for NJ Teaching Certificate / Step 1 - $13.80
+ .50 for NJ Teaching Certificate / 11-401-100-100A-09-011
Karen Katsigiannis / 60 hours / MMS / Step 8 - $14.81 / Step 9 - $15.41 / 11-401-100-100A-09-011
Maria Leati / 30 hours / MMS / Step 7 - $14.53 / Step 8 - $15.12 / 11-401-100-100A-09-011
Irene Maslowych / 30 hours / Beeler / Step 2 - $13.51 / Step 3 - $14.05 / 11-401-100-100A-01-011
Lisa Mondrosch / 30 hours / Jaggard / Step 7 - $14.53 / Step 8 - $15.12 / 11-401-100-100A-04-011
Elizabeth O’Leary / 30 hours / MMS / Step 5 - $13.98 / Step 6 - $14.54 / 11-401-100-100A-09-011

E.Resolution to approve Russell Bowles, teacher, to be paid for providing technical assistance in the Personnel Office from 10/1/10 through 6/30/11 at the rate of $27.23 per hour, not to exceed 20 hours (Account No. 11-000-252-100A-00-000).