Tell Us Your Story–Form

Everyone has a story that tells a different reason why it is so important that we walk each year.

We want to get to know you! Sharing your story allows our Staff to know more about the walkers who are the heart of the Walk. Each step and each walker counts. It is our priority to get to know and provide fundraising support to as manyregistered walkers and teams as possible.

Please tell usyour story and take the following opportunities to help make a difference:

  1. If your story is chosen, you will be featured on our online and offline publications including our website, e-mail campaigns, social media, and as we do our outreach to the media.
  1. This might be your chance to be chosen by our Staff, to be featured as a Parkinson’s CHAMP. A part of our website, Parkinson’s CHAMP is an online collection of monthly storiesmeant to capture how registered walkers are excelling to help the Walk raise awareness and funds for research. Fill out this form for consideration.
  1. By sharing your story, you will be helping to motivate others to take action.

Complete this form and submit to . If your story can be highlighted in any way, we will let you know via the contact information you provide usbelow.

By submitting this form and if your story is chosen, you are allowing the Parkinson’s Unity Walk to contact you directly to obtain more information, and you are giving the Parkinson’s Unity Walk permission to share your story. Please note that not all stories will be featured. We appreciate that you are taking the time to let us know more about you and your team. Thank you in advance for sharing your story about why you walk.

Contact Information:

Are you already registered for this year?

First and Last Name:



City, State, Country:

How else can we contact you?

Twitter Username:

Team Name:

Please use any or all of the following conversation starters to help tell your story.
Feel free to keep the answers short; we’ll contact you if we require additional information.

Who are you walking for? Are you walking for a family member or a friend, because you have Parkinson’s disease yourself, or in memory of a loved one? Why do you raise money? Was there a certain moment in time when you decided to register with the Walk? Or did you wait awhile until you signed up?

How does Parkinson’s disease impact your life?

Are you encouraged by your networks? Are your friends and family walking with you … how are they supporting you? If you are walking with a team, let us know about your team.

How did you find out about the Walk? How long have you been walking with the Parkinson’s Unity Walk? If you’ve walked before, let us know about your Walk experience and what keeps you coming back?

Are you planning any fundraisers? Let us know about them.

What are your personal and fundraising goals for participating in the Walk?

Is there anything else that you want to let us know about your participation with the Walk? Include anything that makes your participation unique.

In addition to your involvement with the Parkinson’s Unity Walk, how else have you taken action in the Parkinson’s community?


Please complete this form and submit to . We’ll contact you if we are able to highlight your story. Thank you for your support.


Parkinson’s Unity Walk, PO Box 275, Kingston, NJ 08528 – (866) 789-9255 – –