The Unit shall be known as the "Second Toowoomba Venturer Scout Unit".
Normal meeting times will be on Friday nights from 7pm to 9pm, or at a time and place to be decided by the unit. Winter times are 7pm to 8:30pm
(1)To attract and retain young adults as members of the Scout Movement,
(2)Companionship and a sense of belonging,
(3)Experience in working within a group,
(4)Opportunity to experience / exercise leadership skills, and
(5)Interesting activities and the Award Scheme.
(6)Having fun while experiencing life’s opportunities
Young adults between the ages of fourteen and eighteen years are eligible to become members of the unit and are required to accept and obey the Scout Promise and Law, and to accept the Unit Constitution.
A high standard of conduct is to be maintained by each unit member as stated in the Scout Association Policies. The Unit Council and / or the Venturer Scout Unit Leaders will decide disciplinary measures and /or termination of membership.
Venturer Scout uniform as per Scout Association Policies is the required dress unless otherwise stated.
The Unit Council will consist of duly elected members being: Unit Chairperson, Unit Secretary and Unit Treasurer, as well as any other positions required by the unit. The elections will take place every six months, or when required.
Registration fees will be paid by the due date, (31 March of each year), or membership will be terminated. Weekly subscriptions, activity fees will be paid on time by each member.
Attendance at unit meetings and activities including Area and Group activities: A 75% attendance is expected from each member, any exceptions will at the discretion of the Unit Council.A visitor who expresses a wish to become a member of the unit shall undergo a trial period before being eligible for admission to the unit as a Venturer Scout. The trial period shall consist of no less than three meetings and no more than eight meetings over a two-month period, the Unit council and/or Venturer Scout Unit Leaders shall determine the length of such a trial period and whether the unit shall accept the visitor.
A subscription fee of $5 per week, or such other sum as the unit may determine from time to time, shall be payable by all members whether in attendance or absent without apology.
The Unit Committee shall ensure a programme is published approximately three months in advance and will take intoaccount Area Activities and Group events, and shall contain elements from the areas within the Venturer Scout Passport.
A duty Venturer Scout shall be appointed for each unit meeting or activity. The Duty Venturer Scout may call on the unit members to assist in the task or activity.
Those Venturer Scouts wishing to participate in the award scheme shall do so in accordance with the instructions and requirements as stated in the various handbooks. The unit shall support any member who is doing Award Scheme Activities by doing the required activities (e.g. hikes etc.).
A “hands off” rule will apply between members within the unit, while in uniform, at normal meetings or any outside scouting activities.
A Non-Smoking rule applies to ALL unit members under the age of eighteen years old, while attending unit meetings or any Scouting Activities or while in uniform.
Any infringements of this constitution will result in punishment decided by the Unit In Council and / or Leaders.
Venturer Scout Leaders:
(1)Be considered as members of the unit,
(2)Are members of the Unit in Council,
(3)Do not pay subscriptions, and
(4)Can override any decision made by the Unit if they see fit and if it is in the best interests of the unit.
This constitution may be altered, modified or amended by a two-thirds majority vote of all members of the unit at a unit meeting.
Last amendment 29-02-08