Everyone atSpirit of Hopeis a Minister of the Gospel
In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your acts of kindness, and give glory to your God. Matthew 5:16
Then Mary said, “I am the Lord’s servant. Let it be with me just as you have said.” Then the angel left her. Luke 1:38
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Coming Home for Christmas
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Christmas Eve Services
4:00 p.m. Family Service
10:30 p.m. Candlelight Service
No nursery for either service
First Sunday after Christmas
(No 8:30 a.m. Chapel Service)
(No Faith Walk Sunday School)
December 28
December 21, 2014Fourth Sunday of Advent10:00 a.m.
*is an invitation to stand as you are ableLeader/Congregation
The Gathering
"Let Heaven and Earth Sing Gloria"by Dan R. Edwards
Spirit A’Peal
ADVENT CANDLE READINGLuke 1:46b-55Tom, Jenna, Landyn and Merrick Tasto
"In this season of giving, we pause to open our hearts, our minds, our spirits to receive God’s blessings. We proclaim with Mary,
My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.
We have witnessed God’s restoration in the midst of brokenness. We have prepared ourselves for Christ’s coming. We have proclaimed with faith the promise of God’s generous righteousness.
My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.
Now we stand with welcome hearts, waiting to receive. Our spirits hunger for the coming of hope.
My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.
Like Mary, we are God’s lowly servants. As we light this fourth candle of Advent, may we receive with Mary’s openness and trust. Let us prepare to receive God’s gift of hope.
My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior. Amen.
Light the Advent Candle
Light the Advent candle, four: Think of joy forevermore;
Christ Child in a stable born,Gift of love that Christmas morn.
Candle, Candle, burning bright,Shining in the cold winter night;
Candle, Candle burning bright,Fill our hearts with Christmas light.
Permission is granted for this one-time use.
CALL TO WORSHIP(Leader/Congregation)
It’s almost time!
Just a few more days
And Christmas will be fully upon us!
Yes! Wonderful news! And when it arrives,
Do you plan to show up too?
Fully available for what God hopes to do –
This Christmas time?
Angels We Have Heard on HighNo. 238
Is that angels we’re hearing…? That would be different! Let us listen and pray together….
Glorious God, we hear traffic, the occasional siren, and the seasonal noise that accompanies holiday activity and last minute preparation. “Gloria, in excelsis Deo!” is not the most common exclamation these days! But, an angelic invitation to come and take part in what you are up to, well, that might actually knock us out of our almost-to-Christmas, have-to-get-these-last-few-things-done obsession! We might come out of our funk, wake up, show up, and place ourselves fully at your disposal, at least for a while! We might even surprise you! Gloria, in excelsis Deo, indeed! So may it be! Amen.
The Word
(As we join in the Ministry of Presence, please sign and pass the forms along the pew and then pass them back paying attention to those around you. Another way of attending to each other is to fill out a yellow prayer concern/joy card and placing it in the offering plate. You are welcome to do that.
(Following children’s time, preschool through 6th grade children are dismissed for classes. Nursery is available for children 2-years old and younger.)
Hark! The Herald Angels SingMendelssohn/arr. Rubino
2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16p. 349
Luke 1:26-38p. 69
MESSAGE“What Are You Prepared to Do…and Give?”Pastor Jeff Hansen
The Response
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
The Morning StarAndrew Carter
Gracious God, offering yourself anew to this world and to us in the coming Christ, you refuse to hold back! So, how shall we respond? What are these final few days of Advent preparing us to do, to give, to become, to bring into this world for all who wait and long for your promise to come to life, in Jesus’ name and spirit? Amen.
He Is BornNo. 228
The time has come at last. Christ is and is to be born-
This time very locally!
Are you prepared for that? So that you may be, God send you, the Spirit fill you, Christ go with you and you with Christ, always and everywhere. Amen! God bless. Go in peace. Amen.
(In consideration of those who remain during the closing music for moments of quiet reflection, please greet new and old friends for coffee and fellowship in the lobby.)
*Please stand, as able, to the Glory of God
COMING HOME FOR CHRISTMASTraditional Holiday Treats(Lower Lobby)
Spirit of Hope News
Coming Home for Christmas will be after worship today, in the Lower Lobby and Café area. All are welcomed to join us for traditional holiday treats.
Christmas EveServices plan to join us on Wednesday, December 24. We have two services, a Family service at 4:00 p.m. and a Candlelight service at 10:30 p.m. There will be no nursery at either service.
Christmas Poinsettias – If you have ordered a poinsettia plant in honor or in memory of a loved one, you may take it home after the Christmas Eve worship service.
Special Christmas Offering - This Christmas, our special offering will go to theBrooklyn Avenues,Ag Gradand PRISM. See the December Voice for more information. Christmas envelopes are inserted in the bulletin for your convenience.
Church Offices Closed – Thursday, December 25, and Thursday, January 1.
Thank You- Many thanks to those who helped with the creation and the delivery of the Christmas bags for our homebound members.
Chapel Service – There will be no chapel service on December 28.
Children’s Faith Walk Sunday School – There will be no Sunday School on Sunday, December 28, but will resume on Sunday, January 4.
Serving at Simpson-Please sign up on the bulletin board to provide food or serve at Simpson on Monday, January 5, at 6:00 p.m.
Orchestra Rehearsalwill resume rehearsals on Wednesday, January 7
Sanctuary Choir will resume on Sunday, January 18.
Christmas CD - Tom Witry, Melissa O’Neill, and Martha and Dana Mathewson have their new Christmas CD available! Please see them if you are interested in buying a copy!
2015 Altar Flower Sign Up. Remember a birthday, anniversary, or other occasion by signing up to purchase the altar flowers on a special Sunday. The cost remains only $25. Sign up today on the bulletin board flower chart!
All-Church Emails – If you are not receiving emails from Spirit of Hope, call the church office and we would be happy to add you to the list. These emails inform you of upcoming events and closings due to weather. Also, if you would like to be on the prayer chain, call the church office at 763-545-0239.
Attention College Students. Spirit of Hope would like to keep in touch with you as you return to college. Please call the church office at 763-545-0239 or email ith your college address.
Liturgists Needed for Sunday Worship - Are you interested in helping to lead worship on Sunday? We are looking for those willing to serve as liturgists, (to lead/read the Call to Worship, Opening Prayer, and Scripture). Sign up on the bulletin board in the upper lobby for a date that works for you. Training and support provided.
Did you Know? That you can submit your event for the online calendar at:
Our Community
PRISM Food Shelf - has asked the church partners to contribute specific items throughout the year for the food shelf. December Food: gravy, boxed potatoes, stuffing, cooking oil, sugar, brown sugar, powdered sugar, flour, canned green beans, canned cream soups, Jello, pudding, canned pie fillings.
You may also make a donation to PRISM. Be sure to clearly mark PRISM on your offering envelope or on the memo line of your check. If you would like a PRISM envelope, see an usher or get one from the Kiosk.
CALENDAR – Week of December 21, 2013
SUNDAY, December 21Wear Red Sunday/Coming Home for Christmas
8:30 amChapel Service
10:00 amWorship/Faith Walk Sunday School (nursery available for 2-year-olds and younger)
After WorshipComing Home for Christmas Fellowship
Holiday Treats and Coffee (Lobby)
10:30amDriving for Dinner at Your Door
6:30 pmBoy Scouts (Fellowship Hall)
6:30 pmCommon Solutions [AA Group] (Fellowship Hall, Nursery, Fireside Room)
WEDNESDAYChristmas Eve Services
4:00 pmFamily Service (Sanctuary)
10:30 pmCandlelight Service (Sanctuary)
THURSDAYChristmas Day
Church Offices Closed
SUNDAY, December 28
No Chapel service
10:00 amWorship/No Faith Walk Sunday School (Children will remain in worship; and nursery available for 2-year-olds and younger)
After WorshipFellowship and Coffee (Lower Lobby)
Attendance Report for December 14
Chapel Service14
Worship Attendance Last Week206
Bulletin Announcementsare due in the church office on Tuesdays by 9:00 a.m.
Voice Articles for the next editionare due in the church office by 15th of each month.
Church office email address–
*Articles or announcementsmay be dropped off at the church office or emailed .
Spirit of Hope UMC
7600 Harold Avenue
Golden Valley, MN 55427-4820
763-545-0239 763-546-3109 (fax)
Office Hours: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., Monday – Thursday
9 a.m. – 12 noon, Friday
Sunshine Valley Daycare: 763-545-6906
Ministers: Congregation
Pastor:Jeff Hansen
Children, Youth and Family Minister: Deb Johnson
Minister of Music: Jerry Rubino
Instrumental Music Coordinator: Paul David Stanko
Children’s Choir Music coordinator: Jane Samsal
Quartet: Melissa O’Neill, Susan Hofflander,
Tom Witry and Max Wojtanowicz
Finance Administrator: Peggy Bocklund
Administrative Assistants: Janine Hall,
Sharon Seiter
Nursery Attendant: Shannon Siler
Ushers:Lyle Dyck*,Gloria Peck, Buzz and Jan Nelson(*Head Usher)
Greeters:Craig and Cynthia Hotvedt, Peter and Thomas.
Liturgist:Jenna Tasto
Hospitality:Marilyn Gresser and Bernie Mogck
Poinsettias:Presented in honor and memory of loved ones (see insert)
Ask an usher if you would likelarge print bulletins or Williams sound system for persons with hearing loss.
Statement of Call:We are called by God to be a radically inclusive, caring community of faith – offering personal and social transformation through Jesus Christ.
Reconciling Statement:We are a reconciling congregation welcoming people of all sexual orientations.